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Everything posted by EasternPromise

  1. I cant remember exact years but the first major major snow event was around one valentines day in the late seventies (probably 78-79). My school shut early in the morning because the main teacher could not get in beacuse of the snow. Strange I thought at the time because no snow had yet fallen and she lived only about 20 miles away near the Suffolk coast. Shortly after the snow started and the winds picked up and it continued overnight and possibly all the next day (I think!!). Anyway when it stopped, we had at least a foot of lying snow in the sheltered parts and 6 foot drifts cut off our village on every road in and out. Took a whole day for the JCB's to remove the snow from the roads. I always remember the newspapers headlines saying "More to Come". Unfortunately it never did. However it did take a good week for most of teh snow to melt. Second major event was the proper blizzard we had in the early eighties (I think it was early eighties). This was causes by a low pressure system moving across the South and East (not sure where it went from there). I know it happened on a Sunday and began at dusk. Again the village was completely cut off. This was the most snow I have seen fall in such a short time. I have seen blizzard conditions since but I'm sure, never a proper blizzard like this. Other memories I recall was the December when we had lying snow for at least two weeks before and 1 week or more after Xmas. The roads were in the area were just like sheets of ice. I remember that water in buckets never actually melted during the day. There have been many more snow events in the eighties and early nineties including drifting and blizzard conditions. In fact too many for me to remember correctly. Here's hoping to see another major event before long.
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