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Everything posted by guitarnutter

  1. crisp, immense dense fog all day, cold we were never warned about the fog on this site
  2. I have opened this topic to discuss the October CET
  3. Why do they bother? any weather forecast is rarely right past about 3 days, so whats the point forcasting for more than about 5 days away, and especially months off.
  4. have they ever been more than 40% confident of anything at this time of year for winter?
  5. -1.1 incredibly cold blast from norwich
  6. It was snowing a bit on shining tor in the lake district but it turned to rain. P.S. Terminal moraine, is there still snow on the highest peaks in the peak district?
  7. As that person says it hasnt snowed in 8 years, but look what happened in 1908: BBC weather Now who says it never snows there, and this was in April!!!
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