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Posts posted by skidders

  1. Doesn't seem overly severe here in Bristol tonight but it seems more sustained. Those areas that are prone to this must be taking a battering that is longer-lasting than Wednesday's. Stay safe all. I think if you've been alright so far (wind-wise) things won't get *much* worse, although it does look like sustained winds as we have now will be with us at a slightly lessening magnitude until maybe 15:00 tomorrow.

    I agree about the sustained bit. I think overall it is more intense here tonight than it was on Wednesday.
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  2. I'n sure none of the scientific sources every quoted it as a 'comet of a lifetime', just that it had the potential to be so. I can remember back in the 70s when Kahoutek was expected to be the 'comet of the century' too!


    "Before its close approach, Kohoutek was hyped by the media as the "comet of the century". However, Kohoutek's display was considered a let-down,possibly due to partial disintegration when the comet closely approached the sun prior to its Earth flyby. Since this was probably the comet's first visit to the inner Solar System, it would have still contained large amounts of frozen volatiles since its creation. Although it failed to brighten to levels expected, it was still a naked-eye object. Its greatest visual magnitude was -3, when it was at perihelion, 0.14 AU (21,000,000 km; 13,000,000 mi) from the Sun"

  3. I was out last night for an hour and a half from about 11:30pm. I think people that just pop out for 10 minutes and don't see anything need to try sitting outside for longer and getting dark adapted before giving up. I didn't see much for the first 15 minutes, only a few faint ones but once I was completely dark adapted I must have seen about 15 very bright ones that left trails. One of the best nights watching these for a few years and that was in my back garden not that far from a large city!

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  4. No expert forcasters ever forcasted that we were definately going to get snow this weekend. In every forcast I saw, there were heaps of uncertainty mentioned. I love watching this sort of event unfold and I am disappointed when we don;t get snow but in fairness too many people on here had their expectations way to high for this event.

    While this winter certainly hasn't been the coldest by a long way, I still think we have done very well in this region in general for snow. I can't see the overall temperature average being very impressive this winter which maes what we have seen this winter all the more impressive.

    Too many people seem to be expecting a '47 or '63 winter every year. Once day it will happen again and I hope we see it unfold but don't keep looking for it becasue it will almost always disappoint.

  5. Well, it has pretty much snowed all day here in Frampton Cotterell even if some of it has been just light snow this aftenoon. Pretty much stopped now though. Certainly no thaw whatever here. the snow on the trees is still there even though the wind has blown them around a bit too. Here are a few pitures, but only from my garden as I was working all day at home sadly!




  6. Dry but gusty start to the day. Expecting a deterioration in conditions later however.

    I think the floods in fields, etc have subsided but looking at the river Frome at the bottom of my garden, it's risen more overnight so has not started to decrease yet. It's already the highest i have seen in the last 4 years living here so with more to come today I dread to think how high it might get.

  7. I don't understand what you mean by "says it all really"

    But anyhow.... yes as in the latest video i posted shows, the sun is quiet at this moment in time.

    I like his videos. In a couple now he has explained away a few anomalies that spawn some of these wild conspiracies. It's good to see the clear scientific explanations that help debunk them. Keep on posting them.

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