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Posts posted by PiggiePalace

  1. 21 minutes ago, robert said:

    Should I be okay tonight. Winds don’t bother me used to them up here now. But flooding from the Atlantic worries me with it in my doorstep.

    This may help you to assess your flood risk.Currently you are on alert - (and I'm assuming the risk is from coastal not river/watercourse flooding where your property is?). The time to start worrying is if it turns to warning. 


    When I was on a flood warning in my previous house in Sussex, (flash flood stream) , I used to  put valuable stuff on tops of shelves/sofa/table etc, pick electric gang sockets off the floor. lift curtains up onto the window sill etc.  I was lucky I had two storeys so as well as the laptop/phone/handbag/insurance policies etc, all the guinea pigs went upstairs in the bathroom in pet carriers for the duration (we did all have to be rescued by the firemen once on that fateful 20th  July 2007 before we had a food warning system- water inside the house that day  was 18" and only took 45 minutes from when the rain started .....I always ensured everything was 1m off the ground after that) 

    Hopefully you wont go up an alert level but if you do, then take action as coastal flooding under these conditions could happen very quickly !!

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  2. Does anyone know if the winds about to calm down, the police have said they can not get out n to get in the hallway n stay there till they can get them. (Milkmaids daughter)


    I'm so sorry to hear this Milkmaid - you must be beside yourself with worry....and your daughter must be very frightened

    Assuming the roof has come off, they need to hunker down in the safest part of the house (which is normally underneath the stairs in a 2-storey property) with as many duvets etc as they can gather and wait for the storm to abate and help to arrive.

    I'm sorry I cannot be of more help

    I hope they come through this storm without further incident.|


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  3. Agree Jax...some near neighbour set off a load of whizz-bangs tonight......this makes the third "back-garden event" over the last 7 days.
    Luckily the piggies are indoors unperturbed......and it's only yours truly hiding under the duvet

    Thankfully we survived the rain last night having been put on flood alert AGAIN at 8.30pm (but I only found that out this morning when I checked my mobile for messages!)

    • Like 3
  4. Piggies are all (now) OK thanks everyone. (Last passing was Sambuca in July but still have 14!)

    Poorly piggie = intensive syringe feeding every 3 hours....plus multiple meds...luckily we caught things early enough last week and were successful in our supportive care of Sammy guinea pig (even if it meant a night on the floor for me whist the flood warning was in place)!

    I've been a tad busy recently as my County Council (in their new role as Local Lead Flood Authority) have prioritised my village for a Surface Water Flood Risk Management Plan....Finally we have an opportunity to rectify the surface water and (combined) sewage drainage issues that have blighted our village for the last 20+ years....(and kept me awake for most of last Xmas!!)

    Everything comes to he who waits! (but it's been a bloomin' long time!)

    • Like 4
  5. Afternoon all


    Been a gusty but warm day here, some longer sunny intervals helping there, think we have missed any showers so far today, may nip out quickly as I will not be able to tomorrow morning.


    Some sad news, the female Cockatiel died in the night, not the start to the day we wanted :(


    I'm so very sorry to hear this JaxSending you and your other cockatiel huge  hugsxxx


    Edit:mainly sunny day with some odd "lively breezes" this moming.All now quiet and calm....pending the next weather front moving in!xxx

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  6. Evening all


    been rather wet/damp dull and dismal evening here, feeling cooler too with it all, I did nip out earlier (had to get to the bank to do a reccy on how much was left (not a lot) and pop to the shop).


    My female cockatiel is not well, she has a cold and is wheezing and sneezing a lot, added some tonic to their water (need to add energy in the form of sugar), she is not standing still though, very active.

    Errrrmmm - Respiratory infections need antibiotics fast Jax - get thee to a decent avian vet please!Piggies are the same as birds and can go downhill fast (My last piggie vet was also an extremely experienced avian vet and taught me a lot).I now have a stash of antibiotics/other drugs (actually a reasonable pharmacy!) and ring my vet (at all times of day or night) to get permisssion to dose the appropriate meds til I can get them into the vet for exam/sign off said meds. 

    Hope Lady Jax cockatiel will recover.xxxxWeather wise - grey/dull/misty/rain all day - then coming back from Farnham 8pm tonight I saw the weather system clear and we ended up with  clear skies and a beautiful sunset. 

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