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Everything posted by Jax

  1. Way Hey! (just need to get warm first under the fluffy fleece throw I live under whilst taking what heat I can from the flat screen telly)
  2. Not had any rain here for ooohh hours now, so must be due some more then.
  3. Afternoon all Another day survived at the coal face (also know as the office), feeling nippy out and trying to decide if there is a potential ice/frost risk later in the night that may be an issue in the morning once the rain clears, certainly hope not. Well had a semi lazy weekend so it is back to the jobs round the house that need doing, ho hum.
  4. dammit! is that on tonight? bugger (iPlayer again then) Oh dear, you just cannot help some people.
  5. Oh dear is winter over again just one month in? *sigh* Better clean the BBQ then.
  6. They get worse I swear... Indeed, interesting times coming for the weather methinks.
  7. Evening all wet out again, thought we were done with the rain, oh well. Not nice out that is for sure, reminds me of my horsey days when at a time like this I would be coming home from the stables after an afternoon hack before mucking out and sorting feed and rugging up.
  8. does anyone still take any notice of JM these days?
  9. never was anyway, just the doom sayers getting in there again.
  10. My neice is a year and a bit now and very mobile, and cannot visit me anymore as I cannot "safe" the house and move everything 4' off the ground here
  11. Utter rubbish, more building on areas prone to flooding and then defences put in to divert the flooding that just moves the problem not solve it, a defence does not make the flood waters vanish.
  12. Looking at the radar the the tail end of that rain band looks possible to pay us a visit a bit later, good news is it seems relatively narrow so should pass quickly.
  13. Giving the car a quick charge (battery is knackered and I have no dosh for a new one at present), then a stroll to the next village (been invited for dinner) so may go again via the park if this fine weather holds for the rest of the afternoon. Still bright here but the cloud is filling in the once blue skies here now, but hope to not see any rain until atleast after dark. Nippy out still @5.8oC but not feeling cold as there is hardly any breeze out there.
  14. Glad to see you back Jan Sometimes a bit of perspective is needed.
  15. @bjaykent & Steve C fantastic pictures! Sad to admit I stayed in bed as I rarely get to sleep in past 05:30 most days so missed the breaking dawn, did get to see the frost though.
  16. trying to work out where that pic was taken, it is not Willen i'm pretty sure of that.
  17. The problem with the MAD thread is all the ME ME ME posters in there, they only look for what they want rather than what we will get. Regards winter being over, utter tosh! we are barely into the first month and stat wise we see more *Winter* from end Jan through to March than at any other time.
  18. Morning all, Frosty and crisp out (not that I have been outside any further than the bin) 0.3oC at present so I suspect whilst I was lazing about in bed until 09:00 it just might have fallen below zero (stopped up late last night to watch the Bridge on BBC4 *and still fell asleep I was that tired*). Looks like another nice day to be had before the poo arrives again from the west.
  19. Evening peeps been watching BBC4 No frost here yet, but sure it is coming.
  20. Oh yes, over large lakes the skies can seem huge and go on forever (have a few pictures I have taken over the last few years that show this), I am striving to turn my photos into art (still very ongoing at this time mind).
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