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Everything posted by Ellozee

  1. Meh, judging by the radar pictures going to be some storms/rain reaching the south coast around about 2,3.. lots going on between Bristol and Bournemouth atm! cant see much going on north of Sheffield though.
  2. Here's my view looking S/SW from Deal of the storm front, about 8:20pm
  3. Had about 2 hours of constant lightning from all directions (East Kent) after that amazing front roll and gust! moments of torrential rain but not enought to worry about flooding.. calmed down a bit now with just some distant flashes both to the NW over London way and NE over the Channel/North Sea/Holland. Impressive storm but expected a greater frequency of lightning from seeing the sattelite images of that cloud just BUILDING! Still beggars can't be choosers, good storm. Roll on the next bit.. guess we expect it to arrive early hours between about 2-4?
  4. Very humid in Deal, Just saw the same big front line roll as Updraft, dark skies and plenty of bubbling clouds to the south/south west. Few high flashes and rumbles and the gusts have just picked up. expecting a lot of rain in a few minutes. Have a great evening all you storm lovers.
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