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Everything posted by ratty77

  1. change we can apadt the air around us in vastly populated areas so we can live with no risk
  2. what area 51 is supossed to contain aliens though if it does why only there. the military cover-up makes the area look even more fishey
  3. becuase if the increase was spread out over 1000s of years animals would adapt to it
  4. if over 1000s of years we had 80% oxegen then we would have more plants though we do have to limit oxegen levels or the plants will die i think if the earth was at an end having a fag would be the last of our worries
  5. sure we do not want 80% oxegen now but slowely over 1000s of years life on earth will ajust to it and it will improve the earth
  6. the dark is coming slowely but surely each day gets shorter here it is dark at 8
  7. future topics to watch out for Global warming is real NOT! 5--earths end Global warming is real NOT! 6--life eslewere Global warming is real NOT! 7--all again out 1st october/november/december
  8. there are other options to save our plannet two mian ones -wind farms -solar power if everyone had this it would make a major difference to our plannet
  9. trees are one of our options to save the world but another is Global warming is real NOT! 4--other options
  10. you know what i mean it is low much lower than before its 20.946% exacly
  11. all co2 can be got rid of any there are many benafits of this -saving the enviroment -stoping co2 rising -increse oxegen if we had 80% oxegen levels on earth then we would all be more healthy as well becuase we would get more oxegen in our bloodstreem and would be more fit and capable of better things
  12. people just dont know how to keep the co2 emitions down it is simple a plan to wipe out all co2 trees read my new topic Global warming is real NOT! 3--trees
  13. what im trying to say here is that IF global warming is coming it is coming very slowely and that people are the main reason read Global warming is real NOT!2---humans
  14. christmas are you sick of christmas bieng advertised so early each year and every year the adverts come earlyer in the year at the end of MARCH i got a 'christmas book' in the post
  15. it was proven in a program that a scientist descovered that it was sunspots
  16. there is a terible creature that one day will kill you when you dont expect them and do awful things US we are very very slowly contributing to climate change though more than everyone is saying we do not cause all of it as i said in Global warming is real NOT!1 its the sun but it is our fault as well we do not care like in dumped on channel 4 people wont change they will keep on ruwerning the plannet all the time that mans way
  17. ok people say that the increase in temprature is to do with global warming it is not. It is actaully caused by the amount and size of sunspots you know what they are if not heres a pic of them at the bottom did you know that the oxegen in the earths atmosphere is only 9% but on mercury it is 40% and that is why millions of years ago things on the earth were much biger than they are today SUNSPOTS ratty77 if you matched a global warming chart to a sunspot chart they are identical witch some scintists found out quite recently. This proves that global warming is not real there is proof. we do contriute a little though. for more info about us contributing read Global warming is real NOT! 2
  18. Now you're just being silly. Everyone knows the Earth is flat. the earth is not flat!!! it would look better in 2d though
  19. cool an asome array of pictures a good contrast heres a pic i have
  20. its getting colder in the morinings and next thing you know you can see your breath
  21. The first sunrise and sunset dates for quite a while th 5th 6th and 7th of september05:25-18:46___05:26-18:44___05:28-18:42 Just some more sunrise sunset times 8th 9th and 10th of september 05:30-18:39___05:31-18:37___05:33-18:35
  22. can u feel that very slight chill in the air today around the end of the summer holidays u can feel it. its getting much darker now everyday ill post the sunset hours on this forum topic so check every day to see what it is updates after 3pm thanks ratty77 todays daylight houres 2nd september 2007 Date Sunrise Sunset This daySep 2 6:19AM 7:54 PM 13h 34m 56s
  23. there is alot of storms recently today as in 17th july in harpendon there was a massive storm with lots of rain and lightning it was a very heavy downpoor and i recon there is going to be alot of storms around and i dont think that this is going to be a very sunny summer this year. Oh well better luck next year then Article by Ratty77
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