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Simon M

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Posts posted by Simon M

  1. 3 hours ago, mb018538 said:

    20-21c? Really? I know some folk don’t like hot weather, but 21c isn’t even hot buy a fan or a/c if it’s a life ruiner. It’s not the dark ages, there’s plenty you can do to mitigate the warmer weather if it’s not your thing.


    Already got fans running, and a mini ac unit too.  Still uncomfortable, and I still have to go out from time-to-time, like everybody else.  And yes, I'd say anything above 20 is uncomfortable for me.  I do apologise!


    3 hours ago, mb018538 said:

    At least you only have to endure maybe 4 months max of it, people like me who aren’t a big fan of winter and the dark have to put up with 8 months of cack weather in this country!


    It's not the dark ages, it's the 21st century, there's plenty you can do to mitigate the effects of dark, cold weather.  Wear thicker clothes, turn the heating up, hell there are even lightbulbs that emit light in a sun-like spectrum to mitigate the effects of winter light levels for SAD sufferers.

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  2. I'm probably the only person who is pleased with the current cool outlook!  At least we've had a nice bit of rain today to freshen things up, indeed the air was lovely and fresh once the rain pushed through this evening.  


    I'm very much enjoying not sweating and long may it continue (sorry no offence heat lovers, I'm sure your turn will come once summer arrives).

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  3. 5 hours ago, A Face like Thunder said:

    Owain Wyn Evans gave a very good explanation on the local BBC NW News on why last night's / today's storm was not named. The naming of a storm in the UK is apparently based on an ''impact and likelihood matrix' which this storm did not fit. It seems that for a storm to be named in the UK, it has to be linked to an amber or red warning whereas last night was only ever a yellow warning, so less impact and less likelihood of impact on lives and property.

    Judging by the winds my area experienced with that storm the MetO called it right.  It was blustery for a time but nothing like as much as we had last February.  Other areas of the country may have had it worse but I doubt the impacts anywhere were as big as they were with storms Ciara and Dennis in 2020.

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  4. 10 hours ago, Azazel said:

    I do lad - you won't find me sniping at people who enjoy the cold in the winter - but you will find plenty who revel in the misery of others when its cool/rainy in the summer.


    Nice try though.

    Well you can look on the bright side with the fact the warmer half of the year is rapidly approaching.


    Me?  I think I'm going to invest in some portable AC and blackout curtains for the months of sweaty misery ahead.

    • Like 1
  5. 6 hours ago, Azazel said:

    Lol - you just described exactly how you ‘cold fans’ are all winter long.

    ’wahhh it’s not cold enough, wahhh mArGinAL, wahhh those 850s are too high, wahhh the cold spell is still 240 hours away but I’m going to look for charts 90000 hours away to complain about a potential breakdown of the cold which hasn’t even happened yet’ 

    And let’s be honest, this site has a strange, ingrained bias towards cold weather and always has - so much so you get ‘cold fans’ coming into the summer threads during summer to just snipe and troll. It’s one of the most bizarre things I’ve ever seen. 

    I would be quite happy with 20+ degrees all year long apart from maybe a week around Christmas to make it feel seasonal.

    Some of us simply do not like the cold. It’s time to understand that. 

    And some of us like the cold and hate the heat.


    It's time to understand that.


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  6. 1 minute ago, Atleastitwillbemild said:

    When it comes to the this particular corner of the world as far as mild, wet winters go rain go then it can never be too cold, or two warm. It can never be to too strong an El Nino, too westerly based or a Midoki easterly instead.

    It can be mild and wet through a weak La Nina. Or a moderate one. Or record breakingly, WTF is going in the pacific, has god dropped the ice from his gin and tonic in there strong one.

    ts never too late in the year or too early for a mild wet spell.

    Disappointingly mild wind and rain can come from any direction whether the wind is northerly, easterly, southerly, northeastery, from the basement of hell in the centre of the Earth or from outer space. 

    It can be mild and wet through a negative AO. It can be mild and wet despite a strongly negative NAO. It can be mild and wet for days after a massive SSW or weeks after. It can stay mild and wet through all phases of the MJO. It can be mild and wet throughout the entire phase of an easterly QBO, as well as a westerly.

    It can be mild and wet under a cold inversion, or a two day toppler. It can be mild and wet after a poor summer of persistent northern blocking and little ice age style washout summers. It can be mild and wet despite a warm, dry, sunny October promisingly matching patterns that just practically spell out severe winter - I mean, jut look at the projected predictions matching with previous autumns with similar patterns! How can it fail!?

    It can stay mild and wet as the Spanish plains white out with snow and the beaches of Turkey freeze over with ice and the roofs collapse with snow weight in the villages of Bulgaria and the children dance barefoot with delight in the unusually heavy snow in Cyprus. 

    It can be mild and wet despite Met office predictions and the JMA. It can deliver nothing but mild rain despite the promises of the the ECM, the GFS,  the Jamstec charts and the tea leaves at the bottom of granny's teacup.

    It can be mild and wet in winter despite a perfect tripole in May.

    t can stay mild and wet despite the abundance of berries on every bush and fat squirells crying into their video diary about how they love their bodies and will no longer allow themselves to be fat shamed. It will be mild and wet despite the cold september theory, the foggy autumn theory, the warm october theory.

    It can stay mild and wet while the super powers nuke themselves into oblivion at the same time as Yellowstone's caldera supervolcano explodes and releases 50 billion megatons of dust into the atmosphere plummeting the world's temperature by 10 degrees. The entire northern hemisphere could be covered in glaciers burying all the crop growing areas in ice and making the raging blizzards of frozen volcanic ash and radioactive snow over the major landmasses totally unliveable as billions from hypothermia buried under snow drifts 60 foot high and YOU KNOW. 

    You know it don't don't you? There'll still be a little corner of the northwest Eurasian landmass, ice free, basking in mild westerlies. It will still be 13c and drizzle while the survivors dig potatoes and rye from the lukewarm earth commenting on how at least its 'mild' compared to saudi arabia right now. 


    And there you have it, the "great British weather" in a nutshell.

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