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East Lancs Rain

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Everything posted by East Lancs Rain

  1. Wow a lot of negativity in this thread. People writing the entire summer of already and it’s only 2nd June!! I’d like to remind people that on this day in 1975 we had widespread SNOW in the U.K., in fact a cricket match in Buxton had to be cancelled. Most of rest of the summer however was hot, dry and sunny, and of course everyone knows what happened the year after... It is very very early days yet, a lot can happen between now and 31st August. Writing the summer off based on a few days of poor weather is like writing off the entire winter on 1st December because of a mild and wet November. Ive added the synoptic pressure chart from 2nd June and 7th June 1975. Dramatic change to high pressure and warmth in just 5 days! Weather in the U.K. can change in an instant. So don’t write off the summer just yet.
  2. 11 pm and 3 am looking north west. Less than 4 hours of proper darkness. The benefits of being up north. East Scotland have the best climate in the U.K. imo. Cool summers (good imo), very little heat, not much rain (east Scotland is a lot drier than west Scotland), decent snow in winter (especially at elevation) but best thing of all is the light nights in summer, never gets darker than nautical twilight in June, sunset at 10 pm, sunrise at 4:30 am, only 6 hours of twilight, and only about 3 hours of darkness, but no true darkness in May, June or July.
  3. Forgot to mention Happy 1st day of summer everyone!
  4. After having had mostly high pressure in control since last August a switch to low pressure is inevitable at some point... A 2007/2012 summer on the way?? We had warmer weather on New Year’s Day! I went to a New Years eve party and remember how mild it was. Still 12°C well into the early hours.
  5. Been very poor the last couple of days, although yesterday wasn’t that wet, just one brief heavy shower. Barely any sun. Max temp just 10/11°C and not much better today, about 6-7°C below average for late May here. Today was pretty bad too, at one point this afternoon it was 12°C and heavy rain. From tomorrow onwards it does look better though, 15-19°C and dry with plenty of sun. Ideal conditions for me really. Just hope the heatwaves stay away this summer. Anything much above 22/23°C and it’s too hot for me!
  6. Been very poor the last couple of days, although yesterday wasn’t that wet, just one brief heavy shower. Barely any sun. Max temp just 10/11°C and not much better today, about 6-7°C below average for late May here. Today was pretty bad too, at one point this afternoon it was 12°C and heavy rain. From tomorrow onwards it does look better though, 15-19°C and dry with plenty of sun. Ideal conditions for me really. Just hope the heatwaves stay away this summer. Anything much above 22/23°C and it’s too hot for me!
  7. Not really. The U.K. has only had one really cold winter in the past decade (2012/13) and two moderately cold ones (2017/18 and 2020/21). Whereas for summers we’ve had two hot ones in the last decade, 2013 and 2018. 2019 and 2020 despite being very unsettled at times also had a lot of heat spikes, especially in the south. Also, since 2015, every summer in the U.K. has reached at least about 35C IIRC. Heat lovers have been spoiled in recent years. Cold and snow lovers on the other hand haven't seen a proper cold/snowy spell since the beast from the east in 2018. Most places in the U.K. will also have on average more hot days (25C+) than snow days, and this will only increase as the climate gets warmer (provided we don’t go into a grand solar minimum or have a major volcanic eruption or anything like that). Its also been 10 years since our last proper deluge summer. We are overdue a washout. Anyway, don’t want to fuel a heat vs Cold War, so let’s leave it at that. You never seem to get lucky with the weather do you? Yes it’s been a strange spring in that the temperatures have been above average in all three months, yet a total absence of any heat. Instead the warmth has been because of a total lack of cold days. I also suspect mild nights have also played a part too. I’m really surprised at that, as it’s much further north than us. Just goes to show how much of a moderating effect the Atlantic Ocean has on our climate. The benefit of this is a lack of extreme temperatures, boring from a weather enthusiasts point of view but also more comfortable. Downside is more cloud, wind and rain. Yakustsk does look very hot on bbc forecast. 31C! But also cloudy, although humidity quite low. On the other hand my locale is forecast to be cooler but also sunnier, with sensible temperatures in the mid-high teens. I know which one id rather have! I like my sleep!
