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Everything posted by snowqueen1979

  1. Looking like the heavy stuff coming in a few hours don't give up hope people !
  2. How many cms are the Midlands suppose to be getting in this event ?
  3. Some fairly big snow flakes in the rain. Think its def on the turn here met office has us down for heavy snow from 9pm. Could be an interesting night! Hope you all had a lovely christmas what a treat this is !!
  4. Met office say rain for here but BBC say snow ! Let's see what happens.
  5. Coming down heavy here now. Seems to spot on with met office let's see about the next few hours and what it brings.
  6. Looks like a streamer setting up from the Cheshire gap hopefully heading our way. Looks quite heavy from the radar too.
  7. I'm originally from Halesowen used to live on Mayfield Rd by the full moon pub !
  8. Been confirmed on the school website thanks for the heads up.?
  9. Where did you hear that ? Not had any news yet about my daughters school.
  10. Central weather just said between 5 to 10 cms widely up to 20cms on high ground. This could be our lucky day ! Hope everyone gets some in the Midlands.
  11. No downgrade showing for South Birmingham in fact showing it starting at 4am now instead of 5am and still showing heavy snow till the afternoon.
  12. Showing heavy snow from 5am for Birmingham all the way through the day
  13. Hopefully this system pushes it way down fingers crossed !!
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