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Everything posted by LIGHTNING ACTION

  1. watching dark clouds and rain down south of York, looks interesting but no thunder or anything like that
  2. another cell has popped up from my south and moved east, i am about to cycle so i might get a view of the other one.
  3. Here are some captures. Thunder, hard-hitting rain, some structures. This will be turned into a full video on my channel soon, I'll send the link once its uploaded if that's fine 73DD930E-268B-47AC-A2C2-15E3FD0B14D6.mov F1821CBD-717D-46FE-BA04-39783801E590 (1).mov
  4. Ive been stood out in my garden and the rain has been hitting me so hard, the rain was too thick to see lightning, i captured some flashes, and heard tons of thunder. I am soaked. front window
  5. Nice one mate, watching it south of York right now, nice structure
  6. The popcorn is in the microwave, cells popping up now. Squall's gained some lightning
  7. Final image now, I'm about to go outside, taking my waterproof jacket. (just for incase)
  8. Today looks like we could have some storm potential, never been in a hail, flooding, and tornado icons in a MDT risk on the storm forecast, excited and a bit scared, haha Checking out of the window every 5 minutes and it gets better!
  9. theres been a few storms here and there and all but I think it could have been better to be honest, we'll get more soon
  10. Hopefully I can finally get something, this looks promising (atleast)
  11. Just warm days here, I could see a faint anvil from one of those storm earlier, nothing much, peaceful here! Hopefully will get something soon
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