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Thunder and Lightning

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  1. Sorry I realised I didn't answer all of your message. A week late, I know, sorry! But sure you can share and link the video if you want!!
  2. Oh, I didn't realise there was a tornado in Bucks? Do you happen to have any damage reports etc. Also, I am currently 50/50 whether it was a supercell. Some of the footage of it round Heathrow area showed some slight rotation. When I was there the storm certainly had some supercellular appearance characteristics but I didn't manage to get enough of a stable shot to note any proper rotation. In the middle of the storm certainly felt very intense, but as I was there I probably have a slight bias for it be the more extreme thing and for me to want it to be my first supercell, so I dont want to rush in calling it one if it is not really. But that being said, would not be surprised if it was found to be a weak supercell. If anyone has any thoughts, footage, anything interesting at all about this I would love to hear!
  3. Here is my footage from the event... was quite intense must admit one of the strongest storms I've ever experienced in my life!
  4. Just a moment... RMETS.ONLINELIBRARY.WILEY.COM This isn't quite thunderstorms but in similar realms. I read it last year and it was good!
  5. I really like the sound of this new addition, even though I haven't currently got a NetWx Extra subscription. Any sort of timeframe for any big updates, like adding new models? The charts, layout, and colour scheme of NetWeather is probably my favourite of all data providers and I would love to renew, especially if there will be more models in the NetWX style.
  6. Lightning potential looks very good with those active storms west of the IOW. I am a bit more concerned about the ones in Kent right now... worried it might be more East of London at least in this current round. Fingers crossed for further development through the evening as plume continues but a bit concerned majority of MLCAPE may be depleted. Good luck all.
  7. Well Storm Eunice was definitely quite a noteworthy event here. Here is all my footage from the event, if anyone is interested.
  8. Can you imagine if we get those 90-100+mph gusts from a sting jet
  9. Obviously don't want you to get hit by a sting jet, but I would imagine if one were to occur further south, it would be pretty bad - 90-100mph gusts in London? Yikes. Let's hope we don't get a sting jet.
  10. Yes. Especially the fact that this region has not seen 70-80mph gusts for many, many years. It has potential to be a very high impact event, at the daytime, during the week, populated areas. Even if significant downgrades did occur it would still be disruptive. ...And with the potential for a sting jet, the ceiling is very high for potentially very severe winds.
  11. Yikes. While ICON often overdoes windspeeds, this shows there is still scope for upgrades. Things could get pretty bad.
  12. Yep, 18z ICON now coming into line with most other models. 70-85mph widely
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