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Posts posted by magicpatch

  1. Still a bit more cloud around as the BBC where claiming yesterday, its a bit more like what they where saying eariler in the week that the cloud will eventually clear but might not be until the evening rather than from about 9am as they said yesterday (not seen a forecast today)

    Presently 13.1c, not blue skys although the sun is poking its head through now and again. Still fairly breezy.

  2. About to head off, so last update from me today, cloud has brewed up in the last 30mins, temp has dropped 0.5c to 17.8c now which is 1c down on this time yesterday. Wind has picked up a little bit too and the radar shows more cloud moving in from France.

    The sun is trying to break through the cloud again but it seems like yesterday we are in for a cloudier evening after a warm but rather hazy day.

  3. Hmm that cloud pushing into the South East might explain what is happening here, still not broken 18c here, lots of Haze, still a bit of a breeze, temps peaked at 18.8c yesterday at around 3.30 so it might need to hurry up if it's going to beat that (although the cloud that came yesterday afternoon didn't help the temps)

  4. 19.2C, sunny, haze, wind from the E, 1005mb.

    Wow, temp has risen to 17c here now, still down on this time yesterday tho. Rising at 0.8c an hour. Still a bit breezy which explains why its slightly cooler than yesterday still. It's sunny but not wall to wall blue skies, bit of a Haze.

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