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Everything posted by Claudia

  1. Clicky http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2009/12/hubble_space_telescope_advent_1.html
  2. I wasnt accusing you of lying I just wanted to know if you actually saw them from London !
  3. I started when it became minimum as well. Your location says London and you say you are reasonably placed and have witnessed several good shows, I am in Norfolk/Suffolk and was under the impression I would be incredibly lucky to see one !? Is there hope for me yet !
  4. Does anyone know where I can get hold of a moon compass ? Dubois used to do one and its exactly what I was after I know that they have stopped making this but if anyone knows of anywhere it is stock please let me know!!!!!!!
  5. well the sun compass is by Dubois and the moon should be the same make, cant find it anywhere though !!!
  6. Thanks again for trying but the watch will not allow me to calculate ahead of time And the luna wheel as far as I could make out will only tell you what cycle the moon will be at on a given date, sadly not when and where it rises. Just like the sundial information but moon !!! It does not even have to tell me what the phase of moon will be just when and where !!!!!!
  7. Thank-you for all attempts so far but unless I have missed something sadly they will not tell me both where and when the moon will appear Warehouse Express had them featured on their main page three years ago and they kindly phoned the manufacturer as they no longer stock this item but they are not making them any more I have tried the websites that claim to say when and where the moon will rise and when for this area but they have all stated different details and gave up on that in the end, besides then if you get carried away with other things for awhile (which I tend to do) you can guarantee I wouldnt have an up to date one with me !
  8. I have been trying to find something that will tell me where the moon will be and when. I am looking for a little dial type thing that I can just stick in my rucksack and forget about until I need it. Not any GPS,DVD or computer type things please ! Any suggestions very welcome !!!!!!!!
  9. Um, my comment about the self help section was about the psychology books you have read not a dig at philosophy. Levinas sounds good, I think people think about themselves to much and compare themselves to what others have, its not healthy and I dont think it makes people happy. My all time fav study is a 'good doing' its by Daniel Goleman in Emotional Intelligence, he tells the story of how he had the insparation to come up with the experiments in the first place which is good in itself just a bit long. He started his own experiments by walking down a street and smiling, maybe a cheery comment while they were passing then he would watch and note down the resonse. This had a knock on effect and the subject carried the good will and passed it on This type of experiment has so much mileage, brings pleasure to the recipient and I had such good fun with it. EG You know how you go into a shop and get a right cow of an assistant, taking on the challenge of trying to get their mood to change and watching the knock on effect compleatly changes the shopping experience where you would be Tuted off with the rude assistant and therfore streesed. Go on you will have to try it, let me know if you do. I do understand your technical matter though, sometimes life is just like that, but its well worth keep trying ! So what have you learnt that has had the biggest influence to your life ? "a simpler world is just an illusion" :lol: NNNNnnnnnooooooo!!!!!! OK eating, yup I like eating :lol: I also like hunter gathering its very satisfiing,shelter well that depends caves were mostly used because the human eating critters were a tad bigger in those days and so its just the fire possibly some bedding ?clothing, who needs them with all those fit men around oh and we were alot hairier in those days, well you kill the meet to eat so you have the skin already you just dry it in the sun. Health, well if you were in poor health you would be unable to escape preditors and get eaten, thats how the good genes used to get carried in the good old days.Beauty, now im not saying I dont own a brush but..........Thought, hmmmmm yes I know tricky ! The modern brain extends back at least 120,000 years, were we became consciously aware and externalised cognition and projected instantaitions of needs in the form of sophisticated tools, complex language and art. I enjoy art and it was produced before this time just not with the same capabilities. I seem to go through life and gather questions these annoy me untill I find the answer to them, its both annoying and pleasant (sometimes I wonder if its a disease) so it comes down to a choice of keeping the external cognition hmmm they do say ignorance is bliss sooo......The last one left is pleasure well I have already covered all the things that make me tick so... And you are forgetting about the plus points less people, freedom to roam, less periods, organic and free range food for nought..... So come on then whats the perfect time to live ? GW well its not Dawkins
