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Everything posted by SnowBungle

  1. What’s the chance of this reaching north Kent? I cant afford any more snow days, but I can’t help feel a bit excited looking at the radars...
  2. Half of me wants more snow. Still got plenty laying here. Not had any yet today. The other half of me is telling me that as a driving instructor, I need to get back to work at some point. Come morning, I’m going to be half happy and half disappointed. The question is, which half will be be happy?? I genuinely have have no idea what’s in store for the next 24 hours. Anyone willing to go out on a limb and predict what may come to north Kent tonight and tomorrow?
  3. I haven’t had a chance to look at models and forecasts today. What’s expected for Kent before the thaw this weekend? Seems the SE’s snow event for tomorrow and Friday has vanished from Met Office’s weather warnings.
  4. What’s the consensus for this evening and in to tomorrow? The showers off the sea seem to have died a death. Are they due to pick up again, or is this it for now? It’s been an amazing 24 hours!
  5. Excuse the most irritating and vague question, but I've not been keeping up with things. Just looked on met office site to see a full 5 days of yellow snow warnings. What the latest? What's expected? Are we looking at a dusting at best that melts at sunrise, or are we expecting some accumulations? Should I be getting excited about the next day or two? Thanks guys. I know how irritating those questions are!
  6. Here in Medway (Rainham) it's been snowing pretty well for the last hour or two. Cars have wet snow settling on them, there is snow settling on grass, and our shed roof is completely white now. Keeping my fingers crossed.
  7. Just had a bout of rain/sleety rubbish but it seems to be dying off already. Another blob following this wet band, but im fully expecting rain. Too warm for anything else. Not been on here much last couple of weeks. Are we sure any more fun stuff in the medium term, or have we had our lot this season?
  8. Hi guys (and girls). Is this snow I'm looking at on radar due to come to north Kent? I have a driving lesson to deliver 6-8 pm and don't fancy getting caught in it! Thanks!
  9. Is there an ETA for landfall of this French beauty coming ashore? Here's hoping the Medway snow sheild will be de-activated this time.
  10. Snizzle been floating in the air in Rainham fr last hour or two. Temp falling slowly, currently reading around 0.2. Thaw has slowed down.
  11. Are the rumours true? Are we due more this afternoon? Don't wants get my hopes up AGAIN only to be be let down AGAIN. Can anyone explain this protective bubble or shield erected round Medway yesterday? How did all areas in every direction get hit and us not? I'm starting to take things personally.
  12. After the snow dodging Rainham managed today, the last hour hour or two has been very welcome and made me much happier than I have been all afternoon! Thinking about walking on some virgin Rainham snow before bed. All 0.5cm of it!
  13. If it weren't for reading all the celebrations on here, or looking at the soul-destroying radar, I would have said the forecast was completely wrong and this weather system never existed. A very light flurry late this morning is all Medway saw. Completely lost faith in seeing any snow this season. False alarm after false alarm. It's left us Medwayians so bittery disappointed. In other news. Temp hanging around -1.
  14. Hear, hear! Seems as though an invisible wall diverted ALL the weather round us. The dusting we got was not even 1 snowflake thick. Massively disappointing.
  15. Medway got a pathetic dusting. Radar showing that it's retreating. That's it for Kent. Better luck next time :(
  16. Is it official? Snow has been cancelled for the vast majority of Kent?
  17. The smallest and most pathetic specs of snow blowing about in the breeze. Look hard and you might see one every few seconds. Rainham, Gillingham.
  18. Is the current (ghost?) front moving over west London now THE front that's supposed to believing the goods tomorrow? Secondly, is there any agreement at what time it is expected to make its way to the region? Got a 2 hour drive from Clacton back to my home in Medway tomorrow morning.
  19. The forecast on BBC breakfast just now just showed that the front WILL NOT reach the south east at all. All fizzled out before it gets 1/2 was spy across the country. I really hope that is not correct.
  20. If we get the lower end of the estimates, many will be very upset at 'just' 30mm. Me personally, I'm very torn. I want nothing more than to be snowed in and have a memorable winter to talk about for years to come. However, me and the wife are away for Thursday and Friday night in Essex for a short break. I'm seriously concerned about returning home to mid Kent on Saturday morning. Very nervous about going. Even considering losing our booking and staying home!
  21. Sitting in my front room in Rainham, the clouds to the north have a distinctly 'snowy' hue to them. That odd browny/yellowy/mauve colour.
  22. Temperature here in Medway falling steadily. From 2C earlier to 0.8C now and dropping still. Interesting. Going to be very icy soon I fear. Been looking at the Norfolk Blob. I'm convinced it will miss almost the entire region, perhaps skimming the extreme eastern tip of Kent at best by around 5pm. To head any more westward. It needs a significant shove from the east, or for the blob to increase in size considerably. Both, as far as my limited understanding of weather goes, seem very unlikely. Another promising chance missed.
  23. Enthusiastic moaning? We are British. It's our birth-right! I often wish I didn't look at the models and forecasts only to get my hopes dashed! And if I were ever to read tabloids, i'll be panic buying months worth of canned food and water by now. Perhaps it's a case of expect nothing, and take any wintry showers as a bonus.
  24. We got an inch or so last night, was good when it came down in Medway. Woke up to a much wetter and slushing affair than I expected. Even more surprising is that the DSA have taken candidates out on test already even though many roads are still very slushy and slippery. I've seen driving tests cancelled because of light frost! Must say this 'big freeze' had proven very disappointing. The forecasts and models keep getting my hopes up, but it can't seem to deliver the goods. Temps here currently around 1C, and the snow seems to be melting extraordinarily fast for the temperature. By midday there will be no trace of it.
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