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Posts posted by LadyPakal

  1. Unless GW is mentioned in an thing (research paper, tv documentary etc.) they won't get the funding to be made. Pretend it's the latest fashion (like shoulder pads, rara skirts or boob tubes - I'm showing my age but they were all fashions I ignored when I was a teen) and ignore it.

    Spotted the tourists/scientists on the Thoro/Voda cams yet?

  2. How lucky is that! I got back from the pub to my daughters place just in time to see all that action!

    It seems to be my day today!

    What a lovely show and how glad I am the fog stayed away.

    Does anyone think the high levels on the tremor charts are of any major significance? They seem to be rising significantly to me but I don't know what the significance is.

    No-one seems to - that's what makes it such fun! Just think, not so long ago we would not have been able to watch all this real time. Who woulda thunk it...

    Woa, look at 'er go!

  3. From here: http://www.earthice.hi.is/page/ies_Eyjafjallajokull_eruption

    'Additional note: Plumes of white steam extend partway down Gígjökull. The uppermost plume represents the position of the northward-flowing lava flow, whereas the lower plumes are from hot meltwater.'

    'Conditions at eruption site:

    A 200-m-wide eruptive crater is visible within the ice cauldron. The rim of the crater appears to be ~30 m lower than the adjacent ice surface. Lava has propagated ~1 km north from the crater toward Gígjökull. Although steam is forming over the lava front, no large emissions of steam originate from the eruptive crater.'

    'Presently, there are no measurable indications that the eruption is about to end.'

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