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Everything posted by Albireo380

  1. 6pm BST this evening: Rel Pressure 998.0 hPa temperature 15.4 degrees C Humidity 80% Wind speed 11mph Wind direction WNW Cloudy day, with a short rain shower 5.45-6.15pm. By 8pm 3 Oktas cloud cover. Tom
  2. Also warm, cloudy and very humid here (Glasgow, Scotland). At 21.00 BST Temp' 19.4c Max' today 21.5c Wind speed 5.3 mph, from the NW Pressure 989.8 (falling) Sunshine of around 3hrs today Rain from 2-3.30pm of 4mm Hope it is less sticky where you are. Tom
  3. Yes - the pursute of knowledge is what raises us above the rest of the Animal Kingdom. When we stop being curious about the Universe and stop spending resources on Science, we are a finished species. Once we have used up all this Planet's resources, then we need to be able to go elsewhere. The step to the Moon is a small one, but it is a start. Those that say we didn't go there are causing political difficulty for those that wish to spend resources on Science - they are therefore doing Humanity a dis-service. The could have put the money used to bail the banks out to good use - Space research/physics is only one thing that money could have bought. There is no such thing as "useless knowledge", just knowledge that we don't have an immediate use for - but one day we will. Okay - strong views, but something I feel strongly about. Rant over : ) Tom
  4. I love the images Pete. I am a keen amateur astronomer and help my local Astro Soc run public events. Frequently I find myself up in front of 20-30 members of the Public, going on about Lunar craters, mountains and rilles. I often get someone asking if the Moon landings were faked. My usual initial response (one has to be polite when in front of the Public) is to ask the likelyhood of the secret of it being faked being kept - with thousands of people needed to get Apollo astronauts on the Moon. That usually causes a laugh in the room, as people try to imagine hundreds of Americans keeping such a secret. Below is an interesting link to the NASA website - the recently lauched LRO now has the resolution to show up the Landers - resolution will improve in the future, so the misguided people who don't believe that Humans landed on the Moon will have more and more to juggle with, in their attempt to keep their conspiracy theory going. I don't blame them, they are ill-informed and misguided. The people I want to punch are those who make money out of this type of lie-peddling. I do remember seeing a guy being decked by an Apollo Astornaut (it might have been Buzz Aldrin) when he asked why the Astronaut had been part of a cover up for so long. It was a good right hook too : ) I guess the above is a long winded way of saying "YES - 24 people landed on the Moon between 1969 and 1972 - one of the crowning achievements of the 20th Century". http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/LRO/mult...pollosites.html Bet the sceptics say the images on the link are faked - there is nothing like compromising your intelligence in the pursuit of a good conspiracy theory. : ) Bet this post riles (or should that be rilles) a few folk : ) Cheers Tom
  5. They radiate out from the area around the Constellation of Perseus, which will be NE, about 25 degrees above the horizon (from the UK) just after midnight. So look generally North Easterly and expect to see "shooting stars" that radiate away from the area you are looking at. Naked eye is best, perhaps supplemented with wide angle, low power binoculars, as these fellas move fast, and only last about a second. If you are lucky you might see the odd fireball or two, where a streak of fire is left hanging across the sky for several seconds after the object has burned up in our upper atmosphere. Probably cloudy here tonight (Glasgow) but here's hoping. Tom
  6. Glasgow, Scotland, 6pm local time Rainy t0day - 7 Oktas cloud at 6pm Temp 16.8°C, Min / Max in last 24hrs 12.8°C / 19.3°C Pressure (Rel) 977.8 falling, Min / Max in last 24hrs 976.3.5 / 980.7 Rain 32.1mm in last 24hrs Humidity 73%, Min / Max in last 24hrs 61% / 97% Wind ENE 1.8Kmph, Min / Max in last 24hrs 0.0 / 6.3Kmph Better day today, some heavy rain, but fair in between.
  7. Glasgow, Scotland, 6pm local time Rainy tday - 8 Oktas at 6pm Temp 19.1°C, Min / Max in last 24hrs 7.9°C / 19.9°C Pressure (Rel) 981.5 falling, Min / Max in last 24hrs 981.5 / 997.8 Rain7.3mm in last 24hrs Humidity 86%, Min / Max in last 24hrs 48% / 95% Wind ENE 1.8Kmph, Min / Max in last 24hrs 0.0 / 3.6Kmph Wet and unpleasant day
  8. Glasgow, Scotland, 6pm local time Fair today - 2 Oktas at 6pm Temp 20.3°C, Min / Max in last 24hrs 10.9°C / 22.2°C Pressure (Rel) 997.8 rising, Min / Max in last 24hrs 993.3 / 997.9 Rain0.0mm in last 24hrs Humidity 51%, Min / Max in last 24hrs 40% / 90% Wind ENE 1.8Kmph, Min / Max in last 24hrs 0.0 / 3.6Kmph Reasonable day.
