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Lightning Hunter

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Posts posted by Lightning Hunter

  1. See the post I made in the ongoing Autumn Discussion thread where I posted the radar accumulation. It really pelted down for several hours this morning!

    My gauge has always been good in relation to locally, highlighted by today's local BBC forecast which showed variations across this region for September between 20mm-48mm, those closest to me having 30mm-37mm which is where my total falls :wacko: .

    Hi Andy, yes, sorry, I haven't had a chance to check the other threads today, been very busy starting uni! :huh:

    Looking into it, some places did indeed record in excess of an inch in your vicinity, plus the radar accumulations. Certainly a wet start to October, statistically, in the last 12 yrs of record for here, the average rainfall doubles from 54mm in September to 111mm in October! That's the warm Channel waters for you!

  2. Nice Buzzard <_<

    We have two pairs in this area, seen daily almost year-round, even in our semi-urban environment. We have enough fields and hedgerows to keep them interested.

    We also have a pair of tawny owls, and they regularly wake me up in the middle of the night when they perch on the streetlamp outside the house and make ungodly squawks!

  3. Snow is very rare down here. The last major snowfall probably occurred in the late 70s, with 1981 providing some too I believe.

    We've been snow free since 2005, settling at least. The average days with snow falling in a year is probably 1-2, with maybe a 2 inch covering once every 2-3 years.

    Our snow tends to come from northerly flows in late Feb/early Mar as the sea is at it's coolest and troughs move south.

  4. I think that life in our universe would generally follow the same pattern, as the laws of physics are the same across the board. There are examples of independent evolution on earth to back up this theory.

    Anyway, we don't even know a definition for 'reality' yet, so all this could be meaningless.

    The more you think about the subject, the more dead-ends you come across - it's fascinating.

  5. It's better than the UK's ancient, 15 min, low res updates that are next to useless in real-time severe weather situations.

    You shouldn't have to pay for access to 5 minute radar IMO. I can get more detail about a storm over New Mexico than I can about one 5 miles down the road. B)

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