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Phil UK

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Posts posted by Phil UK

  1. Can someone please explain to me how storms could still form over night?

    Won't there be naff all diurnal heating due to the sun gradually disappearing.

    Do big storms really have any chance of forming late evening/midnight??

    Doesn't make sense to me but i'm sure half of you have more knowledge than me about this!

    They can, and do, UKSupercell. I remember September 1993 and a small but active cold front was passing through, then at around 2:00am, all hell was let loose with backbuilding storms which crossed over the Midlands and progressed NNE. Maybe Ian (TWS) or some other knowledgeable person on here can verify this?

    Now talk about 'out of the blue'. That was literally unexpected given in mind that it was cloudy, humid but the BBC forecast said for a clear night for many areas. So maybe there is a distinct possibility that history could repeat itself?

    Currently looking at the radar and something looking rather interesting towards the Bristol area. But after many years of disappointment, you get used to it.


  2. How unbelievably annoying :wallbash:

    It's like I've won a life supply of doughnuts but I've got my mouth sewn up.

    I like that analogy, Lauren. :) But I share your pain.

    My last entry in the NSC went...

    "If recent Spanish plumes, (Circa 2007) are anything to go by then I shall, I shall not be moved! It's that dang Solihull shield. But we'll see."

    Now... Woke up (at stoopid O'clock because it was too warm to sleep) and out I went as had something to do. 28.1ºc at 11:30am and with plenty of Alt Cas moving in from the diurnal storms over Biscay overnight.

    But apart from the thundery looking skies which was akin to June 2005 when the Spanish plume did pay off back then with evening thunderstorms, all Solihull has had are short periods of moderate rain.

    Even travelled down as far south as Stratford-upon-Avon, (so wasn't that far from Cheltenham, Jayne. :D ) same threatening skies but again, just rain in sporadic dribs and drabs. Got back here at 5:30pm and now sunny again but, with a fair amount of Altocumulus passing by.

    Current temp : 24ºc

    DP : 16ºc

    So my NSC thesis was right it seems about me being yet still storm starved, yet this is the best opportunity we've had for many a Summer to date. I do wonder if the MeTO do overplay such weather issues, more so in Winter when snow seems imminent, but comes to no avail.

    But good luck anyway, the evening is young. B)


  3. Try living in Solihull. This time last year we'd already had two. 1st May 2010 being the most notable with the marble sized hail and most frequent intracloud lightning which came out of literally nowhere.

    8th June 2011... The 'Solihull Scraper'...


    But missed us by a few miles but the base was awesome to watch.

    Maybe next time, otherwise still nada in this part of the country.


  4. probably not - the forecast for your location is 27C with heavy snow starting at 11.54pm then thick fog for 23 days

    You forgot the meteor storm followed by supersized Coronal Mass Ejections from the Sun. And all over Middlesex.

    Meanwhile, here in Solihull the weather is pretty dull, bland, nothing happening. In fact... It's really sh...



  5. would it be tempting fate to start a new thread... lights flickering, next doors dog havin a howlywoof, mine haven't dashed up the stairs yet, though.

    Not at all, Tara. A good tip would be to turn on your radio and select an empty AM station. Then if any loud crackling can be heard, you know that lightning is not too far away. be it CG (Cloud Ground) or CC

    (Cloud Cloud. Also known as sheet lightning).


  6. Great reports coming from Wiltshire! Sounds like a corker though I think it is moving too far NWwards to affect this area unless the backbuilding stuff can expand enough to clip this location.

    It is certainly very breezy out there now and I can see complete cloud cover lit up by the city lights.

    Has hardly moved since 10:30pm.

    You lucky bas... people down there in Wiltshire. ;-)

    @ Lewisosd : Potential is there. But don't take as gospel.

    @ BrightinBrighton : Looking likely if upper winds prevail and push further north west and then might just skirt your area.

