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In Absence of True Seasons

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Everything posted by In Absence of True Seasons

  1. I called it first thing that this won't clear up until and had a bunch that the met/BBC would push back the clearing of the clag as the day went on, hourly, at least in the East, until late afternoon at the earliest. Which is exactly what's manifested. Probably won't clear by any notable degree until 5/6pm, then will roll back in tomorrow morning. Tomorrow downgraded to mostly cloudy as well. Grim. Reaching for table scraps at this point. Sorry state of things this Spring.
  2. Exactly my thoughts. A solid, unchanging hue of depression. By the end of May I'll have a great selection of shades for someone who wants to paint their walls grey.
  3. Honestly don't understand how the forecast can be wrong for *right now*. Even on my phone the forecast has "partly cloudy". Thought I'd take a shot of the sky to determine whether or not my idea of partly cloudy is different to the BBC's / Met's.
  4. Definitely been similar to this most days since March.
  5. Precisely. In regards to the heat, I'm not overly fussed. A mostly cloudy and/or wet summer interspersed with 2/3 blasts of 30-35c for a few days, doesn't make a good summer for me. I'd rather have 3/4 weeks of 20c or so and mostly sunny or some wispy clouds, than 25c cloudfest, burst of sunny 35c for 3 days, then back to 25c cloudfest
  6. September perhaps (usually not too bad in the SE). Or October (wouldn't be surprised if October has more sunny days in the upper teens than this April and May).
  7. Genuinely, no exaggeration, this year has made me question whether or not I want to (or more accurate will be able to, from a perspective of mental well-being), deal with this country's climate until the end of my days. I'm at the point where I'm seriously considering looking into options for emigration in the near-ish future. 11c and endless cloud nearly halfway into the year. Nonsense. It's just so grim, and as someone whose mood and productivity is strongly impacted by the sunshine, Britain is probably one of the worst climates in the world for my wellbeing. Even Scandinavia surpasses us for sunshine levels and they also get far more interesting winters to boot. Sure, we get years like 2022 that make you re-think and go "Hmm, maybe Britain's climate isn't actually *that* bad!?" but they're few and far between and then it's back to reality. Let's be honest, most years see more or less the same dross for 8/9 months of the year, with temperatures and weather barely different between May and November / December. 10-15c and overcast. You can only really tell the difference due to the daylight hours. I enjoy camping and hiking, I like sunsets and sunrises, I like the beach. This...just ain't it, guys. At my wit's end honestly. Need a long holiday or ticket off this island.
  8. Its called "living inside a Tupperware box" lol. It makes sense why the ancient pagan northern Europeans thought we lived inside the eye of a giant. Everything is constantly white!
  9. Today max will be 19c in London, which leaves tomorrow. 20c is also pretty useless if it's thick cloud imo. It's just claggy nonsense. Bearing mind we had zero 20c days in April as well Most of next week will be write off for any chance of 20c as there's a big cool spell coming. @B87 posted the stats for days at 20c or above in Mays for like the last 20 years and they nearly all far exceed this May (unless we get 7 days 20-25c for the final week). So I don't think it's unrealistic at all. The climate since 1980 is more warmer days in May.
  10. Honestly cannot tell if you're trolling or actually think this in good faith lol.
  11. 2022, 2020 and 2018 all saw such spells. Regardless, whilst 10 consecutive warm sunny days might be rare, they're not rare individually. May average should see around 10 days at 20c or above in London...this year we have seen 1. So yes, whilst we might not expect to see 10 days of 20c on the trot in May, we should definitely see many more such days peppered throughout the month.
  12. Looks dreadful for most of the week in my ends, 13/14c and showers.
  13. That explains it. Westerners lucking out once again. Genuinely may have to move away from this end of the world as most years now the whole "South East having the best weather" is proving to be an absolute lie. I'm at im wits end guys. I can't book holiday at work atm as too busy so this is the last straw. Honestly thought this weekend would be a saving grace but no, pulled out fron beneath our feet as usual. What's the point in even looking at the forecast? All this money invested in it and it's inaccurate the night before the day of...
  14. Yep, I was right, it's already shifting to later in the day and will likely keep being pushed back. Similar pattern to that other Saturday, where the same thing happened. Tomorrow now also changed/updated. Gone from showing a fully sunny day from morning onwards to mostly cloudy, bit of sun on and off, but overall quite warm at 21 max. Can't make this up. Honestly can't. I'm officially done.
  15. Forecast is too far away to put any bets on imo. Could change again by then, it has done so numerous times so far this spring. Even today, that morning forecast for London is completely wrong. It's a cloud blanket as thick as possibly can be. Can't even spot whereabouts the sun is up there. I don't think we are seeing the sun today until much later on. My phone says around 1pm, but I won't hold my breath on that. Wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't break through until 5/6pm ready for the sunnier day tomorrow
  16. It's grim this morning, a hangover from yesterday's dross. Dark, cool and gloomy. You wouldn't think it's nearly the longest days of the year. Imagine getting a proper sunrise? Must be great. Funny thing is...I can usually hear so much birdsong in the garden by this time of year of a morning. This year? Little to none. Looks to warm up a bit today but likely won't be until mid afternoon, thick cloud until 1pm at the earliest. So realistically, not a fantastic day! Bang on average for May imo but because the bar is on the floor, it feels comparatively 'good'.
  17. The Pagan Norse folk used to believe that we lived inside the eye of a giant. I'll raise the modern equivalent - we live inside a gigantic Tupperware box (photo of the box shown below). Occasionally, the lid gets taken off.
  18. It's quite telling of the situation that I can't even look at Sunday with any hope or certainty because numerous times this year the forecast has predicted a good day, even 24hours or 12 hours ahead, and then it's been whisked away and downgraded at the last minute to cool cloudiness. I believe the good weather is here when I walk out into it and feel it on my skin. Have zero faith in the forecast by this point lol.
  19. Fair enough! That sounds very specific a job that it's 35c temps for hours! You work in a furnace as a welder? At least you can get a relief from the cooler temps. One man's rubbish is another's treasure as they say.
  20. Yes, and then return to *even colder* conditions next week, the forecast for the middle of the week looks genuinely dreadful. Classic set up for this year. Dross for days, brief respite of 1/2 days of settled and pleasant weather, then back to dross. We just cannot seem to maintain anything other than cool, wet and cloudy for more than 48hours at a time. 16-17c is great compared to the 12c in London today and....*shivers* 9/10c in Norfolk. Urgghhh
  21. Met Office explains why the weather is so miserable this May METRO.CO.UK While we should be in our shorts and sunglasses, we have our anoraks out.
  22. Not always! It flip-flops, we tend to get 'stuck' in patterns, for better or worse. 2020 and 2022 - fantastic for us. 2021 or this year, god-awful.
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