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Everything posted by Electricmumma

  1. All dead down here and not even enough clear sky for meteor showers
  2. Daughter spotted Distant lightning over the sovereign light, she discribed it as being up and behind the clouds.
  3. And directly south out to sea there is a line of this then deep purple grey. am on the prom and the air is warm, stopping for an icecream and a stare at the sea
  4. I’m heading out to look and take pictures now. Looking to the east
  5. Just heard distant thunder, thought I was insane.. but checked.. wind has literally just picked up from nowhere ans the birds are going crazy. Time to pop out and have a look.
  6. I thought I heard distant thunder but assumed I was going crazy. May have to stroll for a photo in a mo, wind has just picked up big style
  7. Loved that storm, stood on my porch watching until the rain started, then we danced in the rain in the street just looking at the lightning everywhere! It reminded me of the first ‘big’ storm I remember from childhood, it was the night of my year 6 school disco, and I didn’t end up going, good thing as a tree next to the kdr was struck, that would have had me needing a full change of clothes!
  8. I need more than a Kent clipper lol, a bit further this way please
  9. Across the sea towards France..hard to show you what it looks like as it’s a big curve to the south with the bubbly stuff breaking off and coming over to the east.
  10. I’m awful with directions but it doesn’t look like it feels like crossing anytime soon.
  11. Taking my girls out for a swim in the sea so it’s an ideal opportunity. nothing showing down here though, only an arc of cloud directly out to sea. There’s towers Galore to the north of me but I can’t photograph them from here.
  12. Now going to go out and photograph the views out to sea and around and see what’s out there (prepare for nothing lol)
  13. It’s just hit 32 here Having been 28 for ages. real feel showing at 35. Dew point 20.
  14. Keeping an eye on the cell in France, but I’m guessing it’ll probably either die out in the channel or just not get here at all lol
  15. Just checked the Shoreham port cam hoping to see how it looked out at sea.. no such luck lol
  16. Only showing 28 here but I’m with you on the sweating couch
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