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Posts posted by oldsnowywizard

  1. any latest on this area gents? I have seen a few forums where there has been mention of the northern part of the Gulf Stream heading a little further south... but nothing to back it up or to confirm if its normal for this time of year? I think the MET also suggested that whilst 2015 and 2016 would be globally warmer that western EU could be cooler.. cant remember if that was due to the link of the GS or not?

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  2. There will be pleanty of opinions out there for why we have ended up where we are..my thoughts are as follows...

    For the past 2 winters more especially last one, we saw that for most of the period the cold air was forced out over the hudson area... hence the reason for the late melt out here.... it would stand to reason that this meant the ice ( fragile due to the past ) did not get the required super and constant cold needed to help continue the trend... we therefore have a reset and a major one ... not yet as bad in terms of extent as the worst year...although the ice is clearly in the worst state i have seen it... with el nino this winter it will be interesting to see how the cold behaves in the arctic... it usually would be warmer and drier over canada and perhaps colder over europe .. .. lets hope the cold stays over the arctic.

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  3. Actually it doesn't prove your point osw. Your forgetting diurnal variation for example the 12z and 00z soundings (remember these are in GMt not local time and the latest two charts. They are all compatible. You have to compare like with like.



    Not really.. i was looking at the high temps... besides even the graphics you provide show Barrow in the green 50f zone... yes there are some warmer temps along the coast a little further along I can see some 20 degrees there but for some reason I like using Barrow to compare... a bit like when others use single points to justify their objective - controversial comment


    weather.com - http://www.weather.com/weather/tenday/l/Barrow+AK+99723:4:US - highs of 55F or 15C and that is today... going down hill from now on... 

    accuweather - http://www.accuweather.com/en/us/barrow-ak/99723/daily-weather-forecast/331720 - 


    of note is the 850s forecast on the 5th July ie Sunday... I can see a pocket of +10 to +15 850 air... and according to the 2m temps on wetter implying temps of +25... if you compare the links above and any other forecast the high is set to be 49 or 50F or 10 degrees C... so again a point to be made about relying on GFS 2m temps... 


    anyway.. some interesting charts for you all.. day charts... not bad considering... will they change ? of course... but this is nearly July...





  4. Proves my point ...alot focus on the wetter charts as gospel... if you look at the 2m charts for barrow they read as 20+ degrees ..no wonder there are comments about extreme warmth... put it into context barrow rarely gets above 15 degrees in summer...not exactly warm... it would be helpful to use some of the towns around the arctic to gain some kind of more accurate reflection of what is going on at the coasts. Cheers knocks!

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  5. 850temps over Barrow at the moment are around+5...where as the actual temp at ground level is +12 ...the forecast of 850s is set to increase to +10 to +15....however the ground temps are forecast to drop to +9 and then further to +4.. im using wetterzentrale and then barrow weather forecast on accuweather... either can be wrong i guess ..but interesting none the less as you would have expected warmer ground temps with an increase in 850s....right?

  6. Are we making the same mistake year on year and looking at 850 temps or are we looking at 2m temps? Extreme warmth and other comments are misleading... barrow is 0 degrees right now.. last week during the "extreme warmth" it went to a barmy 3 degrees.. it is june..weather patterns always from april to sep will allow warmer air into the arctic..there is not a force field in place stopping it. We know from the past that there are many other factors which will lead to ice melt.. radiation, ssts , etc etc. We do not know nearly enough to make anything but speculation. Gw for eg has since i have been a member talked about bad ice.. serious cracks etc ..but still the ice has not melted out as perhaps he and many others have thought... does that mean it cant happen..NO no one cant predict the future.. even i have been surprised by the ice as is today... after 07 and 11 i thought we were doomed.. i even bought a ..i heart gw t shirt.. but ...here we are..thicker ice than we have been used to over this last 5 years or so... lets see how it pans out..

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  7. There is a separate thread for antarctic discussions...global ice I guess can be discussed here ? Widespread -10 showing up at the end of the week and clearly the cold is building up...We should see increases within the week. No heat spikes on dmi yet which is a little strange ..is there no heat in the ocean or is it unable to get released at the moment ?

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  8. That further impresses me about the current conditions... I'm also amazed at the difference between 2012 and 2013...One more repeat and the ice extent levels would be back up to late 90s levels... response to 357 ..sorry

    Ps loving the high tech chat on here but can we link this a little more to the Arctic ice :-)

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  9. Tbh I wasn't expecting ice to start plateauing out this early.. If you look at the sst anomalies you will see lots of reds indicating quite large temp differences...This should indicate that ice growth would be very restricted..perhaps as the anomaly maps are based on an average over years..maybe 30,20 or even 10 years ago these areas would be ice covered and therefore it stands to reason the ssts anomalies are higher as there is no ice ? Anyway I'm sure there is a debate about that ... ? In any case temps are indeed dropping on a daily basis and no warm incursions forecast at the moment... could this be a good recovery after all? Despite the milder winter last year, despite the poor ice state? Let's hope so and let's hope for a cold Winter up there ! ( if Russia turns of the gas I think everyone would prefer a mild winter )

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  10. The low you are talking about is in a different place on the ECMWF.. it isnt unusual at this time to see some low pressures... they should move the ice, destroy some, stack some replenish some with snow and help to use up some of the latent heat in the water.. so all in all good and bad points about  lows at this time of year... you are asking a lot for the ice to drop to 2007/11 levels now.. different synoptics for those years and more widespread warmth.. this year more  widespread -5 and some -10s starting to show up on the models.. I would imagine we will start to plateau out starting from 1st sep and then the rise will start around the 25th.. I would imagine just around the 5mil mark will be the min..

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  11. GS there are dipoles and there are dipoles.. I dont see a strong dipole with strong winds pushing ice out as was the case in other years... there will continue to be melt but I agree with the thoughts in the AIS update, rather later in the season than earlier..  I see another week before temps start dropping more widely to 0 and below.. the key for me will be the ssts now and how long it takes for the warmth to disappear. I can see a later than normal min ice date due to this factor




    compare the charts here and we are in a surprising position compared to the last few years... yes GW 80s charts blah blah but another step at least in the right direction.. considering the winter, where we are is even more surprising to me..


    if you look at 2012 for example there was no 95% and above concentrated ice at all.. so in that respect not bad at all...  

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  12. Why make it an us and them debate everytime? You make it sound like it's a gang and anyone not in your gang is wrong?

    Temps will start to drop more around 0 now even with the warmer plus 5S at 850s ... bottom melt will keep going of course for a month or two.. expect to see more refreeze in the main pack Atlantic side especially... of note is that despite the colder air being over the USA rather than the arctic for most of last winter the ice still has not melted out as expected at the moment...time appears to be on our side... I'm not saying the dropping will stop of course..but compare images of 2014 with 2013 and 2012 and you can see the ice appears to be more concentrated

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  13. Born you seem to be getting grumpy and always snipe at others...can you go back to posting factual and balanced posts please .. Thank you...

    on a positive note for once ... ice thickness is better than 2013 and 12. The warmer air doesn't appear to have damaged too much ice. ..let's hope the colder air moves back over the basin ...

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