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Everything posted by TammasinWhiskers

  1. Was horrible overnight here - 40mph wind and rain that was hard enough to wake me up about 3.30am. Very little of which came in the house, mind, but we now have a third (and fourth, and fifth) cat coming in when it's wet. Oscar next door we don't mind, they tolerate him (barely, but they've known him since he was a teeny tiny kitten so they let him off ) - his people have an Air B&B to make ends meet, so sometimes he's not welcome at home if there are guests in. Goth Floof is just around and about, isn't a problem except that one of these days Tabs is going to break the back window trying to get out and hand him his bottom. The new one...not so sure. Has a home by all accounts but spent most of last night out in our garden crying piteously, I called them over to make sure they weren't hurt or ill, they're fine - a nice little thing, just worries me that s/he doesn't go home. So this morning I came downstairs, Fat Lad had spent the night in bed with me, the finger of suspicion did not point at him. Tabs is too much of a girlie girl. Someone had dropped a massive unsolicited brown gift in front of the kitchen sink, though....
  2. Somerset girl Had 'em for about three years now so it's not as alarming as it was once. Basically a slipped hanging tile on the gable end over a pitched roof extension, which has left us with cracked render underneath it. Had it repaired last year, then Storm Ciaran, and it's letting in water again. I imagine at some point over the summer we'll finally get enough calm weather to get someone out to it. We had someone booked to come out last week but winds were up to 35-40mph gusts again which is no kind of condition to be up a ladder so.... To be honest we only know it's a thing because some bleddy fool (ie me) poked a hole in the damp plasterboard to see if it was wet, else it would have just run down the battens and out over the door....
  3. I'm happy to say we're not in the warning area either! Just it absolutely legged it down about 3 o clock, the ceiling in the dining room has just about stopped dripping, and if it's going to keep coming round and round like chuffin' Groundhog Day that's it! I'm done! Going to emigrate for the Sahara! (I've not been out to St Buryan much, but the Derek Tangye books that are one of the reasons I moved down here are set on a flower farm down there, so I think I'd like to. We're in the middle, so we're a bit calmer.)
  4. So today's stupid question: we seem to be under what Kernow Weather Team are calling "Nature's spin cycle", I don't know how to call it other than on the radar it's a sort of whirlpool of heavy showers. Does it just keep going round and round until it runs out of water? It doesn't seem to be moving *away", just round?
  5. *Stormforce~beka* I hear ya, sister! I don't iron ANYTHING - even tablecloths, they go out on the line damp for a good blow. Er. I'm starting to feel a bit embarrassed now at having tablecloths and winter curtains....
  6. Andy Bown I get all my curtains, towels and blankets washed and put away the first few weeks of real summer. Love it. I feel like Home Front Heroine now but I think there's a sort of musty smell about your winter curtains after they've been up all over Christmas and the cold months, they need a good blow!
  7. Andy Bown not long though before you can get a wash out first thing before you go to work, bring it in when you get in, and then get a second lot on the line before bedtime!
  8. *Stormforce~beka* any colour as long as it's black, with mine! Bit peeved that the sheet on the line is as damp as when I put it out. But at least it doesn't smell of elderly cat any more....
  9. *Stormforce~beka* my spawn is a big grown up 13 year old. He doesn't wear his old mum's knitting any more (after I spent 12 months knitting him a pullover with crow skulls on it, ungrateful little toad) so I'm knitting socks for mates now. Much more restful! I do love this time of year in Cornwall. The daffodils are beginning to peek, there's an azalea bush over the road which is almost indecently pink. The jackdaws are flying for the joy of flying.
  10. *Stormforce~beka* I'm Knits With Cats, which is like Dances With Wolves but with additional asshats. Knitting socks for a friend who runs a fruit and veg shop so she's on her feet all day, so she wanted nice wool socks. Senior GentleCat thought having warm feet in an unheated shop was a silly idea and patiently took the sock of all four needles yesterday. It must have took him hours to unravel different lengths from each needle. Other than that, I'm going to a textile fair this weekend in St Blazey (...if anyone wants to come, she says, hopefully) and it's ALWAYS mizzly in the Clay Country, so, meh. What are you up to today, anything nice?
