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Everything posted by izi

  1. what i am thinking.. will this be out to the north seas in next hour or so? Looks like it may be over soon but we shall see.
  2. ditto! Its falling pretty hard here. Tiny flakes now, were huge before.
  3. here is a movie I took on camera phone going through a v heavy snow shower this afternoon on the A69. This was going west towards Hexham, but at the town end! http://www.wjea.co.uk/SNC00006.zip Also, here is a picture of a frozen lake with snow near my parents house: http://www.wjea.co.uk/SNC00013.jpg
  4. it was 1.3oC here before the snow started, since it has started it has dropped back to 1oC. Light/Moderate snow here in south gosforth. Need it to get much heavier if it wants to stick properly though. 0.7oC now! stopped snowing though.
  5. http://www.meteox.com/gmap.aspx?soort=beel...on=-1.845703125 small shower just north of newcastle. knowing our luck it will miss us, and reform just south of us
  6. any one think we will see any of the action out in the north sea tonight?
  7. i had just got home from pub, and i instigated a mass street snow ball fight with all the students, was really quite funny untill we got told off by a neighbour.
  8. -3.6 now, still dropping. beeb had only forecast -2/-3. off to bed.
  9. its sad that even met dont know this lol... i think we may get a dusting but we shall see. There are some good charts in FI to dribble over.
  10. seems to have cooled down a bit in Newcastle, south gos. Don't have thermometer at this address but it definatly feels colder, can see breath and rain has turned back to sleet.
  11. Rain / Sleet south gosforth, Newcastle. just 5 miles west there is snow
  12. for the past few years (at least two) i remember the Metoffice and Metcheck forcasting a cold winter. Esp last winter which didnt really happen. Therefore if they are forecasting a warmer winter, just possibly we may see some cooler weather! :lol: :blink:
  13. Hi All. Lots of excitment today and lots of people posting. I thought i would start this thread so that there aren't lots of post all about the same thing. Post your location and snow depths here. If you havent received any snow yet don't bother just saying no - i am more interested to see who has the most snow Location: Newcastle Upon Tyne Current Snow Depth: 10cm
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