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Rain Lady

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Everything posted by Rain Lady

  1. I think the distant fuzz is the streamer of showers through Ireland and the Irish Sea.
  2. Now at midday the sun is out and feels gently warm. Nice.
  3. Rain collectd at 9am brought annual total so far to 2007.4 mm. Incredible and probaby more to come.
  4. A violent extratropical storm heads for the Aleutian Islands Alaska tonight, sting jet develops major 52 feet (16+ m) waves WWW.SEVERE-WEATHER.EU This extratropical storm is yet another bomb cyclone with an extremely rapid strengthening and a pressure drop of nearly 45 mbar over the 24-hour period!
  5. Wet and sleety, wind is raw and bleak. Buries into your bones. Temp 3.3C
  6. Bella has smashed our 50yr annual max record. (Manual daily gauge on Met office observers site. Collected 9am GMT) After yesterday's 21.5mm, 2020 is now 1996.2 mm. (previous record was 1984.0 mm in 2012) Hail just now. Beefy looking showers upwind. Could reach 2000 mm by tomorrow. Incredible wetness.
  7. Rain lashing on west facing windows and really strong gusty wind now. Been collecting up torches and candles. A likely night for electric to go off. Will be the end of the Chrstmas break for the emergency crews.
  8. Yes we had a few flakes of snow in a midday shower here on the 25th. Didn't stick. Of more immediate interest is the rain to come in Bella. Picked up 8.0 mm from the manual gauge this morning. Just another 10 mm needed to beat the 50yr max record of 1984 mm. Extra incredible is the possibility of reaching 2000 mm for this year.
  9. And still it rains though mostly drizzle today. This morning we had a total of 1959.6 mm for 2020. Already the 2nd wettest in last 50 yr. Just 1984.0mm (in 2012) to beat the record wettest. Iceland -- us in the western hills of the UK, send our sympathies. We have similar battle against the warmed Atlantic's wet airstreams. State of emergency for Seyðisfjörður, Iceland as 550+ mm of rain and landslides brought significant damage - the whole town evacuated on Friday WWW.SEVERE-WEATHER.EU A prolonged rain has brought more than 550 mm of rain across parts of the East Fjords, Iceland, and cause damaging landslides in the town of Seyðisfjörður.
  10. Incredible orographic rain totals and consequent damage. Similar in uplands of NW England. 2020 very near 50 yr max rain record already. Just 20mm more needed. State of emergency for Seyðisfjörður, Iceland as 550+ mm of rain and landslides brought significant damage - the whole town evacuated on Friday WWW.SEVERE-WEATHER.EU A prolonged rain has brought more than 550 mm of rain across parts of the East Fjords, Iceland, and cause damaging landslides in the town of Seyðisfjörður.
  11. A bright morning, but weather turned and we had a flthy wet dark afternoon. Matches the UK's miserable mood. Our second wettest year by 9am this morning. Been lots of rain since then. More details tomorrow.
  12. Despite rain lashing on windows since about 5 am, there was only 1.4mm in the gauge at 9am. But that was just enough to reach 3rd wettest annual total in last 50 years -- current total 1937.4mm. Only 1947.4mm (in 2000) and 1984.0 mm (in 2012) to beat. Another cloudy day. But there's roses and annual flowers still blooming.
  13. Temperature and rainfall records broken in Novemeber 2020. November Temperature Records Smashed Across Norway WWW.LIFEINNORWAY.NET Never before has Norway experienced a warmer November with temperatures 4.6°C above the norm. It was also wetter than usual. Along with 2011, this year's November is the warmest ever registered since...
  14. Still sodden here. 16.0 mm rain collected this morning for all yesterday's gloom and wet. Expected more TBH. Total now so far for 2020 is 1933.5 mm. Still to beat these top totals over last 50yrs -- 1936.1mm ( 2017) , 1947.4 mm (2000) and 1984.0 mm (2012).
  15. 2020 had a very wet stormy start. We got 572.8 mm until March 20th when the tap was suddenly turned off.
  16. An awful lot of Dec left! UK Met Office Fax Charts - UKMOMSLP Analysis and Prognosis - org WWW.WEATHERCHARTS.ORG UK Met Office . . Europe and North Atlantic MSLP analysis and prognosis charts
  17. A dry cloudy afternoon. Sun? Saw a sliver of light way out west at sunset. It's said Vit D3 tabets are "flying off the shelves".
  18. On and on forever raining. 100% cloud cover and clouds down on fells to about 900ft. Nevetheless 3 hearty well wateproofed walkers went up the path at 10am. So 10.2 mm picked up this morning at 9am. Annual total now 1914.1mm. 1984.0 mm to beat for 50 yr record. Always much snow and wintry anticipation on the Netweather threads. But in our patch such conditions more likely January onwards and most common in Feb/March. Roses and some summer annuais still happy here though sodden. There is the old peppecorn rent agreement - " A red rose at Christmas and a snow ball at midsummer" -- in other words very unlikely, so rent waived. This year though, red roses from the garden might be available.
  19. Having picked up this morming's rain (8.6 mm) at 9am, the total for 2020 is currently 1903.9 mm. The record annual max over the last 50yrs is 1984.0 mm in 2012. Looking likely that the record will be beaten. Nothing alterered at this Met Office daily rainfall site -- same kit, same local environment throughout. Interesting that 2020 and 2012 are significant low Arctic ice years -- Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis | Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag NSIDC.ORG
  20. Rain and sunless miserable murk all day. Will not know total of today's rain till tomorrow morning when the manual gauge is checked. At 9 this morning the annual total was 1882.7mm -- Only 1984.0mm (2012) to beat. Looking very likely 2020 will be the wettest year over the last 50 yrs. (We started daily recording here for Met Office in Sep 1968) Everywhere sodden as in most of the year, except in the spring lockdown.
  21. Wet misery and gloom continue. Horizontal drifting light ran and drizzle like yesterday. So far this month 169 mm (av 155.2 mm). 50 yr annual record was 1984.0 mm in 2012. Looks likely it will be beaten this year. Currently the total for 2020 is 1819.8 mm. Already the 4th wettest year. In the 1970s early 1980s we used to get about 1400 mm a year. Since 2000, 1600 - 1700 mm more common. This year's rain is extraordinary. Not surprising the countryside is at a sodden standstill.
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