  10. I couldnt help but notice you missed a meaning for life off your personal tick chart - your heart beats and your lungs inflate and deflate, :cray:or to put it another way you just exist. I fully agree with life being transient, youu never know what will happen next. I would have loved to live in any era with dinasors, hunt, gather and procreate, maybe a bit of cave painting. I wish I had been born earlier though the way technology is going, surveillance, no where to roam,terrorism,fighting for rights,sueing at the drop of a hat.............its not natural to live like this, all the things I enjoy most are from cave days maybe im just simple minded :lol:
  11. We are all good at different things, this is why the human race has been able to advance to this extent. I like the fact that with psychology they explain the study, subjects etc with this information I can come to my own conclusion as to how valuable this information is to me. I find that philosophy lacks any reference and in some cases has even been one persons opinion alone, their are however philosiphers how draw their conclusions on reliable evidence and refer to this in their thoughts, I still perfer to gain knowledge from the horses mouth where I am provided with all the facts. Things like being able to slice the top off someones head and see the effects that placing an electric current has on the person amazes me, someone can stand in a public place with a non discript uniform on and ask people walking past to walk all the way round a banana instead of walking in a straight line and they do ( do you ever question your doctor ? ) these things fasinate me and you dont get them from philosohy. As for being dodgy, as with anything with life some stuff you like other stuff you dont and you make up your mind how to spend your life based on this. For every study that say we did this and this happened which proves this, there is always someone else that says well we did this and that didnt happen and as I enjoy research I enjoy trying to decide who I agree with. I think you might be in the self help section though, if this is the case I strongly sugest you put the book down and RUN
  12. Give me psychology any day ! I realise you can still have a philisophical discussion about the various results but I like the structure and logic that science brings. The exception being R D Lang The Divided Self, only read half as you can sum up a hole page in a sentence. Why does our life have to have a purpose ? It is natural for humans to question life and our existance but why do we think we are so important to have a purpose ?
  13. Read feminism, really. I dont mind this I dont belive in changing someone to be what you want them to be. I love the things that I do and know it would make me unhappy to give them up and as I dont meet people every day that enjoy the same things as me. I dont mind being a "possession" its nice to have the quiet, but there is a point that its unhealthy. I dont think wanting to share lives, live in harmony and make each other happy (which seems lacking in todays society) comes down to femimism, I would have thought it was healthy ? It seems to me that people are busy keeping up with the Jones, everything has to be bigger, better, more exciting than the last thing they did/had. What happened to the little pleasures in life ? Oooh interesting, I will have to look this up thanks
  14. This rings some bells. So someone like this, if they were capable of speaking to someone who could be described as a Mother figure (although not his Mother) would this mean there is potential for communication with a potental partner or not ? If there is chance for communtcation but this is not happening what would be the likley problem, trust, insecurity....? I dont normally like philosophy because its more someones opinions, I like science, we did this and got these results. Alain De Botton has covered subjects that interest me peoples need for status, materialism, travel, love and happiness. I dont understand the reviews on Amazon though, if you read Essays In Love he fully expresses his emotions as he goes through his relationships but in actual he does not seem to interact with his girlfriends any differently. Maybe I am strange but I would go near him. Thanks for the book recomendations I will look into them.
  15. Alain De Botton has some very good books on the subject. If you look them up on Amazon he gets rav reviews in his love section........from females Grey Wolf, I see you have read a few Freud books ! Grey Wolf "Sadly most boys are taught to be boys by girls (their mums) so what chance do they stand? Girls are taught to be girls by a girl and you can see how that turns out. Behind every ruined man is a woman.....Mum" So when they say to choose a husband that loves his Mum, what they mean is you will be able to get him to do what ever you want. OK Females talk about crap, things in life that dont matter,pointless gossip,hair. Men talk about things of substance, the weather, news, opinions of life. But a women will see a social problem and resolve it by talking, men seem to think it they will wake up one day and it will have resolved itself !? Oh I forgot about the male strop part. I dont get it, whats "mummys boy" about resolving a situation by having an adult discusion instead of going in a strop, females slove problems like this all the time without being in floods of tears !