  11. Grumpy drizzly weather here. At least I've been able to put the kitchen rug out again so Senior Gentlecat's....worst excesses, shall we say...can air out. Planted a Christmas box (sweet box) at the front door in a tub yesterday and some cyclamens in the window box though.
  12. I've got a towel and the kitchen rug out on the line - thanks Senior GentleCat - so I have high hopes for today.
  13. More than welcome to a little of my silvery light Snowdog! There' s not any colour in it, but the leaves are beginning to pop on my new rosebush and there are catkins on my goat willow tree. Not cold by any means, so I don't mind how blowy and mizzly it is as long as I can feel my feet! It's a classic early spring day for Cornwall. The daffodils are starting to come out, the frogs are humping in the pond, the cat's going out for wees again instead of huddling up to the kitchen sink unit for a piddle, and the jackdaws are flighting about like mad things.
  14. It's like proper spring today. Yes, windy and wet, but absolutely not cold, and the silvery light is a joy. Now if only someone had watered the angelica plant overwintering on my windowsill at work while I was off.....
  15. It actually feels like spring today. I mean, we've had a couple of heller showers and it's still making horrible noises in the chimney, but the light feels different somehow.
  16. Also to note, if you're looking at the potential impact on an area that will be already disrupted from this last night, what might be on paper not in the same league as a previous weather event might have the potential for a much more significant impact. If that makes sense!
  17. Cutting a rug, huh? Absolutely definitely no goths here. Nope. Not one. Actually thought about buying the crow lamp. if it's the little guy with the lightbulb in his mouth, but I'm a partially-sighted embroiderer and we have a dark house - how much actual light do you get out of it? I put one of my sofa throws out on the washing line, because Horrible Old Cat didn't want to go out for a wee.....
  18. We love all the crows in this house (not goths much, noooo, not at all) over lockdown we had a family of jackdaws who got quite chummy with us and bring us their Preciouses. Which isn;t brilliant when you're in the garden weeding and some fool of a bird decides to drop a shiny brass washer in front of you, narrowly missing beaning you on the head.
  19. From someone in Cornwall, thank you for everything you did last night.
  20. According to MO Camborne hit 60mph about 6 o'clock and then slowly tapered off. The jackdaws over the road think it's all calmed down now, although they do love a good breeze anyway don't they? They're cavorting about the sky clattering like good 'uns even though it's not even quite daylight yet.
  21. Morning all - looks like the worst we had was the lid came off the composting bin, so I am very thankful for that. Loud as hell over our rooftop but we are in a sheltered spot tucked in down the side of a chapel, and our garden is enclosed on all sides. Not a nice night at all and once again I am enormously grateful for the work of the engineers who kept our power on and our internet access going, and the maintenance teams out overnight keeping the roads safe of debris.
  22. Be aware though that the wind speed is in Km, not miles. I nearly swallowed my teeth when I saw wind speed gusting at Camborne automatic weather station at 90.7. but on clicking on it and doing the maths, it's a much less hair-raising 55mph. (Look I'm OLD ok, I think in miles per hour!)
  23. I'm guessing regardless of it's physical impact it will end up being named simply because of the impact on areas that won't have finished recovering from this yet. Probably cue lots of people complaining that it's hardly a breath of wind...
  24. Thinking about the poster who suffered anxiety around storms - Frank Sierra? maybe? - and hoping they're OK. They haven't been around on this thread lately and I know it helps my weather anxiety enormously to listen to knowledgeable people and occasionally chip in some randomness I found somewhere. Whoops, there goes the contents of my neighbour's trailer....
  25. I think some of the weather apps are mildly delusional. BBC Truro weather apparently wind speed 19mph. Kernow Weather Team maximum gust speed from their weather station in Illogan 73.8mph. Whut???
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