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Posts posted by Sanserit

  1. Timed my journey south so that I’d hit my usual Dundee coffee stop around sunset but sadly, I didn’t get a spectacular view like I’d had at home yesterday.  Dry roads until Between Dundee and Perth then patchy the rest of the way, hitting a ninja shower once over the bridge heading for the M8. Temperature was 17c when I left home and steadily dropped as the sun set, falling to 12c once in West Lothian.

    My rowan still has a load of berries on it considering how late in the year it is but not so many snow berries on the snowberry shrub as there’s been in previous years. Fuschia, on the other hand, is currently still in full flower, I suspect that will change this weekend.

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  2. Temperature currently 12.8c, overnight low was -0.6c, daytime high of 12.9c and it’s hovered between that and 11.4 since around midday. Wind has been getting up and predominantly coming from a north westerly direction, I suspect the trees may shed some leaves by daylight.

    It was a pleasant day for walking the dogs, not that I went far as three are a bit too much to handle on my own, especially when they all choose to go in different directions.

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  3. From a high just after midnight of 14.5c, which then dropped to 6.8c at 6:44am, the temperature never quite recovered in daylight hours, only reaching 12.7c at midday and it’s fallen away quickly since sunset, currently 2.9c. Quite a bit of sunshine in Stonehaven today which definitely cheered me up compared to what we’ve seen over the last couple of days.

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  4. Another day of Aberdeenshire Permagloom with just the briefest glimpse of sunshine in the early afternoon.  This definitely wasn't helped by the photos sent by my daughter who is currently sunning herself in Cyprus...even if she did experience the earthquake that hit the Eastern Med early this morning.

    Maximum of 16.6c today after an overnight low of 12.7c.  Currently 14.4c and I'm really not rating the mild nights now that I've got the heavier weight duvet on the bed.

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  5. Cloud broke up on Deeside today and it turned into a very useable day with a high of 12.6c though it felt warmer in the sun.. Most importantly, I got the grass cut for what I hope will be the last time and a load of laundry dried without resorting to the tumble drier which I think may become a modern day antique this winter.


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  6. Well this all looks interesting!

    Overnight low of 2.7c (DP 0.6c) and thermometer now reading 4.6c and an overcast start to the day.  Can't believe we're now half way through October and my sycamore is still pretty much green as are a fair few other plants in the garden.  The only trees that seem to have begun to turn in my garden are my red maple and the silver birches which, to be fair, have been shedding leaves since August.  Normally, at this time of year, when I look at the hill across the other side of the Dee, I'd see a kaleidoscope of autumn colours but not so far.  What is going on with Mother Nature?

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  7. Put washing out last night before going to bed, got up just after 5 and had a quick look out the window only to see the ground was wet…I knew I was tempting fate! None of the pws in the area have recorded anything, even the boy down the road with the posh one, so it was obviously only enough to make my slate patio darken. The residual heat within it will have it dry in no time

    Currently 14.8c, humidity 92%. Off to West Lothian this afternoon so fingers crossed for a pleasant evening.

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  8. I picked the right fortnight to take a break from work although it’s been far too hot to do as many of the jobs I’d intended tackling. 

    Yesterday, temperatures on Deeside just missed hitting 30c, topping out at 29.5c, my own station recorded a high of 33.1c so I went with what the three closest stations were showing. I love the heat but it was just too much for me in the afternoon so I came indoors until it was time for me to head to a bbq. Can’t remember the last time I sat outdoors at midnight without having to put a jumper on. The sky was beautifully clear at that point too but it was an uncomfortable sleep.

    Today looks like more of the same, so dogs won’t be getting walked until evening.

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  9. Breaking my radio silence after our busiest period at work is finally over. Went back to the office on Thursday for the first time in 15 months and actually enjoyed being there with my colleagues - just being able to discuss a problem in a budget I’m working on with us all in the same room was great. I’m being allowed to work 3 days in the office and 2 days from home so best of both worlds. Just got to hope we get plenty sunny Thursdays and Fridays now.

    it’s a cracking day in Banchory today, so I’m making the most of it and working on my tan. My station is reading 26 but two others nearby are reading 21. My thermometer on the fence (in permanent shade is reading 20 and the other, also in shade is reading 21 so clearly my station is well out.

    Hope everyone is getting a chance to enjoy similar weather

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  10. Day started off with wall to wall blue skies but clouds coming over from the north once again. Currently 11.6c, up from an overnight low of -3.3c.

    I am so over this cold weather now and just want to get some heat although not much chance to get out in it as our office, along with the 22 other area offices in our organisation, are fully ensconced in IACS form filling for over 8000 farmers throughout Scotland. All would be well if the Rural Payments website speed would cope with the number of agents and farmers trying to access it at the same time.  The only upside of cold, showery weather is that farmers are more likely to find time to speak to us as they’re not in amongst field work, and a surprising number of Deeside farmers are ahead of themselves and have got their sowing done which is obviously down to a much drier than normal spring so far.

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  11. In a lunchtime Teams meeting with colleagues who were bemoaning the sleet and hail showers they were getting, I stupidly boasted about how lovely it was on Deeside with blue skies all morning. Meeting finished and I turned around to be be met with sleet showers of my own - me and my big mouth! High of 11.3c, dropping to a low of 3.7c at midnight.

    Temperature continued falling from midnight, dropping to -1.0c at 4.50am before rising quickly to 12.3c at 10.05am.  Yesterday was a fairly decent day if slightly chilly in the wind.  Had a trip out along Feughside to drop off documents at a farmer client's and car was showing 11c which co-incides with a slight drop around lunchtime from my weather station.    Didn't really fall much throughout the afternoon, starting to drop from around 2pm as the cloud cover increased, ending the day at 7.3c.

    After overnight rain, woke to blue skies and a cool breeze.  Dulled down a bit now but temperatures holding up around 11.5c.  If nothing else, it's nice to see the daffodil heads bobbling around in the breeze, reminding me that now BST is here, I can look forward to longer days to get outside get work done in the garden.

    In other news, @Hairy CeltI've had to take myself off Twitter as it's all doing my nut in, don't know what to think except that I'm still Aye!


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  12. 23 hours ago, Northernlights said:

    Cooler and overcast today.Had one of those down days in farming .Suspicious that our four year  old bull was showing signs of swelling in brisket area and a bit lethargic had vet out and he diagnosed heart failure. He has produced some very nice calves and was  a very easy going character. Vet said it was just real bad luck

    Normally keep them to eight or nine years old by which time arthritis is a problem. He is insured so financially we"ll be OK but its always hard to take the loss of a young animal.Always had bulls individually  insured as they seem  to have  lots of ways to incapacitate themselves.

    And so begins a week of paper work

    Not so good, do you have home bred bulls to replace him or will it be a trip to the next bull sales?

    Lovely morning on Deeside before cloud rolled in early afternoon. Got all the washing out and dried however before it started drizzling just after 5.

    High of 17.5c, up from overnight low of 0.4c and currently 8.2c. The drizzle didn’t amount to anything according to all the nearby stations including my own.

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  13. 14 minutes ago, Hairy Celt said:

    I had the same problem with trying to find somewhere suitable for the temp sensor.  Unfortunately the sensor (cheapo far east crap) gave up before I got round to building a stevenson screen that would have gone in the middle of the grassy bit I no longer call the lawn.

    Having read online reviews (before finding the relevant post on here) I thought I was safe buying a Youshiko, obviously not 

    Being Scottish, I’m loathe to get rid of it and spend even more money

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