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Posts posted by Petorious

  1. All this Welsh storm chat going on is making me feel as if not much else if likely to happen elsewhere, looking at the radar and I can see all storm movement seems to be on that same line from Dorset/Devon and up through Wales.


    Clouds are bubbling up well today, but they seem to cap to a point then just wonder off lol, nothing that tall at the moment. Question is will the midlands and slightly further east sample something this evening and tonight is there anything strong to suggest this.

    Seen plenty of charts over the passed few days, but even the latest weather from the BBC doesn't give any strong indication. :)

  2. It is a shame.


    Why can't we have it like the good old days anymore.

    Someone said something about not enough landmass but that's a load of rubbish as that hasn't changed in 30 years.


    I presume its all to do with natural or man made climate change, last few summers have been colder and wetter, this was just an odd bit of nice weather that's had a small raise in storm activity.

  3. Good prediction for how that storm is going to start in the bay of Biscay, blowing up like a big balloon. However like with all predictions they can change at the moments notice, it could end up being very different. At this short time though its likely but it could be 50 - 100 miles out in either direction, lets just hope its 100 miles west as it may end up crossing more of western France and end up smacking straight over most of England, mind you could do the opposite and not even bother us lol.

  4. Wow last nights storms were brilliant, was awake for most of it from 12 am until I had work at 6 am going to record some footage tonight if all kicks off again.


    Studying radar and even looking out to the south of me I can see towering clouds in the distance, they look to be building once again I would guess at those cells building are about 60 miles away and with current wind direction it puts me in a great path again, fingers crossed :)

  5. Just got in from work, looking across the fields I can see the large area of storm slightly left and further south of MK, looking at the last 3 hours of movement we might be in for a it or just clip it, however what isn't showing up on radar is how far the whole cell curls around and looks to head further east. Hopefully this is just structure building as it looks far to dark to be nothing.

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