    @ Quantomsnow : Last time I saw a situation like this, a MCS developed over the Midlands at around 2.am and that was back in 1992. Anything is possible with colliding air masses.


  7. Tonight, Tara. Given the unpredictability of the atmosphere. Unexpected storm in Wiltshire (Not too far from you, Jane Louise! :D ) but does look good on the radar. I think anything goes tonight.

    Even cells developing over the Channel. Have seen before or possibly anaprop?

    Good luck all. Have a safe night. May your God. (Thor in this case!) go with you.


  8. Satellite looks inocuous over your way, David but radar suggests otherwise. I may be wrong in my thinking that the METO have misjudged this forecast for the south and east of England tonight.

    I was looking at cloud structure right above me earlier on today and it was pretty much stationary but had the foretelling of a HP boundary/LP cloud, Altocumulus Castellanus. Perfect recipe for a thundery breakdown.


  9. JANE!!

    We want these good people to leave this club, not promote members to join. And how many clubs can say that we want you NOT to join. (I'm still here and looks like for the forseeable future!) dry.gif

    No storms to date, but for those of you living in the Kent/Sussex area tonight. Might just, (and I only say 'might') get an imported clipper from the developments over France in the next 2/3 hours.

    Best of luck.


  10. Good question, Supercell.

    Now if Twitter (Which I do not use. Only Facebook on occasions.) is based in the US then they are exempt from UK juristiction so you can post whatever you want about who and whatever.

    But I can also see Paul's point of view as this is primarily a UK based weather forum, although requiring membership and a password to access certain areas. I think we should wait until those 'powers that be' removes such an antiquated ruling. (Which will probably be the Twelth of Never!)


  11. Norfolk Sheep, if I scream, then that will be in celebration of a storm. Usually a rarity as they develop above and move north above me. (5th May anyone?) but I promise not to wake anyone if I do. :)

    And Jane Louise, unless a repeat of 1976, then I'll keep the No Rain Club on hold... Although last week was very tempting.


  12. Yes Phil I agree with you!this club is a fun club and was made for the sole purpose for members to come here and stress out about their lack of storms. To me a couple rumbles of thunder do not count as a storm!! I've seen a few violent ones in the past and a clap of thunder really doesn't make my storm

    Better than I'm receiving at this time. 23rd September 2010 was my last evening storm and had to wait over 15 years for that..

    I really don't want this thread to turn into an argument! (Could do without all that :(:rolleyes:) It's been going really well too.

    The trials and tribulations, Jane. But also the frustrarions too. But no arguing please.

    All in all A storm is what you make of it .:) (If that makes sense I'm still half asleep Lol)

    So am I. Need brain to boot up properly. :huh:


  13. some of you are really amusing, you see lightning, hear thunder, but its still not classed as a thunderstorm!

    Best you read the official definition or change the title of the thread I think?

    John is correct..

    Myself and Jane Louise configure that a storm is either overhead or very nearly so where thunder and lightning is very close by, and not as in my case some 25 miles away. (al la 5th May 2011, and the reason why I'm still here. dry.gif )

    It's the only club in existance where we don't want members to join, but to leave, hence which I see some of you already have after yesterday. :D But still early May and have June, July, August and September to go yet.. (Even I may get lucky, or is that just wishful thinking? :cc_confused: )


  14. think you better check that radar again mate and look at roun, caen area.. unless we have some block across this region that will kill them off then il understand.

    Trust me, Nanu.

    Best chance so far of storms so far this Spring. But I empathise with inland storms, as well as storms in your area so you're not alone if all else fails this weekend.

    I'm so used to it.


  15. i know its a bit tough to judge.. but would u say thats on a london bound course or probably gonna shoot up the western side of london... or miss completely??

    looks like i might be up late at this rate... and radar watching

    I think a far better chance for you tomorrow, Nanu and those living in the south east. Diurunal heating will trigger off daytime and evening storms. Possible imports too.


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