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Reading FC

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Everything posted by Reading FC

  1. I can confirm though that the Reading forcefield is still well intact as well, you're not on your own
  2. Still had absolutely nothing here and still crystal clear skies yet only a few miles away plenty of snow about! This is where it has been going all night so far! Reading snow shiled still very much intact
  3. amazing the differences and locality of the snow this evening. Nothing here at all to the east of Reading yet just drove to Ascot 7 miles from me to drop something off and there's plenty there and was snowing very hard.
  4. Just so you know, the've been over this way and really nothing much came out of it, few grains, ver very light stuff so don't expect anything these showers really aren't deliverying much if anything.
  5. Yes, Thames streamer is basically just the areas immediately around the estaury and Luton is no where near I'm afraid so that wont effect you. I wouldn't think you will get much until later tonight /tomorrow that's when it seems to be forecasted, as for here too, the showers coming in over London are dying out before getting 40 miles to the west where I am, I am expecting a small covering though by morning but shant hold my breath as in these situations usually everything passes to the south of me and goes through Surrey/Hants
  6. fairly rapid thaw setting in now near to Reading, most of the snow on the trees is melting off quite fast. nice 2-3cm covering though cant complain lovely to see the white stuff before i head off to California on Saturday for some more!
  7. It was always forecast to fall over night?? You must have been out on your own with that idea!
  8. the meteo 24 free 15 min radar has the PPN forecasted to practically switch direction and not get out of the southwest and wales http://www.meteo24.com/uk/index.php?q=radar
  9. I certainly do Nick. Actually to be honest as moer of an avid reader I can't think of many occasions where SF has been spot on with any forecasts, his are not ones I generally pay any attention to anyway as I'm sure do others.
  10. pretty much as expected then, lots of uncertainty this week will be very much a watch and see week me thinks!
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