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Margaret J

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Everything posted by Margaret J

  1. A quick inspection of the garden in the dim light shows no obvious damage. Far too dark still to check the roof but it’s still on! hope everyone is ok.
  2. Just went for a walk down the river, it’s invigorating and a bit wet but not yet the scary storm I was expecting.
  3. Your heavy shower has just reached us! It’s useful having you to tell me what weather to expect in a few minutes!
  4. I thought I just heard thunder but it was somebody putting a wheelie bin out…..
  5. You must be the other side of Northwich, the torrential rain has just arrived with us!
  6. I spoke too soon, it stopped. A bit of wishful thinking on my part I think….
  7. Rain setting in here, nice and steady rain too, the best sort. Should cool things down nicely. The garden is loving it.
  8. We had a spell of torrential rain or hail late last night I couldn’t tell which as it was dark by then. at 2am I was woken by what I first thought was thunder but it was my mother falling on the floor, she’s 96! She’s bruised but ok but obviously I’m a bit groggy this morning. just starting to spit with rain again now, I think we’ll have a lot more this morning. Shame in a way as it’s the first day of the Cheshire Show and it will be soggy.
  9. Very disappointing, barely any rain, no thunder and lightning that I noticed. Other areas seem to have done better but not here.
  10. Well that was an exciting night! Though I prefer my thunderstorms in the daytime when I’m not trying to sleep! Lots of bright flashes and some impressive thunder right overhead. Some nice rain but not nearly enough for the garden. Outside smells wonderful now.
  11. Personally I’d be very happy with Sunday being a washout! I long for rain! I’m happy to go walking in the rain, it stops me doing very little and the air smells so lovely on a wet day.
  12. Struggling with the heat which pretty much keeps me inside most of the day as I find it unbearable to be out in the hot sun. looking forward to cooler temperatures and some desperately needed rain!
  13. It started to spit with rain but it evaporated almost at once. Stopped now. just heard my first thunder of the evening.
  14. You had me running outside to take a look! Yes it looks threatening but I have yet to hear thunder.
  15. Thanks! It’s gone very warm and sunny again, I shall spend the evening watching clouds and hoping for more rain before the garden shrivels up completely.
  16. It’s gone quiet and dry again here in Northwich but there are lots of big clouds building up so it bodes well for later.
  17. Thanks! It’s good to be taking part after watching from the sidelines for so long.
  18. Thanks! I do love a good thunderstorm though and could watch clouds for hours.
  19. Thanks severe snowstorm and Cheshire Snow for the welcome, though I’m not a big fan of snow!
  20. I’ve been reading this forum for a while now and decided to join you. Could be an entertaining evening here, thunder is rolling around nicely.
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