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  1. forget abouth of gw,proof that gw is a fraud is in google look in videos the great warming global,the only truth is that we are aproaching the total CAOS betwen 2010 and 2020 and the worth thing is that is a natural cicle and we cant do nothing to stop it the solar system is crossing an interestelar cloud which explain the changes happening in the lates years in the sun and the rest of the planet including the earth.we can say that the planet is under a a big presure and every day will grow more and more until the CAOS happen the old civilization LOS MAYAS they called this LA GRIETA OSCURA(THE DARK HOLE) ,whith relation have the sun with the earth,accordind to VIKTOR BOKOV(predict earthquaque whith 70 90 per cent of acuracy) the climate change is absolutely relate with the sun,volcanic and sismic activitates,in the next years this activitates will increases,tha not allthis will result in many earthquaques ,volcanic eruption and tsunamis,they believe that the great volcano of Yellowstone that in last year have register an anormalities,example the ground have raise 7cm,every 60000 years happen a big eruption in Yellowstone the last was 64000 years ago,this eruption could take the hole planet and extint the life ,and also create a glacial age that can happen with the double solar minimun forecast betwen 2012-2030.In the last 50 years we can observe more solar activitates that from history going back to GALILEO The doctor VIKTOR BOKOV from AARI(intitution for investigation of artic and antartic),the main in the world and the only one to forecast the tsunami in the indico ocean say with the base metereological index Vanghenheim-Girs that we are aproaching an ICE AGE,that will star in 2010 and will have his peak in 2090.in 2006 Dr. Kabhibullo Abdusamatov chief of the russian space station in america the similar is NASA refuses the tesis of KIOTO,say exactly the same,in 6 ,9 years we will star a mini ice age,many expert scientific of the sun, Solanky o Soon y Baliunas, de la Universidad de harvard ,make the same forecast. Theodor Landscheidt was the only one to predict El Niño,also in the 1990 was talking abouth of the incoming mini ice age because we are aproaching the minimun of Gleissberg of 2030. from there came all the cool weather tha the world as a hole have been havening(not uk by now) .all acording to the solar cicle of Suess of 180 years,also came the cooling down because the period of minimun of Dalton del XIX have finish...........will continue 2morrow as i have more information sorry 4 my english i am spanish and probably have make many ortografic mistake bye 4 now :blink:
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