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Everything posted by allenar

  1. Just goes to show how hard it is to forecast snow at even a short time frame. Lovely wet resin here lol
  2. I'm slightly confused. Reading on here tonight I'm none the wiser what the week ahead holds.
  3. Imagine if the cold clung on. Sundays front would bring the country to a standstill,
  4. Someone once told me big snow little snow, little snow big snow.
  5. Don't forget peeps this will turn to rain later on
  6. Is there a warm sector in front of that front ? We have snow melting, trees lost all snow cover and ground becoming slushy
  7. I'm not fully convinced it will happen yet. Remember when all models pointed at the easterly in Dec. Few days before bang it backtracked.
  8. Not sure if that bit in the se will push towards us.
  9. I agree, everyone's quick to jump on the breakdown wagon. Something is brewing..
  10. I'm amazed how a breakdown in fi is now certain.... Things can and will change.
  11. Is south Yorkshire expected to get anymore. We had quite a dumping during the night and this morning.
  12. I remember an event shown in December suddenly get scrapped. I also remember someone saying the models aren't all that reliable at the moment. If got a feeling plenty more twists to come yet. Saturday is a long time to go..
  13. Sleet in Rotherham. Not very deep and very wet. Recon that's the end. Or the warm sector
  14. OK, I'm not being a killjoy, but its thawing here. Constant small flakes. About a 3mm covering. What's the point of the most issuing a warning.
  15. Hasn't that warning being there all day. The amber covers areas further north and not imby lol Just noticed update to warning..
  16. Exactly my thoughts. S Yorks may have a lucky or not so lucky escape..
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