  9. You live in a beautiful part of the Country, Shadow. I am up your way hillwalking and "Munro bagging" a couple of times a year. Usually in reasonable weather. Like the Chocolate Lab as well - Lovely dog. Tom
  10. I heard the weather warnings for Strathclyde (inc. Glasgow area) on the Radio this morning at 8am. It did rain here in Glasgow today, but only about 15mm since 8am. But the weather warning seemed a bit extreme for what we actually got. It seems that Edinburgh got it instead. Sorry to hear that the East of the Country is getting it bad. Maybe the Met Office should use a "weather stone". If it's wet, its raining, white - it's snowing, dry - it's probably cloudy, bright - it's sunny, or if you can't see it - it's foggy. Tom
  11. Glasgow, Scotland, 6pm local time Cloudy today - 8 Oktas at 6pm Temp 15.3°C, Min / Max in last 24hrs 10.7°C / 16.9°C Pressure (Rel) 990.0 steady, Min / Max in last 24hrs 990.4 / 993.0 Rain19.6mm in last 24hrs Humidity 79%, Min / Max in last 24hrs 73% / 96% Wind ENE 1.8Kmph, Min / Max in last 24hrs 0.0 / 7.8Kmph Summer, Huh !
  12. Glasgow, Scotland, 6pm local time Cloudy today - 8 Oktas at 6pm Temp 17.3°C, Min / Max in last 24hrs 10.3°C / 22.4°C Pressure (Rel) 994.3 steady, Min / Max in last 24hrs 993.4 / 995.8 Rain 0.0mm in last 24hrs Humidity 71%, Min / Max in last 24hrs 46% / 93% Wind NE 2.8Kmph, Min / Max in last 24hrs 0.0 / 9.3Kmph Just started drizzling now (6.45pm)
  13. Not much chance of the River Clyde running dry, it is chucking it down here .... again. Yet another warm, cloudy and rainy Summer ... I long for those hot, sunny Summers that West Central Scotland got in 1976 and several times more over the subsequent few years. Not had a "good, dry Summer" up here for Yonks. Can I sell you some water? ..... Anyone? Joking apart ... interesting quotes Mr Data.
  14. Glasgow, Scotland, 6pm local time Mainly cloud today, but started drizzling at 5pm - 8 Oktas at 6pm Temp 19.3°C, Min / Max in last 24hrs 16.9°C / 21.1°C Pressure (Rel) 992.9 falling, Min / Max in last 24hrs 992.8 / 998.9 Rain 0.5mm in last hour and in last 24hrs Humidity 81%, Min / Max in last 24hrs 61% / 93% Wind E 0.0Kmph, Min / Max in last 24hrs 0.0 / 6.1Kmph A very sticky, oppresive day, with rain now on the way.
  15. Glasgow, Scotland, 6pm local time Mix of sun and cloud today - 4 Oktas at 6pm Temp 21.9°C, Min / Max in last 24hrs 13.3°C / 23.0°C Pressure (Rel) 997.5 rising, Min / Max in last 24hrs 992.7 / 997.5 Rain 0.0mm in last 24hrs Humidity 70%, Min / Max in last 24hrs 55% / 94% Wind NE 0.0Kmph, Min / Max in last 24hrs 0.0 / 18.0Kmph
  16. Glasgow, Scotland, 6pm local time Cloudy, rainy day - 8 Oktas at 6pm Temp 17.2°C, Min / Max in last 24hrs 15.4°C / 23.4°C Pressure (Rel) 992.8 rising, Min / Max in last 24hrs 992.4 / 1000.0 Rain 9.3mm in last 24hrs - 6.7mm rain from 5.15-5.25pm (cloudburst) Humidity 92%, Min / Max in last 24hrs 56% / 95% Wind ESE 0.0Kmph, Min / Max in last 24hrs 0.0 / 10.4Kmph
  17. Glasgow, Scotland, 6pm local time Beautiful day today, started with cloud, but turned into a scorcher - 0 Oktas at 6pm Temp 24.3°C, Min / Max in last 24hrs 12.0°C / 25.8°C Pressure (Rel) 999.8 rising, Min / Max in last 24hrs 999.8 / 1003.8 Rain 0.0mm in last 24hrs Humidity 54%, Min / Max in last 24hrs 47% / 95% Wind ESE 2.5Kmph, Min / Max in last 24hrs 0.0 / 11.5Kmph Started off the day (7.30am) with mist and dew on the grass (somewhat to my surprise), but at that time the humidity was still 94%. After the mist burned off (about 9.00am) it turned into a lovely sunny day and the humidity dropped to 50% by 5pm.
