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Everything posted by davelp

  1. Hi all link to my blog for the day. Enjoy the pictures http://www.dp-outdoors.com/storm-chase/day-4-the-slapout-super-cell/
  2. My blog for the day. Enjoy the pictures http://www.dp-outdoors.com/storm-chase/day-three-the-four-state-traverse/
  3. Here are the links to my first two blog updates. ill keep adding them as I go along. look out for them in the Picture threads http://www.dp-outdoo...day-one-travel/ http://www.dp-outdoo...the-light-show/ Just for your visual delight I include some of my images from yesteday for you all to enjoy. it was an amazing show
  4. Well not knowing which day to attach this to as we havn't started yet I thought I stick them here. Tour 4 Day 0
  5. Tour 4 starting in earnest for me now. link to my blog where I'll be putting my spin on the tour. http://www.dp-outdoors.com/blog/
  6. Great first effort. Impressed at the hand holding skills.
  7. What a shot.. So proud.. Well done excellent photo. Love the video's need my fix of stills.
  8. Great storm. See the video is victim to the hunting auto focus. Tip I learnt since last year as mine drove me mad. Find your manual focus if the camera has one and stick it on infinity. Failing that if you have these program modes that most new camcorders seem to have then find the setting for fireworks. That should give you the correct settings for lightning and turn off the auto focus to boot. Apologies if you already know this. Can't wait for the next batch.
  9. Was not what I would have recommended for a first time. Intense stuff. Your exposures were not very far off the mark so well done for the time adjust. Best tip when you have a gusty inflow is eat less beans... Seriously just use one hand and place it on the collar of the tripod to steady it. Also try to resist winding up the center column. In wind it tends to sway more. Next time will be spot on.
  10. Great effort Jimbo. Infinity on your Lens may not be where we thought it was. Always difficult if there is no proper focus markings. First thing I would do is have a practice in daylight. Set the focus to where we thought it was and take the picture. See what happens When you find the exact spot I would suggest a trip to walmarts for a bit of tippex. Once you have the spot then a tiny dab of tippex on the focusing mechanism. (Don't forget to put a tiny dab on the lens as a fixed point). All you need to do then is match the dots at night and all should be well. Alternatively during the storm look through the viewfinder and focus the camera on the furthest point you can see. There is normally a beacon or light somewhere on the horizon. Try to get one of those dots as sharp as possible. Remember night shots need to be on a tripod. (Your shots look like they were taken hand held of using the window of the car as there is some lens blur [Movement]) Night shots need to be rock steady If you are going to crop in or try to enlarge the lightning the process will add some distortion. Always try to keep the lens at its widest setting, It is easier to focus . Finally always check your shots after you have taken them, not just trust they are ok. A quick look at the back of the camera will show if they need better focusing. Keep at it, they will get better. Great storm, what a start to the tour. You need to eat more chilli flakes!
  11. Outrageous. What fun, sorry I missed it live. Now really want to see some of the stills from this storm.
  12. Always check your kit. Tripod, check. Test the mechanism, pieces of tripod. Bugger! Credit card needed.
  13. So Paul, Jimbo has promised to buy an American football helmet and pads, to venture out into the hail. I hope you'll remind him for me and I expect photos. lol
  14. Great end to the tour. Some really nice photos Paul. Lots more to come in tour 3 building up to the mother of all tour 4's please!
  15. Dave with an AK47. Now there is a worrying sight
  16. Sooo much going on, Really great start to the season for you guys. Loving the pictures. Hopefully today will produce more of the same.
  17. Good one. Hope for lots more action for you. Need more pictures.
  18. Not cheap. I though about flying to Vegas and Hiring a car. Not sure its any cheaper but a nice convertible, some sun. Arrive in style.
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