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Everything posted by Mark_p

  1. Good evening, just popping in to wish you all luck with the Tuesday snow. I hope it comes off for you lot. I have mates in Cambridge and Canterbury and I really want snow there so they can send me some good photos as I've only ever visited in the summer. This week is a bit of a nightmare forecast wise, it reminds me of 'slidergate' last year here in the north west (amber warning to yellow to nowt) but hopefully the powers that be can forecast this one a bit better. It's radar/lampost watcher for sure!
  2. The level of uncertainty is interesting. I think this week will be a series of nowcast events. I'd ignore the weather apps, I don't know why they have them. They only show a projection from one model anyway so inevitably they change after every run - kind of like those in the mad thread on their emotional rollercoaster. I'm expecting a repeat of last week imby with perhaps a little more lying snow. You never know what surprises may crop up though.
  3. It looks like there are more showers incomming on the radar, that little band I photo'd earlier dropped a covering on all ungritted surfaces (and started to on the main road in front of my house which connects the East lancs to the M6 so the gritters have been hitting it a lot tonight) It's interesting that the showers are moving through quickly as there isn't a breath of wind imby at surface level. It fell as all snow here and we're not exactly a million miles inland and don't have a great deal of elevation. I'm going to have to stay awake a bit longer to see if these incomming showers amount to anything at all but I think it's safe to say it's going to be proper icy out there in the morning.
  4. Perfectly calm beautifully heavy snow shower here. I know it won't last but I love pm shots for this, even if it is fleeting. Settling on the gritted main road too but I can't imagine it lasting it much longer. Still more weather has happened today than since Christmas.
  5. Interesting that the rain isn't even heavy here. I reckon it'll pick up shortly but I've certainly seen more intense cold fronts sweeping in.
  6. Noticed a couple of lightning strikes on Blitzortung south of Dublin. It'd be cool if we got some in the showers tomorrow.
  7. An exceptional summer for our neck of the woods (I usually don't bother with this site in the summer.) As posters above have said there are convective developments to the south of the region but nothing electric yet. I can see dark clouds from my window facing south Cheshire way but looking at the radar, it looks like a 5 minute shower at this point. Eyes down for developments further south heading this way :)
  8. Oh dear, I'm still out of the updated warning of 1-4cm... I suppose this must be icing sugar that's been falling out of the sky since 8 o'clock. Never mind (whatever it is) is still coming down
  9. The radar has been fascinating tonight - the streamers have been going on for a few hours, and although the one over me has varied in intensity, it's been a long time since I've seen one tracking from around the Humber, crossing right over and surviving as it exists into the Irish sea, all this following a near ice day and amazingly cold temperatures right now. Love this
  10. Hi all, long time lurker, very rare poster (spend a lot of time on here when 'interesting weather' is forecast however.) Just thought I'd weigh in and point out that tonight, not for the first time, IMBY has gotten far more snow when not actually under any kind of Met Office warning than many times they've put a warning out. Oh well, tonight has been a nice surprise even if it is just a few cm
  11. Hi all, long time lurker here, but first time posting. I often come to the north west forums when there is a hint of wintry weather but I've been reading posts tonight and wanted to share that the Thelwall Viaduct already has a speed reduction out (not that rare I know) but drove over it earlier and absolutely could feel the gusts on my car. Could be wild on Thursday, take care.
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