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Everything posted by Snowkissed

  1. Very wet, very strong gusts of wind and basically horrid!!!!
  2. Still sunny here in Wimborne, Dorset, but beginning to see cloud cover - extremely warm, can just about hear distant rumbles of thunder. The Ilse of Wight Lightning decector shows that we have had lightning strikes but I can not report seeing or hearing anything significant!
  3. Please could someone look at the impending storm off of the Ise of Wight and tell me if we are at risk of it coming in land? Thanks in advance!
  4. Just had the most amazing T storm. The cloud was 'black' and looked as if it was 'bubbling'. The lightning came thick and fast with torrential rain. Very scarey - thought it could have turned really nasty - the children in the local primary school are screaming at every flaDoh a dumb swear filter got the better of me!!!!! Storm is now moving north Eastwards I think!
  5. The sky is really heavy and 'black'. The clouds appeared to 'bubble' for a while. Now we have intermittent rain, fork lightning. I think the storm is moving North East.
  6. It has gone incredibly dark - to the south west the sky is purple tinged with dark orange - never seen a sky like it - it is awesome!!! :o Still no thunder and no wind. Gone very quite !!!!!
  7. Yep it is looking black in Poole now - an anvil is now developing - can anyone tell which way this storm is tracking?
  8. WOW - An electrical storm has started here, flashes every minute or so - the thunder is really loud I would guess the storm is comming up from the channell - this is wonderful to look at !!!!!!
  9. Having quite a heavy shower of snow - it is just settling! Can't quite believe it!
  10. Well we have had snow flurries on and off since 7.30am. The ice crystals have been perfectly formed and absolutely beautiful to look at under the magnifying glass! It has not settled here but there are some beefy looking clouds over us now - here is hoping!
  11. Can't quite believe this - just had a light shower of snow here in Wimborne Bournemouth - If anything the wind has dropped and it feels warmer! At least I can say I have seen snow this year!
  12. Hi Dorset Snow - how far away are you from Wimborne?
  13. Heavy rain mixed with large wet snowflakes. Very cold. The wind has picked up speed. - Wimborne, Dorset.
  14. Light drizzle in Wimborne, Dorset, calm and 5.5oC
  15. Well from experience I would say that you stand a good chance in Bristol as you are higher up than here in Wimborne. We usually get your remains! Mind you considering the temps I would expect a light covering on hills and wet snow/sleet lower ground. I don't think that the excitement will start until late this afternoon into the evening. I would be pleased with a sprinkling on Bradbury Rings/Blandford! Good Luck anyway!
  16. Dull and damp here too in Wimborne, Dorset. Heavy rain all night long. Sky is clearing in the South. Not very cold yet either!
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