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Villaggio Alpino

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Everything posted by Villaggio Alpino

  1. Spent 2 days in Garda Lake for a wedding.. full time in the fog.. but the church was a little elevated.. perfect sunset.. Now back home...stars a +2,3
  2. +6,1 °C , photocopy sunny days... lowest just a little under 0° e highest close to 9°C A lot of fog in the deep plains of central north Italy This morning new earthquake of 4.0 location Emilia, a second isolated shake after 2 weeks.. Nothing more to report, very quiet weather now.. just looking at the "spaghetti" for my area , looks like winter is arriving since next half week Great Official Opening Of the Italian ski season , this year at Courmayeur - Monte Bianco with fireworks and party. Just need more snow... and choose location ski resort..
  3. Today a lot of rains for South Italy area and especially in Sicily. Acireale area is close to get 200 mm daily of rain.. Those areas , usually dry or very dry, get easy shock with those amount of daily rain, there the land is not able to absorb all this water and the local rivers and streams, called fiumara ( often totaly dry for most of the year ) this time were not able to keep the water in the "main river street" ( we say bed of river but i do not know if in English it works same as in Italy). So some flooding are reported in Acireale and Augusta
  4. Under HP protection, Lowest around 0°C and maximal till 10°C for these days.. Frozen morning and sunny days.. Nice sunset.. +3,8°C
  5. November closed +1,0°C over the average about precipitations final total 406,6 mm with + 235,5 mm over the average Sunny and warm today... good evening
  6. Day dominated by the Fohn Wind... it is the warm wind katabatic from the mountain , this bring low your % , low dew point and a rise of the temperature.. those graphic show well how it works strong in the mountain\hill area , and disappear in the low plains Anyway dry clear sky ... on ours west side... so clear sky that in the afternoon far far away near Pavia \ Alessandria planis area was visible a high black cloudy very unusual.. few hours later i get my answer from the news..
  7. Cold morning today... clear sky shot low Temperature down especially in the plains of the region sunny day now.. nothing more to report.. Well, there was a new shake of the land this morning in Emilia, far away from the shake of a month ago, but this area got same situation 4 years ago... 3,7 magnitude.. with the hope it's just a alone episode and not a new wake up of that earthquake zone
  8. Yeap... few days of sunny.. and maybe a little opportunity of some snow in the weekend , but a big snow still needed .. we lost the opportunity last week... to warm..
  9. -0,7 here at home.. first time negative temperature in the evening in this new winter season...
  10. that's just one of the 2 local sky area, actually in my province we do not have villages over 1000 meters here.., most are between 400 meters as the main city and 800 meters altitude.. The reason is because of the heavy yearly precipitations averages in the over 1000 meters area, that means ,especially in the past, winter time isolation and landslide risk for the others season, so no villages over it...
  11. 6 mm in the night..not su much..and now partly cloudy.. cold.. -7 at 1500 meters altitude.. snow cannon working hard..
  12. Here we are... it start raining.. with strong wind from E Temperature is fast dropping down.. there are -2 at 1500 meters.. and some snow is report at 800 meters altitude..
  13. +9,9 °C partly cloudy evening. In the time i'm writing, Italy is next to getting his 1° winter east shot of the season., cold continental air in the Balkans is ready for flow over my country through le Porte Dinariche ( or called Porte della Bora ), Dalmatia door.., it well showed by the map of 10 meters of tomorrow winds where door are located, City of Trieste, far east of Italy is focus city for today, there Bora wind will tell us when, and how we must be ready for some cold. This air is cold and very dry..., but crossing the Adriatic sea , Venezia lagoon , foggy humid Padana plain( we call it ours local Lakes effect ) this air will rise her your %, and sometimes for central Italy, and west north Italy , thanks the help of ours natural wall of Alps ( stop effect ), this cold less humid air can generate some unpredictable snow-rain episode here on the feat of the Alps..( kind of local little little blizzard ) forecast give this possibility for next hours, but is something really unpredictable 90% of the times is just cold air, but a 10% are precipitations connected. Will see, what and where it will happen...bye
  14. Welcome.. , Sometimes local people try those adventures out of regular season...ehheh. I went there once , in July of many years ago... Actually that location is open for everyone with a minimal experience with climber and roped party. Consider first structure was built in 1892 , here in my main city there is the original pic below of those days.. actually it looks like this there is a weather station there with wind and temperature recorded, but is actually off line this is me there with few friends years ago..
  15. fantastic sunny day... high on Monte Rosa over 4500 meters the highest eurpean refuge frozen.. after days of snow, winds and...
  16. Is close to finish rain soon, just last leftover, my area get a maximal of 600 mm total in mountains places , and nearest main big city in the plains got 280 mm total, that show how Alps works as a wall... Rivers situation in my region are now better in the mountain\ hills area, more worse for the plains.. where the tide is bringing is high wave now.. red location on Tanaro and Po river in the map show a flooding situation.. ( but 90% are farm land ) Torino : Po river tide VS boats
  17. that is 100% Sestriere ...2035 meters altitude... fantastic ski resort here 2 snow-gauge of the location get some pictures too.. and a video of the last night snow in the village
  18. still raining a lot... +11C , also unusual windy today over 450 mm since the start for my area Radar still be charge good night all
  19. Civil defense stop in front of my gate.. There is a little creek near here... they want control it ehheheh... just saw them last night too..
  20. This is the hydrometer live situation now in my region, where you see : green means river in safe level yellow means attention level, red means over limit\ flooding the station on the village in the videos is this one
  21. Here the live radar of the precipitations. In this video, the Tanaro river jump over the bridge and side walls flooding the nearest area...
  22. Still raining... streams are next to flooding around in many villages.. here Geressio..
  23. Keep raining with +9,1 °C Today we rise between 160 mm and 250 mm since the begin of the precipitations in my area. Forecast are for more rain coming in the next days, because of that could turn potential critically for some areas, especially for the rivers and streams.. Will see..., I took a look in that "crazy location" in Liguria that get so much rain , actually looks like it stop rain for a while. Precipitations Graphic stops at 600 mm very close to be daily rain
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