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Everything posted by Dami

  1. Well it said those symptoms are things such as a sore throat, headache, glands up in the neck, fever. Never had anything like that with it. In fact they sound more like i'm getting on/off NOW. Unless I get really ill I don't tend to bother a Doctor.
  2. I was quite poorly what ever happened. Where i had the jab really hurt and I can't pin point what was wrong, looking at the symptoms it wasn't an allergic reaction, but it was more achey and fever, but it lasted a few weeks. Not sure having a over enthusiastic immune system is a good thing, but guess it's nice at least part of me is.
  3. was on the actually edge of that cloud, Had a little rain but a chilly wind all day. I'm not even going to think about if it had been snow.
  4. yes! I had one flu jab and had a nasty illness that lasted almost 2 weeks and made me feel like shattered for a week more. Never had another jab.
  5. Bit of a breeze and cloud. some light rain. That's the post.
  6. The first round wasn't a cold i can assure you that and at the grand old age of 48 I have had plenty of colds, enough to say that even when I would of considered myself 'coldy' it was quite different to the colds I had in my youth, (ie started with a major thirst, sore throat and just knowing you had a cold coming, over a few days )these illness were in your face within hours. I think Corona virus is just the start. I know that someone in Bubs class went to Iceland before Christmas, was back a day, then was off sick for 3 days. A few days later bubs was complaining of feeling dizzy and stomach ache then i got it. Not saying we caught anything form them, but if you think an airport driver had had the same illness...an illness i have never had quite like before. Just to think all these people saying being vegan and do this and the other 'to save the planet' When all it could take is one person not bothering to wash their hands or be respectful when they cough or sneeze or use a bathroom. Think how many people in the world are like that? How many wouldn't care? more than enough.
  7. The thing is if it's mild how do you know you have it? I have had a very strange virus - started out of no where i might add - Just feeling ill and light headed, with stomach pain. It took maybe a week for for me to 'feel better' A day after i had felt better, Christmas eve, I got a sudden headache, pain above my nose and had to take painkillers to even face Christmas day. When that got better, guess what -out of no where- I came home from the school run, blamed a runny nose on a cold wind and within an hour*bang* temperature, achy, sneezing enough for me to spend 2 days in bed. When that got better I ended up with a sore throat and a bit of a cough, although generally didn't feel overly ill. My child also had this, and funny enough when hubs went on a Business trip his driver said he had been off work for a week with the exact symptoms. MY child however was given advice over 111 to go to hospital within 6 hours (very scary) to be checked out. Thankfully 2 more days off school and she was better. I doubt it was the Corona virus, I mean how could it of been? I hadn't been away from home and no where considered at risk. maybe there's more than one nasty virus out there and i was lucky? you just don't know.
  8. quite lass. I think it is a done deal now. Here's to the thunder i won't get either.
  9. I respectfully say that these things certainly bring out the worst in humanity. Goes to show how complacent and disrespectful we are as a species.
  10. You are quite correct, and throw in the fact we are a cultural melting pot these days, over 50 languages are spoken in the communities around here alone, people forever flying here there and everywhere to see family and friends, parents not wishing to have time off to look after sick kids and 'hoping for the best' and sending them in. Some small perspective. A few years back I was waiting at pre-school for the afternoon session to start outside, and quite loudly, a parent was having a go at her son because he had been sick again and the school had to ring her and she had to come out of work. She actually said 'How dare you get me out of work being sick again?' she was shouting so loudly i can still remember it. Yes that's right, he had a tummy bug and she still dragged him to school. Now imagine that tummy bug had been this virus? yeah.
  11. Someone in hubs company in London, has been tested positive. They had just come back from Japan. Hubs has a training meeting in a couple of weeks and suffers from breathing issues at times. People will do what they want. I say it was stupidity to travel, others will say it is freedom of choice. Probably even went into work thinking it was a heavy cold. You can have films telling people to wash their hands, how to put a tissue in a bin, - but just like the people here who wear flipflops driving and will think they will never be to blame for an accident, how many will go on their merry little way thinking 'on it won't happen to me' or 'it's just a cold' According to the symptoms, you can be infected but mildly. I carried swine flu to hubs we think when I was pregnant, how many could just be carriers? How I see it, all this 'worry' about climate change and the death of humanity, when it could be just a virus that could wipe us out far quicker.
  12. Had 2 moderate showers this morning. Was outside with hubs sorting stuff and it didn't feel like i need a coat, there was some spring in that sun. Gone cloudy now. Almost thunderstorm season.
  13. Had a few heavy showers today, just rain, but was treated to this:
  14. Met O have me down for heavy snow changing to rain. Worst way round but really? really? More snow? really? EDIT: JUST RAIN.
  15. Good few hours of heavy snow. Lovely. was turning more wet as we headed to school, had one one final heavy burst then it changed to drizzle and it all melted. Cool, had winter bring on the thunder.
  16. Excuse the santa stop here sigh. Shame it started off as rain/sleet.
  17. slowly but surely, my Met 0 forecast is turning to sleet. get in, son.
  18. quite so. Alexa tells me I will have partly sunny weather tomorrow
  19. For my viewing pleasure, I present you with a once in a winters time weather forecast. This forecast and been up and down and this mornings is the best yet. \o/ The light rain can do one.
  20. It all melted here. Wish I had taken my phone out, we were blessed with some lovely clouds today.
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