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Everything posted by Dami

  1. It has to said, never known so many clear, even cloudless days as we are getting now. It has been quite breezy at times too.
  2. Just for fun. yes there is a snow risk here. 64% sorry the pic is so tiny
  3. moderate rain, no thunder or hail and poof just like that the suns out and clouds *gone*
  4. meanwhile in a small village in the sticks we had a light rain shower.
  5. Always misses me and grows. Shame wasn't night, could at least seen the flashes.
  6. certainly got the rain and wind, but all the lovely thunder had gone up noff.
  7. pretty much after the strike was recorded, i heard the rumble.
  8. Blitzortung has 3 strikes, one just now, while lightning maps is showing nothing and NW's a bit slow. But yep will go just to north of me.
  9. Hold my tea, i see some of that green turn red and white and heading to us! and yes i heard something too.
  10. mm I think that will just miss me (again) getting quick dark here mind
  11. Well in Lockford or bedford but we shall keep to Lockford for now, it's been non stop clear and sunny. Some cloud in the morning that quickly goes and warm. Light breeze.
  12. FB friends from Eastbourne reported a storm last night, tis typical humph, lol Just rain. lovely rain.
  13. I miss my hometown, especially at this time of year. I was lucky to be able to live right on the seafront for a few months and could watch the storms over the sea on the balcony. Don't get that in deepest darkest Bedford, lol.
  14. another Eastbournian! Hey:). Hope you get lucky tonight. And good choice of music, been a PSB fan for near 30 years!
  15. would love a not too hot june and plenty of thunder! wow. What i don't want is 40c days like last year. And all i got after was a couple of claps from a storm that developed over head.
  16. I noticed a thundery looking sky just before it got dark (had that grey blueness about it) and maybe saw 4 odd flashes from where i was later. Had a peek on the radar and couldn't see any storms coming to me . That was it, apart from a strong breeze and the fact it went quite cool quick.
  17. wasn't till we were in bed watching telly i noticed some flashing to my south. Missed us by miles but at least nice to see some lightning. Had quite the breeze with it too.
  18. yeah. Oh well year is young. We get at least ONE decent display don't we? At least you have somewhere where close to watch anything
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