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Everything posted by Microburst

  1. Hello Shuggee, Thank you for your message. Yes, I am still looking at these posts but you are right now that things have quietened down somewhat, I have taken a back seat. The graphic for mist and fog is opaque white shading as you should see more frequently now the Autumn months are approaching. Keep watching. Thanks for bringing me out of hibernation M
  2. Thunderstrike graphics were introduced 2 weeks ago hope you approve!
  3. Yes, Phil Avery has just recently returned to the BBC following a year at sea!! http://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/features/coas.../gc_start.shtml
  4. Many factors and Cost OON, in a word, also they no longer have access to the software for the old graphics now, time is another and since the new graphics were designed to work alongside the BBC's new investment into the new digital broadcasting transmission hardware, problems for running 2 systems would send the BBC into more chaos In the BBC, although it may seem strange without explanation, everything is done for numerous reasons not just one! It is a very complex organisation and none more so than digital television. To the public changes seem reckless and strange at times but I can assure you the changes that have and are continuing to be ma de will make for a better BBC :o MB
  5. Fair comment Jackone I will pass this on in the duty log. As for your message the answer is probably not. Never say never but it is more unlikely on BBC3 and 4 than BBC 1. The reason here being audience share. MB
  6. TWS, Pressure charts are now used frequently on the CF forecast on Sundays and used to give a synopsis for the coming week. Wind directional speed arrows are now included on most daily tv forecasts on the BBC. Showery rain and continuous rain are depicted and the light and dark shadings for sun and cloud. Bear in mind too that the light and dark shading is also useful for (believe it or not) 18% of the UK population who have black and white tv! Remember those days!! Just be patient TWS. As the new digital infrastructure takes hold and more and more analogue is discarded things will improve. Rome wasn't built in a day and they have only just started building the BBC again! MB
  7. I have just looked at the latest BBC World forecast feed we have here in the office Shuggee and I can't say I can honestly go as far as you in your criticism. Whilst there are some differences from the old, granted, the information portrayed is the same. Strangely enough there have been very few inbound complaints worldwide from the new global forecast graphics.
  8. It will take a few days John, remind me on Friday if I have not replied MB
  9. Hi Rob, No, to the contrary, it was a very interesting post, so much so that I have e mailed it on to Andy Lane in weather. Thank you MB
  10. OK I have asked for a BBC policy update on the timings allocated for weather forecasts for you John and others. I will report back when I have news! Incidentally we have just received an update fax on the storms forecast for tonight from the MO, again things are looking interesting MB
  11. Valid point - I have noted this in the duty log for you today, which goes to the management and will e mail the editor of BBC Breakfast for you. MB
  12. The fronts have been animating on the CF forecast for the past month. The pollen and the sun indeces are shown at the beginning of the forecasts on the summary when levels are of concern. MB
  13. Hi John, I read your comments and note your frustrations along with the others. I will pass them on in the duty log tomorrow. However, in the mean time you could try writing with your 'constructive concerns' to the programmes editor, the address is: countryfile@bbc.co.uk. The team responsible for the programme should then write back to you. Do this rather than write to BBC information. Here is the link to the CF website there is a click link there http://www.bbc.co.uk/nature/environment/pr...es/countryfile/ Please make valid reasons as to why you think more time should be given to the weather and as to why 3 minutes is not acceptable now. If you want change within the BBC, justification is important. MB
  14. Mr S, You have to understand that the technical advancements of digital and analogue televison broadcast and run side by side do bring forth presentation problems. It is a fact of life! What looks good on one, fails on another and it is down not just to the weather department to manage these graphics but engineering technicians and others. Everyone is working hard on these things at the moment. What we have achieved through the consultation through the expertise and goodwill from the people of this site has been good in the past 4 weeks and the results have been seen on screen. I do not agree with you at all that the whole exercise is a bodge up. Like all cars with engine problems ..... a few trips to the garage are required! Please be patient and a bit more understanding. Ta MB
  15. Green Blobs!! Hi all, Had an e mail overnight from weather in response to questions about the depiction of lightning/ rain intensity on the new graphics. It looks like the green blobs are going to continue for the time being. No other explanation was given. Any further thoughts then please let me know. MB
  16. Hello Amanda, The weather team are more likely to get fed up with me than N-w members, but don't worry not so at the moment. B) Thank you for your message. MB
  17. Comments noted about the Warning flash bands, will pass this on tomorrow for you. MB
  18. In the BBC, Mr S, hindsight is an amazing phenomenon. It needs heaven and earth to move things because of the way the internal workings of the organisation operate. Without wishing to be toooo disrespectful to my employers and give toooo many trade secrets away :o trust me I know. As for the lightning flashes yes, may be, lets be happy that negotiations from the members of this forum via yours truly have not fallen on deaf ears. I am happy that this appears to be a bit of a coup for Net weather followers! MB
  19. Hey Andy, No, there is a definite move away from static symbols. Heaven and earth was moved to get wind arrows which have now be made permanent the lightning will be incorporated as an animation I understand - similar and in a bit more clarity to that used on Sky News. MB
  20. OK Andy.... I have contacted Weather about this directly today and they say they are working on possibility of lightning flashes. There is a problem showing this as there is tv colour problem interspersing this with the rain. Green blobs are depicted by areas of intense rain but I agree this needs more clarification. Point taken and comments raised. By the way I am told the next 36 hours could be very very interesting with this thundery weather. I like storms so I have an added interest. MB
  21. In short, you can't, because it is unusual for the whole of the UK to have uniform similarity however, it is there primarily as a headline grabber or to tell the weather story. Please, GP let's not blow this out of proportion, but I understand your query and will pass it on. MB
  22. This has just come in on the fax to us this morning so ...... look for the weather warning flash on the new graphics today!! This must be quite serious as we do not usually get this only in times of emergencies!! Interesting...... Here is an ADVANCED WARNING of Heavy Rain affecting England and Wales. Issued by the Met Office at 06:59 on Thursday, 23 June 2005. The Met Office is forecasting the current mini heat-wave to break down with thunderstorms developing across England and east Wales in the next 36 hours. The storms are expected to arrive across Wales and southwest England on Thursday night, transferring N/NE into other parts of England during Friday. The storms could be severe and long lasting with squally winds and large hail. Torrential downpours of the order of 60mm in a 3 hour period are possible with total accumulations reaching 100mm or more locally. Such rainfall totals could lead to significant flash flooding, particularly in areas prone to rapid runoff. The area at greatest risk of disruption is expected to extend from eastern parts of SW England and central-southern England northeastwards across the Midlands and E/NE England, but even within this area, some regions will escape the worst of the storms. For enquiries regarding this warning - please contact your regional Met Office. Transmitted by the Met Office at 06:59 on Thursday 23 June MB
  23. ..... so does the BBC News editors stopwatch when nearing the end of the bulletin!
  24. On this subject of 'TIME' again as I am on earlies this week I will try to collar one of the TV schedulers this morning for a definitive answer however but, as I have said on the previous threads about the queries on this subject - it is very, very complex and political with programme makers and editors alike. MB
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