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Everything posted by Northernlights

  1. A couple of photos from around dusk. Shades of 2010 but this time showers heading for north side of the Firth. Some large showers to the south over the Cairngorms.
  2. Well made it the Spring Show just a few blowing bits of snow in the Glens of Foundland but cold at -5c on car thermometer most of the way there.More snow further east with 2 to 3 feet drifts at edge of road.Car covered in ice when we got home Had a good day with three firsts in the neep section including biggest neep and overall champion in this section. Just odd lighter showers all day at home and currently moonlit and -8.5c. Its going to be a cold one
  3. No more overnight but its -7c.Will tr.y to go to Spring Show in Inverurie today.
  4. Two inches of powdery snow now and currently -4.5c. Might be old age but conditions out there make me feel that we are just half way through winter and not anywhere near spring although the stocks of feed and and bedding for the animals tell a different story. No science but I think its going to be a very cold spring
  5. I am not 100% sure but from what I saw before dark the wind is easterly but the clouds are coming from slightly more north of east making it an ideal direction to funnel showers into the Firth In the past during these spells showers would move along the south side of the Moray Firth one day and the next day with a slight change of direction would hug the coast along the north side of the Firth
  6. First really wild blowing snow shower just started get a feeling it won"t be the last. Currently 0c
  7. Wind stared to pick up from the east after lunch time and we have had a few flurries/grauple this afternoon Any thawing areas in the sun started to skin up about 3.00pm and it is now 0c with larger looking showers to the east with a tendancy for them to come in from north of east an absolutely fine direction for them to funnel into the Firth all the way to Inverness. Seems we may get some snow overnight.
  8. Just my opinion but with such an upheavel in our weather pattern even just a day in advance (Wednesday)on the local forecast on here we have gone from snow showers all day to sunshine all day then how on earth can you predict accurately several days in advance. I think until we return to our normal weather pattern from the west forecasts are going to be more inaccurate and nowcasting will rule.
  9. Have a covering too at about 2 cm and sky clearing .Currently 0.5c
  10. Snow showers at sunset to the north and east of the Firth in February
  11. Cold, dry, calm , overcast and ground is iron hard at 0c following a night with a strong wind and -1c.Good base for lying snow . A bit disconcerting watching weather charts with features going in the opposite direction across a good bit of the northern hemisphere and with a good two weeks of wintry weather on our local forecast on here a very late spring beckons with daffs stiill only breaking the surface their latest ever for a number of years.With the second warming over Canada still to take effect I am begining to believe Blast From The Pasts prediction of spring not arriving till the middle of April which if it happens is going to put a lot of strain on agriculture and everyone elses way of life.
  12. Yes there seems to be a flurry showing up near Keith about 35 miles to the east of me .. Currently clear breezy and 0c
  13. Another fine sunny start to the day but getting colder at -3.5c
  14. Fabulous day with bright sunshine and little wind so we thought we would add to the store of swedes (neeps). Flying Neeps Notice how burnt the grass and the neep tops are almost no areas of green in the country up here now. Maybe no record breaking frosts but there have been very few frost free nights since late November and with the lack of snow cover in our area the plants have had a bad time. Currently starry and 0c
  15. Fantastic sunrise followed by a nice morning with no wind at 0c .Ground really getting dry now. Snow is going to spoil it.!!!!!
  16. 0.5c with a fresh wind and ground drying up.Just scared off thousands of geese on a grass field. who had been there all night Don"t mind giving them a days grazing but want to make sure that we all share the grazing
  17. Well its a fairly mild night out there just now with a fresh southerly breeze at 4c. Things are drying up though as the air is getting less humid Just noticed too that the red lights on the windfarm four miles away are now down to two instead of twelve.Fair fuss created by the locals so they have been replaced with infra red ones. Even I thought they were they were rather intrusive.
  18. Fine dry start to the day here at 0c . Just musing just now looking at the model thread that the phrase "Be careful what you wish for" comes to mind especially for those that have not seen any snow yet this winter as it appears very disruptive snowy weather is on its way.
  19. Fantastic day with wall to wall sunshine and no wind. Picked neeps for Spring Show competition in Inverurie next Wednesday and popped them in the garden in case they are buried by snow and if its that bad may not even be able to get them there. Stocking sheds too with straw bales from the field too so we have access to dryer straw.. Will fill all log baskets in the next few days and get oil topped up so we have cooking and hot water in case the electrcity fails with any heavy snowfall. Currently clear and 0c
  20. Yes it seems a bit surreal watching the model thread for next week on a pleasant but chilly day .We had a fair bit of rain ovenght with water in the hollows of every field so a few dry cold frosty days will be welcome up to the weekend. Currently clear and 2c
  21. Huge flock of starlings on the farm today a lot of animals group up at this time of year in their hunt for food as one of the group may know of a good source and lead the rest there. All animals become less shy when hunger takes over and roe deer usually spend most of their time feeding in woods for cover but woodland grazing wiil be exhausted by now so will be seen more often in the open now for the next 4 or 5 weeks. If this real cold weather materialises then pigeons and roe deer will make their way to the neep field to feed on the tops especially if we get deep snow. With all the frost this winter there is very little green grass left so even coming out in the open to graze will not provide a lot of nutrition. Another observation is that it looks like it will be at least mid April before we see flowering daffodils and if the spring is cold then they may last well into May.or at least untill the first real warmth arrives.
  22. Well yes i have done it again as soon as I mention the ground drying up down comes the drizzly rain soaking everything again . Currently wetting drizzly rain and 5c
  23. The initial pulse of cold came in on north east winds at the end of November as can be seen on my proflle photo when we experienced walls of snow coming up the Firth in what I now understand as lake effect snow. The first day of cold saw clear blue skies coming in from the east and me following the plough in the last field taking soil samples and watching the soil skin up and freeze in front of my eyes around midday to be followed in the afternoon by grauple showers and then the next day the walls of snow started coming in to the Firth. Still cool here tonight with rain and 4c
  24. Am going to say it again and hope it stays dry but ground is drying up again with several tractos/ploughs out in fields in the area. Even a field of straw from harvest 2017 was being baled this afternoon in lower Moray after all the drying winds of the last few days.Quite a surreal sight. If even half the severity of cold being forecast comes off in the next few weeks then agriculture is going to take a big hit some winter crops in SE England are 6 inches high after a very benign winter and if they get severe frost without much snow cover then they will really suffer. Up here it would increase the amount of feed being consumed by livestock when a big shortage already exists so a late spring is most definitely not needed this year Currently overcast and 4c.
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