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Everything posted by mr_crazy_snowfan

  1. something is gushed down bigtimes just few mins back and the me is jissed its! damn! 2.4c here!
  2. weather is been lovely sunny and rather colds on saturday 24th and sunday 25th. temp is beens below 8c and today is been damn freezing all days!! temp is not gone above 3.8c and very very cold bitterly air outsides!!!! currentlys is 2.6c and some clods is whiffyings arounds!!! the me is forecast heavy snows for tomorrow and wednesdays!! me is not ables to waits man!
  3. thees week weather is been the appallings! heavy rains, cloddy and very dull every singol day and temps is been 11c up teel thursday then they is dips down to 7c! currently sheeetings down with rains and temp is 7.1c.
  4. today 18th jan and yestersdays is been firghtfully colds and wind is been the bitterlys and bitings! temps is been bloew 4c all day and night time is dipped below zero and wickedly bad firosts! today is was sunny, yesterday is was sunny then cloddy! wee bit of rains. snow is was forecast but nothings is visits the me! friday is was 7c and cloddy. thrusday is was very colds and 7c max and cloddy. wednesday temp is not go aboves 3c all days and the me is had heavy snows that is not settles!!! :cry: but snow better than no snows innits!!
  5. everybodys!! the me is had so ommuch snows todays! it is was heavy juicy fat thick white fluffies and they is fell from sky like the me hasnt seens all winter and they is even settled on grass, rooves and cars. me is was amazed cos the me is wasnt forecast any! it is started round 3pms and lasteds teel 4.45pms!! very gorgeous mans!!! me is was wickedly chuffeds!!!!!!
  6. very cold gusty blustry days todays! heavy rain in morning then lovely sunshines unteel 2.30pms and then it is got cloddy with leetle bit of rains and very cheely afterwards!!tempmis maxed at 7c and currentlys 4.4c. yesterday is was dreezles and cloddys all days!!! day before (9th jan) is was cloddy but sun is comes out laters and nice sunny evenings and it is gets dark bit later nows! temps is maxed at 11.2 c so fars! where is snows man??????
  8. me is had snow flurries this afternoons! they is got bit heavy at times but certainlys no settlings! it is stops at round 4pms! very cheely day iswells with temps less thans 3c all days. last night is was -1.5 and sevrest firosts evers!!!
  9. me is had snow flurries this afternoons! they is got bit heavy at times but certainlys no settlings! it is stops at round 4pms! very cheely day iswells with temps less thans 3c all days. last night is was -1.5 and sevrest firosts evers!!!
  10. very cheeely nights here tonights. -0.4c at the moents and firostylikes hell. moon is shinings likes baboons!!! daytime temp is not gone aboves 4c todays and cloddy all days with bit of dreezal. yesterday new years day is was dull and cloddy . 12.09 midnights massive winds and rain and hails is lashed the lootons out of nowheres man!!!!! cheely night then too.
  11. very cold day! temp is maxed at 4c. right nows is 1.4c and very foggy todays and yesterdays!!!! it is was sunny for bit in the mornings!!!
  12. me is had wet snow s agains today at 2.45pms for bout half hours and then it is stopped! flakies is was quite big at times and temp was 2,7c!!! me is not bales to believes me is gettings flurries in decembers! it is been the ages since the me is had its!!! thanks u lord!! me is thanks u soo much now please send lotta more flakies juciy fatty ones pleeeeeeeez!!! gufaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
  13. snow sleet rains, everything is fineeshed :cry: no snows to pay withs!! me is will hgave to invest in mr rich t recommended products! :shock:
  14. it is now 7.43 and it is snowings properlys and heavys and me is got feelings me is might gets minor coverings! nice size flakies fallings!!! oh the me is megaaaaaaa exciteds!!!!!!!!! snowy skies :
  15. the me is had light snowsmsince 2pms todays. 10.30 ams the me is had sleet shower and then rainy/sleet unteel thees afternoons. sleet is turns to snows and me is had snow fallings for hour or so's but pretty light, heavy at times. ground is was too wet for it to settles. then after 3.45pms sleety snow is got wickedly heavys and right nows it is still happenings since thens!! the me reckons it is the wet snow but it is very much the heavys man!!! currenlt 1.0c exoctly. temp is maxed at 2.1c today! bitterly colds! last night temp is was 1.4c. icy trecheroooos!
