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Puffy MacCloud

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Posts posted by Puffy MacCloud

  1. Another delightful day here up in the hills on the farm with plentiful sunshine, warm temperature and a gentle breeze that swung about in direction between due east and south-southwest. A perfect day to erect the picnic table that I bought for younger daughter as a thank-you for looking after me over the last week. I didn’t do any of the work obviously, but I supervised in a highly professional supervisory capacity.


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  2. A nice afternoon in the sunshine with Spanish daughter, who was discussing fashion trends with Woolma, while I interacted with nature, wildlife, beer and stuff. Then I came inside and saw a lying toad on the news. It’s all go here.

    Temperature got up to 15⁰C but felt warmer in my little suntrap, breeze remained light from the south-southwest, and an occasional cloud decorated the blue Spring sky. More of this would be nice.


    20220419_160812_2.thumb.jpg.87ab0f573d5839f3d1812184c3aecbb0.jpg  20220419_172251_2.thumb.jpg.0076a9ce072edbe55eb981a7bb9876ae.jpg

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  3. I've had a couple of clouds delivered just to break up an otherwise clear blue sky and I'm enjoying them from my seat at the back door where the breeze from yesterday has mostly gone and the temperature is around 13C.

    There's a book of birds on my knee from which I'm trying to decide whether the small, pointy winged speedbird I saw early this morning was a swift, a swallow or a house martin. Such a busy day.


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  4. Sunshine and showers this morning with broken overcast and a constant breeze that's swung round overnight from southeast to southwest. My watch says it's 9C.

    My watch also tells my blood pressure, blood oxygen saturation, pulse rate, body composition and can record an ECG. I assume it tells the time too but I haven't found that menu yet. I use my phone to tell the time. Ah, such is progress.

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  5. 8 hours ago, Mair Snaw said:

    Another glorious spring morning...

    I think im probably not the only one in here who has had enough of the cold and the snaw for now.


    Hold on a minute. Intruder Alert!!! Identify yourself stranger, and what have you done with the real Mair Snaw?

    Sun is out here, shining off the big, manly looking cumulus towers and making for a dramatic vista from the ward window. Cool though at a reported 9°C.

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  6. 1 hour ago, mardatha said:

    Puffy, if they won't let you oot then we can visit you. We'll bring shovels. Or would it be better to go Over the Wall... any pole vaulters in here?

    I think all the pole vaulters are in Warsaw trying to help Ukrainian refugees into the UK asylum seekers' compound. You know, the one with a high fence and no entry gates....

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  7. The clouds never completely cleared but then the blue bits have stuck around all say too. Overall effect was bright and sunny. Reports of it having stayed cold though.

    Meanwhile my chest drain has been removed and lungs are reacting well so far. I suggested they should put a manhole in as preparation for a reinstatement if necessary, but apparently they dont do that.

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  8. The view from the ward window this morning includes a horizon line and, above that, bits of blue that suggest it could be a nice day coming. The arriving day shift tell me yhat it's "literally freezing" though, but whether "literal" is to be taken in the literal sense or just a figure of speech will likely remain unknown.

    Meanwhile, the imaginary zoo in my head has just completed feeding time as the morphine round went through.

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  9. 2 hours ago, Hairy Celt said:

    No but you have a river of beer (it says here)!


    I was born in that neck of the woods because my dad was building the Ale Water Dam at the time. How cool is that?! A reservoir full of beer.

    Meanwhile, weather here improving and we now have sunshine and shadows. Partly. Also, despite my drain being clamped, my lung is still inflated and holding. No, I've no idea what that means either but the staff smile when they say it so it obviously pleases them.

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  10. Judging by the wind turbine on the hill over there, it's still windy, but the direction must have changed because the banshees are banished. The sky is a light uni-tone grey overcast and a horizon line is evident. Not raining currently. That's the view for this morning 

    Meanwhile, I've been clamped.

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