  18. Glasgow, Scotland, 6pm local time Beautiful day today, started with high hazy cloud, but turned into a scorcher - 0 Oktas at 6pm Temp 26.1°C, Min / Max in last 24hrs 14.9°C / 27.0°C Pressure (Rel) 1002.4 rising, Min / Max in last 24hrs 1001.1 / 1003.1 Rain 0.0mm in last 24hrs Humidity 45%, Min / Max in last 24hrs 39% / 92% Wind E 0.0Kmph, Min / Max in last 24hrs 0.0 / 1.8Kmph Hotest day of the Summer, here, so far.
  19. Glasgow, Scotland, 6pm local time Cloudy most of the day, but a little brighter now - 7 Oktas at 6pm Temp 22.3°C, Min / Max in last 24hrs 15.4°C / 24.4°C Pressure (Rel) 1000.4 steady, Min / Max in last 24hrs 994.0 / 1000.7 Rain 0.0mm in last 24hrs Humidity 65%, Min / Max in last 24hrs 59% / 92% Wind E 0.0Kmph, Min / Max in last 24hrs 0.0 / 12.9Kmph
  20. On one level, SC, I hope you are right. My part of Scotland has had mild, wet, cloudy weather over the last couple of years. As I am a keen amateur astronomer, a nice cold (and thus clear skies) Winetr would be excellent. Despite the increasing cost of fuel. Tom
  21. Glasgow, Scotland, 6pm local time Sunny most of the day, but a little cloudy now - 4 Oktas by 6pm Temp 22.5°C, Min / Max in last 24hrs 14.6°C / 23.4°C Pressure (Rel) now 994.2, Min / Max in last 24hrs 994.0 / 1001.6 Rain 0.0mm in last 24hrs Humidity 64%, Min / Max in last 24hrs 61% / 89% Wind SE 2.8Kmph, Min / Max in last 24hrs 0.0 / 14.0Kmph
  22. Glasgow, Scotland, 6pm local time Sunny most of the day, but strted to cloud over about 4pm - 6 Oktas by 6pm Temp 21.2°C, Min / Max in last 24hrs 17.6°C / 25.9°C Pressure now 1000.9, Min / Max in last 24hrs 1000.9 / 1007.2 Rain 0.0mm in last 24hrs Humidity 64%, Min / Max in last 24hrs 44% / 88% Wind NW 5.0Kmph, Min / Max in last 24hrs 0.0 / 11.8Kmph
  23. Glasgow, Scotland, 6pm local time Cloudy and humid most of the day. Brightened up around 5pm and is now sunny. Temp 24.9°C, Min / Max in last 24hrs 15.7°C / 26.1°C Pressure now 1006.9, Min / Max in last 24hrs 1006.9 / 1009.2 Rain 0.0mm in last 24hrs Humidity 55%, Min / Max in last 24hrs 53% / 87% Wind NW 1.8Kmph, Min / Max in last 24hrs 0.0 / 5.7Kmph
  24. Glasgow, Scotland, 6pm local time Cloudy and humid all day. Temp 18.7°C, Min / Max in last 24hrs 14.1°C / 20.4°C Pressure now 1007.6, Min / Max in last 24hrs 1006.6 / 1008.7 Rain 0.0mm in last 24hrs Humidity 80%, Min / Max in last 24hrs 54% / 91% Wind NW 0.0Kmph, Min / Max in last 24hrs 0.0 / 3.6Kmph
  25. Glasgow, Scotland, 6pm local time Sunny for most of the day, but clouded over about 3pm Temp 18.7°C, Min / Max in last 24hrs 8.7°C / 21.1°C Pressure 1008.4 Rising, Min / Max in last 24hrs 1003.9 / 1008.5 Rain 0.0mm in last 24hrs Humidity 47%, Min / Max in last 24hrs 33% / 83% Wind NW 1.4Kmph, Min / Max in last 24hrs 0.0 / 9.7Kmph A pleasant sunny day. Tom
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