  16. yes yipsse yahoooooo! finally the me is ables to post snow report heres!, the me is had light snowsmsince 2pms todays. 10.30 ams the me is had sleet shower and then rainy/sleet unteel thees afternoons. sleet is turns to snows and me is had snow fallings for hour or so's but pretty light, heavy at times. ground is was too wet for it to settles. then after 3.45pms sleety snow is got wickedly heavys and right nows it is still happenings since thens!! the me reckons it is the wet snow but it is very much the heavys man!!! currenlt 1.0c exoctly. temp is maxed at 2.1c today! bitterly colds!
  17. HEAVY rains all days todays, very dull cloddys and cold but temp is 9c! christmos is been nice and dulls! the me is prefers dark dull chrostmos day if no snows is comes! me's chrstmos lights is looks more cosys in dull weathers!! gufawwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
  18. dull days! no rains! cloddys and temp is 10c and it is feels pretty cheelys out there to be the honests! yesterday is was very much the sames!!! night time temps is been above 8c!! very awful weathers for xmos innits!! sob sob sobbity sobs!
  19. last night temp is drops to 2.2c no firosts ice. today temp is max at 9.8 and currentls 9.4c. cloddy and dull with odd spots of rains at times!!! me is had hail shower early in morning. it is feels much colders than 9c. bloooooody freezings out theres. no snow whatsoeffers!!
  20. mr tattybags is king os sarc innits gufawwwwww! lay offs the me glenny wrens or the me is wipes u all outs with the me's snowblasters!!!!!!
  21. last night twemp is dips to 2.2c and frostys . sunny start to day and sunnyshines is stays all days and temp is max at 6c and now it is the 4.1c. very cold and gales last nights and todays and yesterdays. clods is come overs at dusks and very cold winds. no snows yets but clods is looks rather iffys outsides!!!! the me is forecasts snows for tonights!
  22. very mild temps last nites of 8c and cloddy foggyishs. temps todays is peakeds at the 12c!!!! awfuls innits!! me's barometer alarms is beepity beeps for storm warnings and gales is comes rushings and suddenlys lot of driftings rain is head the me's way. it is last mostof afternoon and then clear ups to leaves lovely blue sky and sunnyshines for bout half hour then clods is came marching overs agains and leetle bit of rain. steel rather windys though and temp is nows 5.8c but feel much colders than thats!!! me hopes the me is wakes up to snows!!
  23. last night 6pms it is was mega firostys and slipperys and whites and then later ons it is all starts to vaneesh?????? then leetle bit foggy is arrives and by 12pms temp is holds at 4.8c. in mornings no firost just bit foggy/cloddy/sunnyish. all day is been dulls and tep is beens 7/8c but it is feels mega cheely!!!! right nows 7.1c and steel very cold outsides but cloddyish! no firosts! :cry:
  24. very cold night last nights and me is not knows temp cos me is not recorded in memory doh!!!! but me know it is below zeero. very very bad firost in mornings all over pavements and everywheres likes the snows man!!!!! right now very very sevres firost outsides and paths is sparklings white and very much slipperys. temp is 3.6c
  25. today is maxed at 7.2c. very cold toward dusk and bad firost is formed everywheres. cold sunny day!bitterly colds right nows last two days is beeen very very cold and temps is not gone aboves 4.4c. wicked white snow like firosts and -2 at nights! very bitter weathers! yesterday is got yucky red grey clods in evening time! but clear after and very cheeeely
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