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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. At present. I'd agree... hence my preference for the military (or what's left of them) to run the country until May 2015. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– And during that time new rules for candidate selection must be instituted by the Electoral Commission: 1. No one can be selected as a candidate for any party unless they have lived in their constituency for 10 years 2. No one can be selected as a candidate for any party unless they have spent at least 10 years working outside politics, including local government/quangos etc. 3. No one can be selected as a candidate for any party unless they have made at least 5 years NI and tax contributions 4. The power of recall. Candidates must sign that if 60% of their constituents are dissatisfied with their performance once they are MPs, they must submit to a fresh selection procedure and be suspended while it takes place. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Here's a little gem from a couple of years ago from the Environment Minister at the time... http://www.thegwpf.org/uk-environment-minister-warns-climate-change-threatens-dry-winters/ You don't know whether to laugh or cry.
  2. Don't forget the old Fill up the Bath trick. Learned that in the 1987 Hurricane. If you live on a hill and the electricity's off you won't get any more water than what's in your tank. A full bath holds @ 50 litres. So if you've got a couple of bathrooms you can store 100 litres of drinking water.
  3. Agree. Look up Dr. Henrik Svensmark - there's a series of 6 brilliant videos called 'the Cloud Mystery' on YouTube (it starts in Danish but the rest is English so don't get put off). He's been right all along... but has been viciously attacked for his views by everyone - even the head of the MetO who stood up in one of his lectures and told him he shouldn't be 'allowed' to conduct his experiment at CERN (it's on film). I'd heard about him and expected to see some 'elderly mad professor' type from his press write-ups, but he's youngish and looks a thoroughly sensible, decent and intelligent scientist.
  4. MKSnowAngel You posted a warning of ice tonight. Watching Sky News: they say it's because of 'climate change' so in other words this mild wet winter proves warming in their opinion (despite temperatures flatlining or slightly declining for the last 17 years). So we're supposed to believe it's so warm we got rain all winter, but at the same time there's ice forecast for the region, which means it's cold. In the words of Little Britain (my one), "The computer says NO!" They're mad.
  5. Dad was a FEPOW on the Burma-Siam Railway. He said if you boiled them they kept for weeks and weeks.
  6. If I were David Cameron, Nick Clegg or Ed Miliband and the most populous parts of the country slowly flooding or being evacuated - I'd be playing this... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGmAmJFUvzM&feature=kp Hope they go and the military take over for a year until the 2015 elections. I've had enough!
  7. Is that because they've raised the Thames Barrier and now the water can't get out? Think of all those poor interior designers who have their show homes ruined.... ordinary people too of course. Never mind - all the politicians live in Notting HILL or Primrose HILL - they'll be fine.
  8. Some newspaper ought to print that on its front page. Like the Snow Britain one a few years ago... Just seen my friend who was sacked from his job of 25 years with the National Rivers Authority (has a degree from Cirencester) when the Environment Agency took over river and watercourse management back in 2000. He had some 'interesting' things to say upon the matter. He's staying with my sister while his wife's having chemo in Cambridge. He ought to be on TV and explain to people what's been going on (or more accurately NOT been going on) for the last 14 years. There is no one better qualified to do so as he used to travel the length and breadth of the country all week inspecting rivers and other watercourses and deciding whether they needed attention.
  9. You ought to get into Prof. Henrik Svensmark whose theory on cosmic rays and cloud formation combined with the effects of the Sun's magnetic field creates and controls our climate. Eventually after much opposition from the scientific 'concensus' he was allowed to do the experiment at the CERN laboratories which partially proved his theory was correct — cosmic rays DO ionize clouds. More research to be done. This set of 6 videos tells the story.... and anyone interested in weather or climate should watch them.
  10. Thanks John I'm going to ring them first thing tomorrow and say that having the builders in next week is a definite no no. They'd have to take up the carpet and everything otherwise - unless the builders can nail up some chipboard, but I doubt that would be sensible either. Better to wait for calmer weather.
  11. Me too, for different reasons... I notice if pressure drops or rises quickly I get headaches which are worse in a drop of pressure which is down to 965mb now. This afternoon the SW wind was whipping across the field it was pushing me when I returned home to my NE. Lots more big crack willows down or about to come in the wood - feel sorry for the smaller trees they're about to smash.
  12. Tamara or John - just rang my Dad and they've bought a window to be installed in their sitting room next week - it's really dark in there. Work was due to start on Monday but I implored him to put it off until the weather's calmed down - especially Tuesday. What I need to know is what about that 'rapid cyclogenesis low on our doorstep" low Tamara mentioned a couple of days ago. I don't want them to have a 4'x 6' hole on a SW facing wall next week. Anyone help?
