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Everything posted by CattleBat

  1. Thanks Billythesquid. I will pack suntan lotion rather than umbrellas then.
  2. Hi, I apologise for asking this, but I am off to Cuba (Havana & Varadero) on Thursday for two weeks and I am wondering if Hurricane Florence or anything else could be heading that way? I have experienced 2 hurricanes in the past and I am hoping for a nice sunny holiday this time for a change, but would like to be prepared if something looks as though it could threaten Cuba. I have read the thread, but I have very little technical understanding as far as the weather is concerned (see my previous storm reports ). If anyone could advise I would be grateful. Apologies once again for the 'will it snow/thunder/hurricane in my area?' line of questioning. Cheers Jane
  3. Storm in Redditch from around 8.45pm to 9.30pm (still some occasional rumbles now). Regular lightning averaging perhaps 1 strikes per 3 minutes with some floorshakers thrown in. As you can tell, I'm not very technical, but at least you get the idea
  4. Yup, I got one too. Constant tooing and froing from my rose bush on the patio. The nest is being made in the soil contained in the plant pot. Last year we had one making a nest in the gaps in the slabs on the patio. It was quite comical to watch especially when the leaf was too big or the bee forgot which gap to go down.
  5. Well here is my first ever entry in the photo competition. This was taken on 4 July 2006 from my back garden. Some of you have already seen this as I put it on the storm discussion forum.
  6. Storm passed over Redditch Worcs. Rumbles heard from approx 5pm ending at about 5.50pm. Think I was on the southern edge of the storm though the thunder was was quite loud at times. Storm passed off to the East of me.
  7. CattleBat


    From the album: 4 July 2006

    Just before it exploded into life
  8. CattleBat

    4 July 2006

    Storm forming
  9. CattleBat


    From the album: 4 July 2006

    Something's a brewing
  10. CattleBat


    From the album: 4 July 2006

    Here's another!
  11. CattleBat


    From the album: 4 July 2006

    1st attempt at this...apologies if it goes pearshaped and ends up where it shouldn't :blush:

    © J Murray

  12. Storm - Redditch started about 5.30pm. Moved off eastwards, but still faint rumbles being heard.
  13. Just to stick my oar in...I would like to see a better variant between cloud and non-cloud cover on the new graphics - My reason - I'm colour blind, or rather I have colour deficencies, which means I struggle differenciating between greys/greens, pink/grey, red/brown. I for one am really having problems with the forecast. Also, I'd like to see Birmingham (or anywhere in the Midlands) shown :lol:
  14. Light flurries of snow here about 10 mins ago. Now stopped
  15. Just started snowing here in Redditch :unsure: Very light at the moment, but the wind is blowing it about, making it look heavier than it is!
  16. Thanks STORMGUY, I thought the rumbles was next door neighbour hammering. Right time to hide :? Oh I'm in Redditch by the way!
  17. OMG. We have sleet, snow, v. high winds and thunder and lightning The sky is so dark. Now a ccomplete white out :shock:
  18. It had been snowing here for nearly 2 hours, but stopped about 15 minutes ago. Hold on...it's just started sleeting again. Maybe there is hope for later. I just wish the white stuff would settle - in 3 ft drifts preferably.
  19. It's been snowing here (south of Birmingham) for the last 2 hours, but most of it is turning to slush when it hits the ground. I hope we get something that lasts and is deep for a few days. It's not too much to ask for...is it? :roll:
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