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Everything posted by lettice

  1. A high of only 7.8°C yesterday. Had some very dark skies yesterday afternoon, house lights had to come on, but stayed dry. 6°C at midnight, low of 4°C at 5am. Now 4.5°C, 1027.4 hPa, NE 8-12mph winds. Nice to see some blue sky creeping through after recent overcast skies. Gave my weather station a clean yesterday afternoon, removing a spider web that I noticed hanging on the pole. Then, noticed the spider crawled from underneath one of the weather arms. Odd place to hide, must have got quite dizzy.
  2. Its been a very dark sky here for the last hour, dry but feeling a bit nippy outside with that northerly wind. Only 7.7c.
  3. Yes, not that I understood it this morning. I was just lost trying to post in the SW and S England thread. Not sure we want multiple regional posts, this one is only ever that busy when there is a snow event. Which is a fun time and works well at times like that. We can post pics in here now, why does it need a gallery, whatever that is intended for.
  4. Oh how weird, could not post to the old thread, seems to have moved here, without old thread mentioning a new one. No idea why I had to click the join button, well it seemed to work. Very odd, as I'm already logged in. Anyway, A couple of overcast days and same this morning. 10-12c mostly Thur and Fri, but was down to 3c at 3am this morning. No recorded rain since Wednesday, but felt a tiny free drizzly bits this morning. 6.5°C, Northerly 8mph winds, 1023.3 hPa Despite the overcast weather, but a tad warmer, my broad beans, rhubarb and strawberry runners are loving it and have put on a real spurt the last week The daffs, hyacinths and tulips are just starting to show too. The crocus have been up a few weeks and flowering very well, always the early guys. Just love this time of year in the garden...
  5. Despite all that sunshine yesterday it only got to a high of 11c mid afternoon. Another sunny bright start today, now 7.8°C, 1022.5 hPa, SE 8mph wind with plenty of 15-18mph gusts.
  6. What a lovely sunny day it turned out yesterday, 12.8°C midday. Low of 1.6°C 1t 6am and a slight frost. A sunny start, 7.5°C, 1030.4 hPa, 6-10mph SSE wind and
  7. We had a few quick hail showers yesterday afternoon, along with a few drizzly showers during the day, 2.8mm. Nice sunny start to the day. Low of 4.8c at 5am. Now 6.4°C, 1025.8 hPa, W to WNW 6mph wind
  8. A low of 4.5°C at 6:30am. Now 10.8°C. nice sunny spells earlier, but gone overcast now. Notice heavy snow showers in some of the forecasts for tomorrow afternoon here, and temps at that time showing at 8-9°C
  9. From about 6pm to 8pm we had that squall hit here. Wind picked up to 25-30mph with loads of 35 - 45mph gusts and a handful 48mph. Been blustery on and off through the night and early morning. Looks to be calming a little this morning, but still gusty at times, 15-20mph with 25-28mph gusts and occasional 30-35mph Yesterday, I'd never heard so much banging, drilling, sawing and building deliveries mainly fence panels and roof materials as many neighbours and workmen started the repairs.
  10. I've been on the Wareham site all day today. Following the gauges and the Recent charts. Not had one glitch. Using W11 and Edge browser.
  11. 1990 if I recall passed us by here. I moved into my current house 1989 and do not remember 1990 as being anything. Neither do the neighbours, talking with them an hour ago when we were surveying the carnage. Thy all said 1987 like me was the worst. Just had another very gusty spell pass through with light rain, 35mph gusts.
  12. We had a handful of hail fall just now that passed through very quickly here. The winds have finally calmed down now. Still very breezy. That sure was a wind storm to remember. Worst here since 1987. Must admit the met were spot on with a red and also they managed the gust prediction pretty well before and during the worst spell. Do not often say that, sure it cannot be easy. Just had a quick walk round my area. Never seen so much damage. Fences and shed roofs down/broken and off galore. Plenty of houses lost blown tiles and two more have big holes in the roof, just like the one a few doors up from me that has three big holes in their roof and tiles off on the front.
  13. Had to hold down quite a bit in garden. Like my plastic greenhouse that stores a lot of pots. More worried about them flying off somewhere, so emptied it and bought the pots and the actual greenhouse inside. Apart from the wind its lovely sunshine out there. Mind have to watch out for a lot of flying debris. Managed in the peak to record spells of constant 45-55 gusts for a good few hours, something I've never seen here. Recorded a few at 57-59 and a couple of 61and 63mph.
  14. We are getting a constant 25mph wind and regular 30 - 40mph gusts now for the last 20 mins. Loving the sunshine
  15. Wind has picked up here now constant 20mph, with regular 30-35mph gusts. Notice fence panels are creaking already.
  16. Woke up to a red zone. Not bad here at the moment. Winds picked up about an hour ago, SW 16-20mph, occasional gusts 20-25mph and a few 30-32mph. But forecasts here have changed this morning for us, 70-71mph from 10am to 2pm.
  17. Yesterday afternoon we had some gusty winds with a few hours of 25-30mph gusts. Nice morning and a bit of a clam before the storm, WNW 10-15mph. Now 10.5°C, 1011.9 hPa and rising rapidly. A bit of a downgrade on the forecasts for tomorrow I've noticed here, now showing 50-63mph gusts during the day, when yesterday they were 55- 73mph.
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