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Everything posted by Greyowl55

  1. ... and it continues; dull, damp,drizzly, mild, windless. A touch chillier today, but still new cobwebs, gnats - even the grass seems to be looking up. Moths still struggling to survive. Winter pheasants and rabbits at this height for the first time since I have lived here (30 yrs). No appreciable snow here for 3 or 4 years now. Seems like October rather than December. A touch of things to come? I personally think that apart from the odd extreme event, at any time of year, temps are subtly on the up. Whether it's global warming or a natural cyclical experience over centuries is a bit too political and/or scientific for me. Just wondering if I can manage bananas in the polytunnel this year! Season's greetings to all. Christmas dinner al fresco?
  2. Extraordinarily mild this morning - it actually feels warm even at this time. Currently 10.2C in a 3.5mph SW'ly. Pressure 1008.3 and steady.
  3. High yesterday at this location of 13.8C. Currently steady overnight rain, still raining. 15mm to date. 2.2mph WSW'ly, pressure 1012.5 and falling. Temp 12.6C
  4. As forecast currently unseasonably mild at 11.5C and rising steadily. 4.5mph SE'ly, pressure 1014.7 and falling slowly. Fully overcast.
  5. A decent frost, as forecast - currently minus 4.9C. Dead calm, clear skies. Pressure 1026.1
  6. Awful day yesterday. Steady rain rather than bucketfuls (9.6 mm) but all driven along by a howling NE'ly. Average wind speed of 22.1 mph and a peak gust of 38 mph. I could see a dusting of snow on nearby Plynlimon (752 m). Currently broken cloud, 3.1 mph NNW breeze, 1.8C, pressure 985.2 and rising.
  7. Wall to wall -rain. A driving 15.2 mph northerly is reducing the ambient 2.4C to minus 2.3C. Pressure 983.8 and falling.
  8. Nothing much here overnight; gusts of 15.2 mph at 0142 as Angus passed well to the south. No precipitation to speak of. Currently fully overcast, 2.2 mph NW'ly, temp 2.9C, pressure 980.8 rising quickly. Usual damp and gloomy Sunday.
  9. After overnight hail showers - sleet this morning and now raining steadily. Currently 4.1C (2.3 apparent), 4.5mph northerly, pressure 991.8 falling. 100% overcast. Looking good for tonight if the temp drops a little.
  10. Things livening up in the Aber area.Mini tornado in Aberystwyth & caravans upside down in Clarach. Max gust of 34.9mph at 10.38am at this location.
  11. If the winds remain northerly at the weekend then a good possibility. I am above 300m and the snow line in these parts is at about 200m. The snow used to arrive regularly just for a week at the beginning of December, then nothing until January. I have a feeling that the wind will veer westerly/south westerly and warm things up somewhat. We shall see!
  12. Back to the mild weather after Thursday's bitter winds. 10.5mm of overnight rain and still drizzling. Low cloud, 2.2mph breeze from the NW. 9.8C - pressure 1004.5 and rising. A good day to do the gutters.
  13. An interesting day ahead after these weeks of static weather. Currently light frost at -2.3C apparent. If today's forecast rain was being driven from the north then I would anticipate snow at this height. Alas, it's coming from the opposite direction and air temps should have sufficiently warmed by then to produce - drizzle. Dead calm at the mo, overcast, pressure 1005.8 and falling.
  14. First frost of the winter; 0.7C at the mo (-1.2 apparent). Clear skies, dead calm, pressure 1018.7 falling slowly.
  15. Extraordinarily warm here yesterday afternoon; 24.6C at 1230 hrs. With a cloudless sky (eventually!) it was as pleasant a day as we've had even in the summer.
  16. As above. As a keen gardener we do really need some cold & frosts to get rid of all the bugs and give a spectacular finale to the autumn. Just wall to wall cloud at the mo, 1.6 mph northerly, lightest of lightest drizzle, 9.2C and a pressure of 1022.8 mb. As a dedicated wasp loather I can't agree more. Mind you, I haven't seen many about here for several years. Must be something to do with dispatching every queen wasp I can find in April.
  17. Ha! Alas, only a couple of days of rather pathetic wet snow for the last couple of years, after years and years of 'decent' winters. Even a frost is a rarity nowadays. My SO is from the Black Country and would share your views. Plays havoc with my Rayburn too, producing nasty down drafts due to surrounding hills. A useful couple of hours today spent servicing the station; new batteries, WD40 the wind speed and wind direction sensors, and dismantling the rain gauge to remove the earwig nest which had incapacitated it. Ready for the winter, if we get one. Mild today - overcast, 14.6C, 3.1mph NW'ly, 1021mb. The rain gauge only shows 26mm because I've poured that amount of water through it to check it works. Otherwise - dry :-)
  18. Static weather continues this side of the border. The pressure has not dipped below 1000 for a couple of months now and seems stuck around the 1012-1014 mark. Stiff easterly of recent days has abated to a 1.6mph breeze with no particular direction. 7.6C, light cloud, dry.
  19. Weather fairly static here, and has been for a number of weeks. As yesterday, this morning 4.9C and dead calm. Light cloud cover - perception of fog forming? Pressure 1011.4, falling slowly.
  20. Thanks, I certainly will. I was in the MW Forum/Group for several years, but it morphed in to something else and then ... I'm not sure what happened to it. I had to go in to hospital for a big op and when I came out it wasn't there.
  21. Introducing myself; located half way up the Cambrian Mountains on the seaward side, 11 miles from the coast. Living in a valley we tend to have somewhat of a micro climate here, but there's usually plenty going on weather wise at this height. A cheap an' cheerful Watson W8681 set up which has functioned well for over 10 years now. Currently 4.6C, light cloud cover and a 1.6mph breeze from the SE. Pressure 1014.9, falling slowly..
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