  8. Cumulus I’m guessing? Cumulus cloud - Wikipedia EN.M.WIKIPEDIA.ORG I agree. This spring has been okay but it’s just been quite bland in that it’s just been continuously above average but without any hot or very warm days, or cold days either. April normally swings from very warm to quite cold, you often get a few days of temps in the hi teens or lo twenties and a few days with night frost and single digit maxima, even a bit of snow sometimes. Not had that this year.
  9. Plenty of showers around today. Just came on raining heavily here just now. Pretty sure this wasn’t forecast.
  10. That’s what I like about our climate though. It’s variable. It’s not just -10°C and snowing all winter and 30°C and sunny all summer. We get variation - Atlantic storms, snow, hail, frost in winter, rain, sun, heat, warm, cool, breezy, thunder in summer. Although it’s not as variable as it used to be - snow and thunder aren’t as common as they used to be 10+ years ago. Edit: Sure I heard a rumble just now lol.
  11. Looking like an absolutely scorcher on Monday! Get your barbies out people! If it wasn’t for the jubilee Monday would have been a bank holiday.
  12. Yeah, yesterday mostly cloudy here but it was dry and felt quite pleasant. Today is the same, even rained a bit earlier. It’s also very cool at just 12°C at 4 pm, and overcast, but not feeling too bad in the light winds. Tomorrow is forecast to be especially poor here, overcast with light showers and a maximum temperature of just 11°C, very disappointing for the end of May, even for someone who likes cool weather like me.
  13. I know, Chemtrails ruining our skies. It needs to stop.
  14. Been quite a nice day today. Been quite a nice day today. Started off cloudy like the last few days but Sun came out in the afternoon and it’s been a partly cloudy and breezy day, with fairly cool temps followed by a nice clear cold night, about 7° currently so nice and cool for sleeping. My favourite Weather conditions really, I love breezy westerly flows in summer that tend to bring cool, partly cloudy, breezy conditions with blue skies and fluffy cumulus with nice cool nights. ? Typically highs of 16-19C and lows of 9-12C here. Wouldn’t mind if every day this summer was like today tbh.
  15. Vancouver has a lovely climate. Mildish winters around 7 or 8C, very similar to southern England and pleasant summers with average highs of 22C and plenty of dry and sunny weather. SAN Francisco is a much sunnier climate than the UK though. And it’s usually just the mornings and evenings that are foggy, it’s usually sunny during the afternoon most days. So most days you still get some sunshine. Not like the UK where you can go days without seeing the Sun. San Francisco is also warmer than Cambridge throughout most of the year except during the summer. Looking at the forecast on BBC weather San Francisco is forecast to be quite a lot warmer over the next three days compared to Cambridge, although San Francisco is forecast to be windier. There is also reverse SAD too. Where you feel happy in the winter but depressed in the summer. I suspect some people on this forum have that too. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is just as real in summertime as it is in winter WWW.DAILYMAIL.CO.UK Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is thought to affect 29 per cent British adults. Regarded as 'winter depression' people can be affected during the summer Seems to be mostly the southerners who moan the most on this thread! Us northerners just to get on with things, Despite us (on average) having worse weather. I know the tables were turned last summer but even now people from the south are moaning a lot more than people from the north. I wonder how people who live up in Shetland cope!
  16. A lot of people criticising the U.K. climate tonight. As I live in East Lancs I get a lot of cloudy and damp dreary weather and as much as I would love a drier and sunnier climate, I would not like the heat that would inevitably come with it. I don’t think I could cope with the heat that most Central and southern European countries get in the summer, not without air con anyway. The UV/sun is also very intense in those countries as well in summer so I’d be hiding from the sun all the time. Especially with the intense heatwaves that Europe has seen in recent years, even the south east gets really hot at times every summer now. It is when I see reports of those 40°C + heatwaves that I feel lucky and grateful for living in a cool, cloudy and damp climate. Yes excessive cloud and rain is depressing but it’s not as bad as excessive heat imo. I’d choose the climate here over Madrid or Barcelona any day. The thing I love most about the U.K. climate is the temperate conditions we get most of the time. We don’t get the extreme cold/heat that most European countries get. Yes it’s usually a bit chilly most of the time but you can just put a jacket or a hoodie on and feel warm enough. Whereas in Europe I would imagine it is either too hot or too cold to be out for very long for a lot of the year.
