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Posts posted by paget

  1. 34 minutes ago, Ravelin said:

    Local variation and the forecasts, even MetO, not being for your exact location. When I lived in Kemnay I'll swear the MetO forecast for there was always the same as Dyce. I worked in Dyce at the time too and in the winter it was often a good few degrees colder in Kemnay than Dyce, understandably, which made a huge difference to whether there was lying snow or not. Same in summer, a degree or two warmer in Kemnay than forecast. As you've said, your house seems to be in a folder spot than mine is, and we're pretty close really. Alford can be a few degrees colder still when there's snow on the ground and no wind. @Sceptical doesn't live that far, away either and the temps he's had this week in the morning have been a good bit colder than I've seen at my house . 

    Big variation in forecast max temps for here for next week if you compare MetO, XCweather (raw GFS) and Yr.No (raw ECM). Personally I expect the current MetO forecast for later in the week to trend downwards temperature wise in the next couple of days, as both the ECM and GFS suggest it gets colder again after around Wed. There's a fair chance of a bit of a snow top up before Xmas, or replacement if we lose what we have during the first half of the week. 

    Thanks, that’s really helpful! 

    I have a weather station and on Wundermap I can see there’s one up the hill nest the shooting place, it’s generally 2 degrees lower up there than down here! It’s good to compare! 

    it’s a balmy 1.8 now!! 

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  2. As a total weather lover but a complete novice when it comes to models/predictions etc can anyone explain how 2 different weather forecasts can be so different and wrong! Temp here is 1.7 at the moment but Netweather is saying -6 going down to -13 later! Met office says -1 now going down to -3 later!  🤪

    • Like 7
  3. 1 hour ago, Ravelin said:

    Still a fraction of what we had just 2 years ago, but this winter has only just started. 

    You can just about see the drifts in my garden on these, but wasn't the easiest light to get them to show up. It was actually much brighter than it looks, but trying to take photos into the sun.

    Could contain: Tree, Fir, Shelter, Outdoors, Hut, Nature, Countryside, Scenery, Person, Housing Could contain: Tree, Plant, Dog, Pet, Shelter, Outdoors, Nature, Hut, Countryside, Rural Could contain: Shelter, Outdoors, Hut, Nature, Countryside, Rural, Dog, Housing, House, Tree

    It’s beautiful! Our lovely next door neighbour was up the hill in the tractor clearing snow this morning! The fields look stunning! 

    • Like 5
  4. 13 minutes ago, Ravelin said:

    Yeah, if the weather means we don't want to walk the fog on the tracks up Sui Hiil we often wzlk along the road towards Terpersie. That road cz  be interesting enough if it's snowed, never ind if you are off the tarmacked bit. We live just off Sui Road, uphill from the church, been here comin up 5 years now. 

    If you know the track we are the last house on that track, next to the castle! 
    we just love it here! 

    • Like 2
  5. 27 minutes ago, Snowandrocks said:

    My little thermometer is currently showing minus 13.5c. Bit of a frost hollow in this little valley tucked in on the north side of Bennachie but seems a bit on the low side. Really need to invest in a better setup. 

    Could contain: Screen, Electronics, Monitor, Computer Hardware, Hardware, Car, Vehicle, Digital Clock, Clock, Digital Watch

    I’m in Tullynessle, we live in a little glen which always seems at least 2 degrees colder than out of it!!! 

    • Like 4
  6. 23 minutes ago, Ravelin said:

    Hi neighbour, what's the chances of that, although around here neighbor is often a relative term, you could be miles away. 

    -8c at the house this morning, widely that all the way to Alford, except pockets of -11/12c on the commute, including Alford itself. Again widely -5/6C on the drive home but down to -9C in Alford. Currently -7.4C here on the hill with a max for the day of -4.3C.

    The great plan to leave the snow shovels and grit in the greenhouse to avoid having to take the garage keys out failed spectacularly this morning when the greenhouse door was frozen shut. Got it open when I got home, and being left open. 

    Your posts about the roads have been very helpful, thanks! It’s certainly been interesting getting in the car the last couple of days!!!! 

    we live at the end of a farmers track which is very frozen, lots of huge ruts from the tractors which are now frozen!!! We live next to Terpersie Farm if you know that. 

    -9.8 now! 

    • Like 3
  7. Hi all, hope everyone’s ok. 

    it’s that time of the year again! Slight difference this year for me as In 3 weeks I am moving from Farnham, Surrey to Aberdeenshire! As some of you may remember I lost both parents last year and we made the decision to sell up and move where the snow falls!!!  We will be a bit east of the Cairngorms so hopefully we will get a fair bit!  Unlike all years I’m praying for no snow before we move!! Won’t be an easy journey at the best of times! It’s certainly snowing there today!! X 

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