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Everything posted by Milocation

  1. Wind has picked up here, the temperature has just plummeted. Can see rain on the way, fingers crossed something happens!
  2. same here, clouds seem to be getting darker and I have hopes for some thunder tonight
  3. Have not had ANY storms in OVER A YEAR here in Colchester!!! Anyone who has heard a rumble is lucky!
  4. remember a storm 4 years ago in may, lightning struck 3 doors down, caused all the alarms in the local area to go off, the brightest fork and the loudest thunder I had ever seen and heard!!!
  5. did you hear about the chickens that got blown away, that was foul weather!
  6. The storm furthest west seems to be struggling if u look at the rate of strikes on land and the rate on the channel http://www.lightningmaps.org/realtime?lang=en#y=50.3732;x=2.3322;z=9;t=1;m=sat;r=0;s=15;d=2;a=2;dc=0;o=0;n=0;dl=2;
  7. http://meteoradar.co.uk/ Contradicts the BBC completely, saying it will go inland
  8. http://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/2635167#extra-uk-content bbc predictions show it will be blown west when it meets the coast, it'll only skim the UK South coast, hope they are wrong!
  9. Do you think it will go anywhere near me???
  10. Milocation


  11. Milocation


    From the album: Sunset

  12. Milocation


    From the album: Sunset

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