  17. That’s why I love the climate of SAN Francisco (and the surrounding Bay Area) so much. Comfortable temperatures but lots of sunshine and bone dry summers - so none of the grotty wet summer days you get in the U.K. - just pleasant sunny (but not too hot) weather most of the time. I’d love to live over there one day. Cloudy morning with some mainly light rain, partly cloudy afternoon but feeling cool with a strong breeze throughout. Excellent drying weather. ? Yeah I’d like some sunny weather as it has been very cool and dull this week, as long as it isn’t too hot. Amazing how the English channel creates such a huge contrast in temperatures. A cursing if your a heat lover but a blessing if you don’t like heat. If the U.K. was attached to France we would probably have much warmer summers, especially in the south. Not really. SAN Francisco area is the same, if not more so, very mild winter (around 14C) but cool summer (around 20C). New Zealand also has similar climate to the U.K. (a bit warmer and sunnier though). Tasmania has an oceanic climate too.
  18. Sounds like lovely weather. Enjoy! It’s the Queens Jubilee, of course it’s going to be cool and wet, what else were you expecting? Colder than what we had on New Year’s Eve ! Yeah been same here last couple of days, mostly cloudy during the day, sun comes out during the evening just before it sets. It was quite a pleasant evening tonight to be fair, quite cool and breezy though. Yes it’s been a strange spring in that it’s been consistently milder than average with all three spring months coming out considerably milder than average, yet with no hot days and very few warm days. Instead the above average temperatures have come about because of persistent mildness and a lack of cold days and northerly airstreams that we typically get in spring. March and April 2021 weren’t too bad, it was just May 2021 which let the side down until the final few days of the Month when it turned warm and sunny. This spring has been okay but nowhere near the level of the spring of 2020. And while may has been better than last year has been nowhere near as good as May 2018 or May 2020. The temperatures have been okay and it hasn’t been a washout but it has been quite dull a lot of the time. Cool and dry is my favourite weather type in summer, especially if it is accompanied by plenty of sunshine. Decent weather but without the heat. Yeah that night was unusually balmy for the time of year, went to a New Years party and didn’t need a coat, the temp was about 12°C all night, even into the early hours. Opposite happens when your at the east coast in spring and the wind is E/NE. Foggy mornings before the sun burns it off (Although sometimes it can linger all day) then sunny before fog rolls back in in the evening. SAN Francisco is like this all summer. My kind of weather really.
  19. Looking like a washout for queens jubilee on this gfs run the other day.
  20. Wow! At least it all fell during the early morning. Yesterday was mostly cloudy and breezy and cool at 15C. Went for a walk in the park decided to put hoodie and joggers on. As soon as I got to park sun came out and I was too warm typical. If I had put shorts and T-shirt on you can guarantee it would have stayed cloudy and breezy. Amazing the difference the sun makes at this time of year. Today: Overcast but dry. Currently 17°C.
  21. I though it felt quite warm on Friday personally, despite the intermittent rain and cloud.
  22. The last fifteen years have been pretty poor for summers here. 2007: Poor 2008: Poor 2009: Ok 2010: Ok 2011: Ok 2012: Poor 2013: Good 2014: Good 2015: Poor 2016: Poor 2017: Poor 2018: Good 2019: Poor 2020: Poor 2021: Good
  23. Luckily for me my bedroom is north facing so I don’t have that problem. It’s been around 20-21 in the bedroom which has been okay, wouldn’t want it any warmer though. It has been very sunny today here and despite the forecast high only being 17°C it got very warm in the bathroom as it’s west facing, have to open the window but then sometimes you get wasps flying in. I don’t think the sunshine has been too bad really, had a few sunny days here so far this month. And I’d take Cloudy and dry over Cloudy and wet any day! Cold over there in Canada. Colder than most of last winter in the U.K.!
  24. Hi just wondering if you are Gavin Partridge from gavs weather vids on YouTube?
  25. Very unusual to have a May with below average sunshine yet temperatures well above average. Polar opposite of April 2021. I would have thought being in a job with such hot humid conditions would have increased your tolerance to heat, not lowered it. A bit like how people who live in hot or cold countries get used to it. Hi teens or low 20’s is my preference for summer, I still find mid 20’s too hot really. Which considering the average high in July is around 20°C here is ideal for me. I hate warm nights in summer, the cooler the better, single digit minima is ideal.
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