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Paul Sherman

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Everything posted by Paul Sherman

  1. Model Thread has been shocking today, although a Forum Host I have no Modding duties or powers these days but boy I would have thrown the stick at some people in there. Week Beginning the 21st Jan has always been on my mind for our corner of the world and nothing has changed that view. But the good thing is its not going to be a 2 day few centimetres and thaw in the sun spell but much more drawn out which is a good thing. Its coming!
  2. 1987 was a truly memorable winter but for longevity wasnt noted as it was all over by the 18th and only 1 week long, my school did close for 2 weeks though due to failed heating in the 2nd week due to bursting pipes and snowdrifts 15ft high in the first week, later that year another 2 week closure caused by the 1987 October storm where we had 3 weeks off with the timing of half term that year. I blame those weeks on me screwing up my GCSE's Hoping the 2nd half of January and February can crack my Top 3 in my lifetime winter spells, here's hoping 1. 1987 2. 1991 3. 2010 C'Mon 2019 you can do it!! Great Pictures Tom and say thanks to Ian for allowing those on here, wish I could find the one with people skiing down the A127 but have not seen it online for a few years
  3. Yh ok was being flippant GFS really should not go out further than 10 days anyways imho Just wish this Slug would do one now tbh, endless cloudy days seem to be getting everyone down
  4. Not Quite right The GFS on the 21st December at T384 was showing raging zonality and SW Winds with Dartboard lows for the 3-5th January I saved the images which are on my other laptop, will post them later when the little un has finished with the lappy
  5. Saw a picture from Italy earlier which had 15 foot drifts down roads, Incredible to think all we have had in the Tropical part of Essex this winter is a few flakes of snow floating around on the breeze in Late November. And only 1 scraping of frost from the car. Cannot wait to get my snow fix in March when me and the other half are going to Norway for 2 days and Abisko in Sweden for 2 days. They currently have around 50cm of snow at Abisko but temps there are very warm at around -2c when it should be around -10c. Tromso is even worse at +2c today. SSW Affecting them as well it would seem Good luck over the next few weeks everyone in the SE
  6. Ah ok - Sorry Jeff I got the wrong end of the stick there lol
  7. Well if 7 hours continuous last night is a slow start I say bring it on when it does pick up a bit
  8. Going to Abisko on the 6th March (New Moon) for 4 days and by the looks of it tonight cannot wait https://www.auroraskystation.com/en/live/
  9. The only pattern I am interested in is most notable Cold Spells are always preceded with a few weeks of High Pressure that cools off the ground with lots of frosts and freezing fog etc. 2010 was no different with a couple of weeks of High Pressure dominated weather at the end of November 2010 1991, 1987 also the same Get the cold in first and await the snow later. So although we have to be very patient most other notable spells from the east we have ALWAYS had to endure these phases of weather - We just didnt have the Internet or the lead time to sit around twiddling our thumbs
  10. Hi Jodie Most people use the Days Inn on Tower Road which is part of the Airport Complex and has loads of restaurants around it. Thats where we tend to meet most people, but alongside the Days Inn there are about 15 other Hotels all within a stones throw
  11. In answer to both questions When we start our tours at the beginning of May it is always a risk going for Denver as a base but how many risks are chaseable Dallas Southwards really, and as others have said with the ease of getting away from Denver into Kansas within 2 hours or the Texas Panhandle within probably 4 hours Denver is probably the way to go in future starting 2020 Mike there is a Base Hotel in Arizona, we use the Magnusson Papago Inn which is about 10 mins from the Airport along Mcdowell Road.
  12. Yes British Airways is NOT the way forward anymore it seems, especially to Dallas with Denver becoming the airport of choice. We have already taken the step to start tours 3, 4 and 5 from Denver in 2019 and we are talking about running all the Tours out of Denver from 2020 due to flight costs and ease of getting out of Denver as well. Regards Paul
  13. Hi Guys As soon as we get to the New Year next week the countdown is well and truly on for Our 15th Season Chasing Stateside and StormChase 2019. We currently have just 2 Spaces left on Tour 4 and 1 Space left on our Photography Tour. We also have 3 Spaces left on our Arizona Monsoon Tour in August which was hugely successful in 2018. Canada is totally Sold Out in July. This means we have got a record breaking amount of people coming Storm Chasing in 2019, from the 64 Spaces available only 6 Remain, so if you are thinking 2019 could be the year for you then there is still a few spaces up for grabs but I dont expect these to last long into the Spring. Full details below https://www.weatherholidays.com/ Hover over the Our Tours Tab to see what is still available. Hope to see you in 2019
  14. Max Yesterday was 34.7c at Tibenham according to Met Office Stats so nowhere near the record
  15. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10216705120168237&set=p.10216705120168237&type=3&theater From Nathan Edwards who is on here as Gorky (Username)
  16. Just seen a Pic of the York Storm on Social Media and 100% High Based Supercell - Stunning Structure
  17. Lol think you have a few hours of storms to get through first from that band north of Peterborough, you will be sick of them by the end of tonight I think
  18. Everyone in the drought zone dont give up hope Encouraging signs on the latest radar scans The line going through London is going to link to the stuff coming out of France and will sweep more NNE in the next few hours as forcing arrives further east 8-10pm will be my guess for the dry zones
  19. Yep turning into a big old MCS - Should be some stunning lightning later when it gets dark
  20. Hmmm Was expecting a Surface Based Storm If I am honest. Looks very elevated Thanks for the picture though buddy
  21. Its deffo a Boundary of some sorts, could be a SW Moving Outflow Boundary from the earlier storms in Norfolk
  22. MCS Looking good for Kent and Essex Later Nick ? Thoughts Temps still around 30-32c in these areas that have had zero precip
  23. 2 Probable Supercells at the moment, the left mover over Skegness and the one to its south in the Wash. Hoping some people can get some pics of these
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