  13. You're such a wit But what sort of person gives false information to the police on a night like tonight? But al least I managed to head off a Defender LandRover with about 5 little kids in the back on their way back from a party. So their Mum turned around and weren't at risk.
  14. Unsurprising people are getting killed by trees and I'll tell you why... Drove down our lane to the village shop at about 4:45pm. Noticed an oak branch which didn't look quite right (this same tree split and fell in half a couple of years ago). Got the shopping and came back. Stopped because now this heavy branch had become detached from the tree and was dangling about 20 feet above the lane about to fall. So pulled into the property and alerted its owner to the danger. Meanwhile got back in car and parked with my hazard lights on in case anyone else drove by. This owner said he'd called the police/fire brigade and then told me very rudely to 'Push off home" I said no I was staying put until the police arrived as other drivers should be warned about the branch. Then he got really nasty so I drove as fast as I could under the branch and phoned the police to tell them about the incident, but they said don't worry it's being dealt with. They've just phoned back to say they'd visited the house and there was no problem. I said that is impossible, no one could have got rid of a branch that size in the time and gave them the right address. Turned out this bloke had deliberately directed the police to the WRONG house - a neighbouring one down the lane so he wouldn't get in trouble for having a dangerous tree on his property! I'm still shaking my head in disbelief... hope the police throw the book at him (he made the emergency call and they're recorded — there is no way you can confuse the two house names) and hope no one was hurt as that branch has been hanging over the lane for 2 hours.
  15. Well SAID Tamara! Stick it to them Girl! I'll put a Serbo-Croat one on the end of mine in solidarity. I was just thinking in the shower how boring things have become on the Model Thread - anyone remember the Home Boy Snow Monster's posts of a few years back which were allowed and un-modded? Better still has anyone archived them?
  16. Daily Mirror readers don't agree with having their own country. They're international socialists.
  17. We have the same problem with our Border terrier. Solution is either one of those collars which shocks them (don't like that) or just wire fencing off a small portion of the garden. It's what I'm going to do this Spring. By next year the hedge will have grown through and will hide the wire. We have 3 doors - 2 at the front and 1 side, through which he'll try to escape every time someone calls. The garden door doesn't matter much as he sticks with me and the other dog if we're off for a walk down the garden and onto the track. If just that little bit of the garden is wired off, I can catch him before he does his great escape act. Remember 2010? He got out after a lady dog in season in the village (a Rottweiler) and came back at 4 am with long icicles hanging from his whiskers. On topic - it's raining - quelle surprise.
  18. OK John - gotcha. I'm worried about my car which my husband is taking into Cambridge for a college lunch tomorrow... the Trinity College car park on the Backs has some rather large trees and I'm worried that one of them will come down on it while he's quaffing wine and tucking into his lunch. PS About the fencing, plant a hedge instead. Much better at filtering wind, lasts forever, better for wildlife, only needs one trim a year (none at all for the first 2 years) and it's grown up in no time if you pick the right sort of hedging. We find Hornbeam does very well in EA - better than beech and a lot quicker. A couple of bundles of bare-root hedging costs peanuts. dig a trench or just drive the spade in to slit the soil, stick in hedging. For example we planted a bare root hornbeam hedge around our veg and fruit gardens about 5 years ago — one section around the fruit cage is 8 ft high now - it's keeping the wind out and creates a warm micro climate for the fruit. You couldn't have better conditions for getting a hedge established than right now. The soil is nice and well watered so the roots will get going and there hasn't been proper cold to lower its temperature - in an ordinary year it's best to plant in early November, late October. I simply don't understand why people struggle with panel fencing.
  19. No the black refers to swell or wave height. Black = very high waves over 30 ft. The notched arrows are the wind speed. I've got a chart somewhere showing how many notches means what sort of wind speed.... there you go... in knots, mph is higher John: "will tilt and drop further south through tomorrow..." Oh dear. I thought it would just keep heading NE...
  20. That low centre looks further north than I'd thought it would be... is that windier for us in EA (NIMBY) or less windy?
  21. My 4 year old niece told us her nursery school teacher had read them 'The Wind in the Willies'.
  22. Our little barometer says the pressure is dropping like a stone, I tapped it a few minutes ago and it had fallen by 8 mb in 10 minutes now at 987. Here we go!
  23. But do they hook up to a computer so you can read and record them on file? Husband says the cheapo ones are only for going outside and looking at. Is he right or wrong?
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