  16. Few, thanks ! I thought for a minute that the animals were taking over the world through the internet http://nwstatic.co.uk/forum/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/laugh.gif
  17. I knew we are parisites but that is some comeback + with technology that is some advancement. Axelrod 1984 Tit-for-tat and the evolution of cooperation. Why nice guys could finish first. 8P Oh I thought you would know the answer to men not being able to talk about emotions Ok so what about disclosure in general then. What makes someone disclose personal information/thoughts ? I dont mean wood splints under the nails or stress positions or white noise :lol: or drug enduced states :lol: lets stick to the legal ones :lol: . Ok so I can think of a few, self disclosure, giving out personal information is supposed to make the other person reciprocate. Quick firing of questions, but thats more interigation, not exactly socially polite. Any other sugestions :lol:
  18. Whats a ham http://nwstatic.co.uk/forum/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/laugh.gif
  19. Women look for a mate that can provide, protect and stay around, given the opportunity for better genes they will take it. Men look for a female that will nurture, protect, provide and be loyal they will mate at any given opportunity because their role only lasts a few seconds compared to a female who commits months and the purpose of life is to carry your genes to the next generation. However the two form a 'relationship' because their genes have a better chance of survival with both parents. It is only because of peer pressure and that there is more emphasis on having a job and lesure time that women have one night stands. What age are you saying men 'calm down' ? When they are reaching for the viagra ? And it does not explain why men cant talk about their emotions ! Are you saying my cave man would go out a hunting, trip and graze his knee while running away from a preditor and he wouldnt come home empty handed, hurt pride and want me to kiss it better !?
  20. Wow, I was talking about them being incapable of expressing their feelings. See what you have done is a response based on facts/therorys but to get how something makes them feel is another matter. Oh and I dont think men ever learn not to fall foul of their testosterone drives, I mean you can make your minds up on a potential mate in a few seconds, now thats not being to pickie is it ?
  21. I would love to understand the inner working of the male mind count me in. Ive got jump leads we could use to stimualte the brain, now what to open the scull with......anyone got a chainsaw ? "Today i was in my sceince lesson the night before while i was asleep thats unti thwe wind woke me!!=( any way as i was saying i had a dream and it was me in my science lesson doodling than miss started to talk about lasers then the wind picked up and the room got darker today, miss started to talk about lasers then the wind picked up and the room got darker ?? strange but when id realised this had occuered in my dreams????" Sounds like what wolfie was talking about, the problem I and I would think most people would have is if we for whatever reason know what the future holds then what is the point of living ? When people loose their sole mate sometimes they give up the will to live. I think if we knew what was going to happen to us especally if it is going to be bad then what would be the point in living ? Humans live for new experiences drugs, travel, extream sports....... knowing the future would be like watching the longest film you have ever seem over again and it might not have been that good in the first place.
  22. you die to ? ....... A fly lands on you lays some eggs and gets disturbed by a mammal and flys away, the mammal feeds for a while but moves on when full, the insects really start doing their job by feeding and aiding decomposition which feeds the sapling thats leaves blow in the breeze that carries the fly that layed the eggs to the bird catches it and feeds it to the chick in the nest in the tree that blows in the breeze that feeds on your decomposed body and the mammal that fed on your dead body pees up the tree, but its ok it misses and the hedgehog that sleeps in the hole in the roots and feeds on the inscets that decomposed you so as to nourish the tree gives the mammal fleas. But theres a bule sky with white puffy clouds that race in the breeze, birds are singing and the smell of grass is in the air so you dont mind. But you could live without those dame pigeons pooing in your branches though Or you could just get cremated and be of no nutritional use to the environment and add to golbal warming Or go for the more traditional coffin
  23. Its OK give yourselves a few years and you will understand women abit more and might even start to have a little success in this area too, that is if you ditch the drugs and go to school like good little boys. REALLY. You dont bleed, you can pee standing up and if you like the two lumps of fat and tissue SSssssoooo much then why dont you put up with them !
  24. We have the subconscious because the brain takes in so much stimuli that it cant not cope with it all consciously this does not mean we are not completely unaware of the processes that goes on when it is important such as when we need the fight and fight. Don’t worry I will catch up with all the other pages now. I hope you have a lot of psychology debates!
  25. When we learn to do something eg driving we need to concentrate, the more we do the activity the more it becomes engrained on the brain and results in the ability to do this subconsciously (without thinking which is how you can drive somewhere and remember how you got there) When we have reached this level of thought our brain can subconsciously pick up on changes while our conscious brain does not know what the problem is we only realize an uneasy feeling, premonition or whatever that persons belief may be. Apparently if you have this happen and take yourself back to the event it is possible to make yourself aware of what your subconscious realized. Theres a quite nice book its told in story form which is a bit of a let down but has lots of examples its Blink (the power of thinking without thinking) by Malcolm Gladwell. I have only had time to read the first page so if any ones suggested this already sorry.
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