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Everything posted by Dami

  1. Girl Guiding has stopped all meetings as of now. So no more brownies for the foreseeable. Decided, as it's Mothers day coming up we won't go to swim school and have a family day. My little one then turned to me and said 'I want to stay home with mummy and daddy, why can't I?'
  2. I just wish I had the choice in the next couple of weeks to home school my daughter. I know it will be hard to close the schools but at least this could lessen numbers. I'll keep you posted.
  3. Had to happen sooner or later. Coronavirus update - Bedford Hospital MAYORDAVE.ORG.UK Director of Public Health at Bedford Borough Council, Muriel Scott, said "Bedford Hospital is currently treating an individual who tested positive for Coronavirus. We wish them all the best... Bedford's first known case.
  4. Apart from school events being 'cancelled' for parents, nothing for us is. So carrying on as normal, apart from we have wipes in the car and hands are washed as soon as we are home.
  5. People in the village are more worried than i give them credit for, Brownies are tonight and parents are already saying their children aren't going. It's a group of around 20 girls all who would of been at a school with hundreds. My daughter is still going until it gets cancelled or we are told to say in doors. She has already been to a dance competition, a birthday party, and swimming. No cases at time of writing in Bedford still (4 in MK now) I also received a text about the symptoms, what to do etc. 'The NHS are extremely well prepared for outbreaks of new infectious diseases' it tells me.
  6. I agree. I have been thinking of having a 'support' thread, non judgemental, somewhere to vent, and away from any figures or science? If enough like this I will do one,
  7. Hubs was talking to a parent who had to cancel a planned Holiday to Thailand because they were planning to take their elderly Parent with them and were advised too and were annoyed. They went on saying that they were thinking to go to Portugal instead as it's cheap at the moment. I mean as I said, we are trying to continue - as much as possible- to carry on as normal but at the moment wouldn't be thinking of boarding a plane and quite glad Hub's company have stopped all travel. I don't understand why you want to risk it. Then went onto say they couldn't get any loo roll. Do people really not understand what's going on?
  8. yes, but I think in these times support is a big thing. Yes looking up 'what next' isn't doing my anxiety any good, so as a community I look for support rather than a web page telling me 'not to panic'. I know you mean well and if you're not worried that's fine - having people to talk to and share troubles with i think helps. I'm certainly one of these types that feel better just writing down what I think.
  9. I am with you Spike. I have kept busy doing my cleaning, playing my PC game and having my family close. It is business as usual for us as it goes, Bubs went to a party at laser world and had a great time - swimming school is still on. At the moment our school has said it is cancelling events to parents, and is asking parents if they have internet access. The head doesn't want to close. Our village doesn't appear to be too worried. I am making sure hands are washed, mummy style. Oh and I brought a coat.
  10. My thoughts totally. Only the other day someone said to me they had just heard about Italy and were worried about a friend, and I had known about Italy for days before - so if people in this village wear flip flops in the rain because they don't look at a weather forecast, what's the odds they aren't even that aware? This government isn't making life at all easy. If any of us get the symptoms suggested and therefore the whole family will need to stay at home - my daughter has already been off twice with a nasty virus/throat infection - am I going to have the school banging on my door with an educational welfare officer because of attendance?I'm Sorry you cannot escape politics. Also I am not loving at all the idea that the best thing for us is to just 'hopefully get infected, get better and won't get it again' but some of you will die, sorry about that, attitude. No stiff upper lip here. I am scared and i think rightly so.
  11. I am not going to lie. I am trying not to get worried. My husband suffers with a bad chest at times and has frequent colds, I have had to taken him to A&E on one occasion with it. My Daughters school will have more than enough 'It's just a cold' and dump their children to school regardless. That's not their fault, of course people need money and the school is very much 'take calpol' and we're ring you if we are worried. All they care about is attendance. I am cleaning everything. The only saving grace is that Bedford hasn't had a recorded case, yet. BTW as a parent, and with no real knowledge of this virus, i wouldn't allow my child to be made sick. sorry.
  12. very true. Probably no different to any other illness like this.
  13. The interesting thing (for me) is that he is reporting he has the runs, when social is of full of 'this bug doesn't cause that'
  14. maybe a cold spell would kill it just the same? Anyway. It's quite chilly and windy out and we've had some showers.
  15. yeah i think some up north got some. I got some rain.
  16. I think one of most worrying things I heard is a group of kids went on a school trip ( a school around here, don't know which one) to Italy before the lock down, have now arrived home and are in quarantine for 2 weeks. This came from a Mother of those who went. I personally think they shouldn't have gone, but what a worry for that family and others. Begs the question why the school felt it was ok.
  17. Bubs school has been told to get a plan sorted in the event they have to close. They also have been upping their cleaning to include handles being done every hour or so, plus other things. Beginning to feel a bit surreal.
  18. I actually had snow for tomorrow on the NW forecast. Changed to sleet. Nothing on Met O.
  19. well I have had colds in the summer so..
  20. I think this would be striking a balance regarding schools - maybe allow at risk groups some time away - if required - but then how long is long enough?
  21. One of the kids at bubs school has just beaten Cancer. We are still being told if our kids get illness such as chicken pox we need to make sure the schools knows. Look back at my post regarding those kids going to that wedding - any of them could carry it, but be 'fine'. I hope and pray for that little one it doesn't come near here.
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