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Everything posted by mk13

  1. I'll punt for a very warm June with 16.1C
  2. I'll punt for 8.8C, slightly milder than average.
  3. Can anyone tell me what the Netweather final December CET was (under datacentre), as I am keeping a record of this for future reference. Thanks in advance. Mark
  4. I am more concerned about the population growth of this planet and what effect this is having? Use the link below to find when the population of earth reaches one trillion. Now tell me were in past history has the earth had such a large population and what effect this had on our climate and draw your own conclusions? http://www.ibiblio.org/lunarbin/worldpop
  5. Late again due to holiday - my puint for October is 10.8
  6. I realise that that there will be a penalty for being late (away on business), but my punt for Sepember is 13.7C!
  7. After such a awful run of weather, it appears to be finally settling down as the Azore High at last makes it's presence known, but will this continue that's the 64,000 dollar question? I am going for a warmer month just because the weather is finally changing and my punt for August is 17.1 Thanks Mark
  8. My punt for June is 14.5, a much cooler month closer to the average!
  9. According to Manley's monthly CET data, we are yet to record a 14c May, thus statistically it going happen some time and now seems the best opportunity with April being so mild/warm. My punt for May is 14.0C
  10. According to my local paper for Colchester we have recorded 0.4mm so far this month!
  11. What if man is responsible for the type pf weather the UK/Europe is experiencing now? When the planet warms it may reach critical stages that change weather pattern/setups. Example, in the UK once the mean annual temperature reaches 10C and sustained year on, this might trigger a set of advents that change weather patterns slightly and we get stuck in a self replicating mode, as it's self replicating it add more and more heat into the equation once the mean temperature nears 11C, changes happen again reinforcing the replication. C4, Britain's drowned world - Time team special, were looking for neolithic remains under the north sea (as this was once land connecting the UK to Europe). A scientist spoke about how the mean temperature of Europe rose by 7C in just 15 years, flooding the bridge between the UK and Europe! I am not for one moment suggesting that this is going to happen now, but it does illustrate how at times in the past history of the earth's climate, sudden violent changes can occur. The worrying aspect of this warming trend is how will this affect nature and the wildlife?
  12. Sky has cleared here now, current Temp 19.8C
  13. My punt of 10.1C looks astonishingly too low!
  14. Cloud cover 7/8 Temperature 19C Dry - still no rain fall!
  15. Like most joe puplic, I thought the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere (from what the media keep force feeding us) is higher than any time in the earth's history, also the temperature of the earth is close to an all time high! But whilst researching CO2 levels I came across this web site that differs from what the Government scientists are reporting: http://www.clearlight.com/~mhieb/WVFossils...ml#anchor147264 What does anyone think of this research and is it flawed?
  16. I have decide to base my April's CET on statical percentages, based on Hadley Centre's CET data. The last time Hadley recorded a 10 or above CET was in 1987 - 10.3, before that 1961 - 10.0, and remarkably there were 4 years in the 1940's with 10.0C or above! So it appears we are overdue a +10c April! Also considering the model runs from this morning, my guess is... April 2007 CET 10.1C
  17. Can anyone help me, I am looking for a link to when Evaporation rates exceed rainfall? I believe it's between April and September but I require specific dates. Thanks in advance. MK
  18. First go at this CET. As we have had a mild winter above norm temps, I believe spring will continue in this vain, considering all this ramping AGW! So my CET is around 8.5 - 9.0, but with a cooler spell of weather at the beginning of the month I plumb for a very mild 8.8C. MK13
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